Good morning to ALL, I have woken today to a grey sky which has shed most of its moisture content overnight and a brief hour of light rain has just subsided. It seems as though we have made a positive start weatherwise I mean, to our autumn season. By the calendar in Europe, autumn officially begins on September 21st.
Here this year in Almería, it has of course, only been noticeable as lightly different to summer up to the beginning of November and yes, at last the temperatures stay under 30ºC! More comfortable conditions therefore but the winter chill will be here before we know it!! How will we all fare in our fridge-box homes with our escalating gas and electricity costs? Where are the renewables?
In today´s blog I am going to share the introduction page of my book with you and give you my thoughts and reasons for those words as an introduction to all that would come from there on. These were for me, the very first words that I wrote down on paper, that day when all came to a head and I had to find a way to maintain my psychological stability.
I had so many thoughts reeling around in my mind. COVID-19 and the poor decision making at the top level which was leading to the loss of so much human life, combined with the poor decision making of much of our global populations which was leading to mass transmission of this lethal virus.
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It was the Maimónides quote from Córdoba that really nailed it for me. I will quote him again, "The risk of taking a poor/erroneous decision is preferable to the paralysis of indecision." What were our leaders in truth? Were they leading us? Yes, but where were they leading us all? Into another man-made cycle of disaster, that is where! Into a new normal, where our new normal now includes a lethal virus that is allowed to wander unhindered all over the world, with the exceptions of very few nations like the bold, brave Chinese, who still believe in human life and preserving their living integrity.
But how can they be COVID-19 free when the rest of the world does not care whether they have 200 cases per day or 2 million cases per day? After all, it is the oldies who are succumbing by majority, is it not? Those who were unhealthy anyway, the physically weak? This virus has seen much chaff sorted from the wheat. Man-made decisions will always have a human clean up as their consequence. The reason why we should not tolerate man-kind as our leader!
What I could see so clearly was that, depending where you lived in the world, your leadership was making better or worse decisions. The recent trip to Córdoba and my session meditating and contemplating on the Calipha´s terrace, now seemed to have become as preparation for this new day, where just a few actually had the power of decision. I could see so clearly, I think maybe for the first time, that each and every human being alive, is living always by the decisions of less than 2,000 people.
Therefore the critical importance of who that leader is, do you not think? What kind of person is HE? Does HE have integrity? Does HIS word actually mean anything? Does HE actually make any good decisions ever? This led me to see that if a leader´s word means nothing to us, that is to say that we recognize them as untrustworthy, therefore we do not believe them anymore.
We did believe but they have let us down so systematically, that we no longer believe them. We lose our belief in our leaders!! At the same time, we withdraw our faith from our leaders. We have supported them into leadership but they are showing themselves on a daily basis, to be the lying, cheating, bullying incompetents that they really are. THEM and US!
So, we stop believing, we withdraw our faith because we can see that we have misplaced it. We cannot believe in our leaders and so we cannot place our faith in their honesty and integrity because we can now see them for what they are! With the loss of faith and belief, well, of course, bang goes your hope too, does it not? No hope! The hope that here you had an honest leader who would be as good as HIS word, HE would do as HE said and HE would lead the way by HIS own fine example, lifting all the man-made taboos.
I have had the good sense to realize that this is where we are as a world full of citizens. We systematically believe, place faith and therein hope arises. We see the truth and bang, crash, wallop, those three fundamental human necessities just disappear into nowhere. A myth which can only be a myth whilst man-kind is our leader!
As western human beings, we are finally beginning to question ever harder our leaders. Our reporters and journalists have become as hound dogs on a trail and will dig on the behalf of all, to get down to the dirty roots of these very prosperous pillars of society. The more that is revealed, the less we feel we can trust. The more that is revealed, the less faith we have in man-kind. The more that is revealed, the more sure I become in my knowledge that there IS and NEVER WILL BE any hope for any of us INFJs whilst man-kind is making the decisions for us and every other HUMAN BEING to live by.
If fundamentally we have no faith, belief or hope in our real leaders on the ground, then where do we turn for our hope? Where does hope spring from? Man-kind is not an altogether stupid beast but he is an extraordinarily callous beast. He is also a very devious beast and by keeping whole populations in total ignorance of any facts, or any knowledge beyond what he wants us all to know, he seeks to control each and every one of us.
HE has created HIS own henchmen/back-up tools. The man-made gods on high! Who are after all, just a reflection of the man-made gods on earth, who sit above us all! THEY are there to give all those non-believers in man-kind, something else to believe in. They are there for all of those who have no faith in their leaders. They are there for those who see no hope anywhere in real life and clutch at invisible, non-existent straws. The man-made gods and their great wisdom!!????
Why though, do so few of us world citizens, not believe in ourselves and our ability to independently live our lives? Why do so many of us world citizens have no faith in ourselves and our ability to independently guide ourselves? Why do so many of us world citizens find no hope anywhere on this planet earth and so, concentrate fixedly on the life after this one is over and all this man-made suffering will be over for us too?
On the outside looking in........ Have we not all at one time or another, felt that we were on the outside looking in? As a child watching others trying something new and so wanting to try too but afraid to put yourself forward. As one with much talent but born into a humble home, knowing that no, they were never going to find themselves on that path to their dreams. As a female born long ago, knowing that their lives would never be about what they really wanted because their script had been written out for them by their father´s or future spouse´s.
So many who simply by time of birth, place of birth and to whom they were born, has so determined their path through life. Always longing to be more than they are. Not necessarily have more than they have, but to be more because they feel they know, each and everyone, that they could achieve so much more, if only someone could hear their voices, hear their ideas, watch their talents and see beyond that individuals´appearance, background and upbringing.
At last be given that outstretched hand, accompanied by a voice which says, "Come on! You can be part of this too! You are just as valid as us! Do not count yourself out! Just because you have not achieved anything yet, does not mean that you will not be able to!"
We have arrived at a point in time, where our levels of faith, belief and hope are probably at an all-time low! FAITH, yes great! But where and in who are we placing our faith? BELIEF, yes great! But what and who can we really believe? HOPE, yes great! But hope in what and in who?
YES, we need faith! YES, we need to believe and absolutely YES, we need hope if we want to see better times in this, OUR time on Earth. So, is it not absolutely crucial, more than ever before, that we examine carefully our faiths, beliefs and hopes and where and in whom we place them!
It is from my standing view point as a Mum, housewife and wife, that I sit on my terrace at home, on the outside of life as of twenty-five years, looking in! Come and share my thoughts on how the world could look if we took a turn backwards as our means to finally moving forward and at last, beginning to crank up human evolution again!
My own brain was working faster than it had done since youth. The phoenix who had seen 2020 as the year of her own uprising, was now confined to home because of a deadly virus!!!!! And why? Because of our leaders and their `paralysis of indecision´. I was going almost mad. It all seemed so logical, so straightforward, why was I amongst so few who could see and understand what was happening but also what we were setting up for ourselves?
INFJs whether Assertive or Turbulent, will quite possibly have shared these emotions along with me at this same period in time. I could not credit the communal opposition to almost every good guideline that was laid down. We in the westernized world, were the worst of all! What was all of our education about, what did it all mean? If when asked to follow some simple instructions for our own personal safety and the well-being of every other fellow human, we cannot comply because it interrupts our social life?
All INFJs will quite probably have found the invasion of your private (normally) space very nearly mind-blowing. The others were all home instead of vacating our private spaces!!! As I wrote in my book, the only changes that the COVID-19 outbreak made to me, were the wearing of a facial mask but as an invisible anyway, that was quite enjoyable. It certainly would not have been the year before with my hot sweats!!!! And of course, the loss of my private space and the tranquility that comes with it!
I could forsee a day when all and sundry would forget about COVID-19 and live with it. I saw that very early on and that pained me. Which is why I applaud the Chinese government for their solid, consistent efforts to prevent the mass transmission of this virus amongst their fast moving one and a half billion citizens. Too sadly I was right and that is where we are today. All over the westernized world, the deaths daily contributable to COVID-19, are still in the thousands!
The fittest of the fit shall survive. That kept going through my head. I will survive COVID-19 by making the right decisions for myself and I will keep away from others. To date I am still untouched by this virus!! As an INFJ-T like I need to make a point of keeping away from others!!!! The surrounding madness of all and sundry, plus the 24 hour company at home, needed a steel will to not succumb to suicide. The paper, as I have already said, became that confidante, I poured out my frustrations onto those pages.
I was so aware of the daily statistics of COVID-19 and they were so dramatic. We did not have a war going off, oh, no, these people were not being callously killed at the orders of one member of man-kind! These were all dying from man-kind´s cowardice and lack of human feeling! HE wanted us to believe that we had nothing to worry about really, it was just like a common COLD!! HE wanted us to have faith in HIS leadership and we could carry on as normal!!! We would not have any transmission or deaths in OUR country, not on MY watch! That was what all and sundry wanted to hear and so he gave them all HOPE! But it was FALSE HOPE, was it not?
Having just checked the WHO official statistics, which can only be a general guide as there is no testing being done in Europe now, so they are the confirmed cases only, I can tell you that to date we have world wide accumulated a total of 632 million, 533 thousand and 408 confirmed cases of COVID-19. Out of which some 6 million, 592 thousand and 320 people have died. This, in the space of two and a half years. Even Adolf Hitler took longer to reach this same inhumane loss of life!
This is now largely a European and North American problem because of our poor overall health and of course, this driving urge for big social gatherings which favour mass transmission of any virus or bacteria. We are still listing 100 thousand confirmed COVID-19 cases in Europe every day. No, it has not gone away has it? It is with us until every vulnerable person has fallen from it.
Then it will mutate and most likely become venereal, therein spreading amongst all sexually active people, male and female alike. The possibilities or probabilities will become the same as all of our already well established venereal diseases. It will go UNDERGROUND!!!!
The fittest of the fit shall survive but in what conditions and under what conditions? That is the study behind my writing and part of the reason for writing at all. I wish to survive to see a day without man-kind in charge of us all. A day where there are no man-made gods on high or on earth, only real human beings, who can find good leaders amongst them. I try to work out how to get to that day from my standing view point `ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN´.
Thank you very much for reading this post. I hope it has made you think a little and possibly have you cast your mind back to those initial COVID-19 days. In my next post I will take you through the prologue page and why those words mean so very much to me.
Please FEEL welcome to comment on this post or any of my posts. I would so enjoy hearing the thoughts of others and their opinions too. The comment space is below this post, there is a contact box in the right-hand panel and directly below that is the follow tab, for any who would like to keep up with my trains of thought!
The book is available on Amazon: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
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