HERE IS PAGE THREE ALL READY TO GUIDE YOU! The January posts are all listed on this page and each post has its summary of another chapter of my book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, a description of added photos, the publishing dates and reading times. PAGE ONE includes posts 1 -16 inclusive, which were written in November 2022. PAGE TWO is the list of December 2022 posts 17 - 32 inclusive and so now PAGE THREE with the January 2023 posts relating to my first book!
EVER INCREASING CIRCLES! Beginning with a happy new year wish to ALL my readers and moving onto chapter twenty-nine of my book titled EVER INCREASING CIRCLES. Yes, my circles were beginning to increase and my ideas began to stretch to working abroad, in particular, Morocco. Another solo trip to Morocco saw those ideas crumble into dust and on returning home, somewhat despondently, I moved to Cambridge and stayed with my elder sister for six months or so until we took off again together, revisiting Morocco once more and then onto Spain. Great news in my today as my 80 year old mother had received her first vaccine!!
SAHARA BOUND! Two chapters in one in this post! After my first return home from Spain, where yes, I had started working, I found new puppies, as our beautiful female Dachshund had become a mother to four precious little pups. I was falling in love again!!! I return to Spain and begin planning my trip to Africa and off I go for an incredible expedition! By the end of this long chapter, I have arrived in Ghardaia, Algeria. The photo included is of myself and my beloved Dachshunds at home. A Very Happy New Year To You All!
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COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN continued...... The title of chapter thirty-one and in this chapter I am exploring teaching and how we are failing now in teaching competent communication skills. I talk of the pleasure that I as INFJ type, derived from being my Puppy´s first teacher and how I used my methods of intuitive teaching to lead his knowledge and skills accumulation process. To later find in teenage years, that grunts and snarls were then introduced into the language used and how as a female, I had to slip into primitive mode to prevent communication breakdown with my child at this time of his life. The photo is of me and my Puppies, human and canine. Communication Breakdown continued.
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AFRICA IS ON!! In this chapter thirty-two, titled PICTURE BOOKS, I am talking of being and FEELING African. I speak of my own fascination of origins and in particular, human origins. My heart sang as I saw readers come in from Morocco today and Africa was on my viewer range, that gave me a wonderful FEEL. I was being seen on the five continents!! I also explore the percentage of brain capacity which we use and lack of female education world wide through time. I look at how language has developed through time from sounds into runes and pictures and their telling distribution throughout the world. I reach the half-way point of my book! There is a photo of my book included. Arfica Is On!
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OUT OF THE SANDS which is the title of chapter thirty-three. I am now deep in the Sahara Desert and in seventh heaven. My dreams are all becoming my reality and yet, all is exceeding my dreams by a million times. The beauty of it all, the ancient rock paintings, the mint teas, the wonderful people, all INFJs for sure. Magic, pure and simple, the real world with real people living in it! I speak of how joyful it is to be able to live your dreams and the satisfaction that it brings. Included are quotes from this chapter. The first photo is of the city of Ghardaia, Algeria and the second photo is en route to Bordj el Houes, Algeria. Out Of The Sands!
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BEAUTIFUL GHARDAIA! Photo by Mido-Art on Unsplash. |
THE TIMES THEY SURE ARE CHANGING! As well as welcoming new readers from Pakistan and Germany, I am likening my book to a hermetic mollusc that I had thrown out to deep sea, leaving her to bide her time waiting for deep sea divers to maybe find the correct passwords for entry. FEELING that it will only be the very INTUITIVE deep sea divers who may find her at all! THE TIMES THEY SURE ARE CHANGING is the title of chapter thirty-four and I am now heading west from Tassili and on to Tamanrasset in southern Algeria. This was where I met the Touaregs at the local cinema as told in an earlier post. I set off in a lorry for my continued passage across the Sahara Desert and have great fun on the way. I look at nomadic time versus man-made time and our levels of free time and what we choose to do with that spare time. The photo is of my new logo (which has since changed!!). The Times They Sure Are Changing!
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YING AND YANG!! Arriving in Arlit, Niger in this chapter thirty-five and it is goodbye to the Arab world and hello to the African world. I look at the black and white concept of opposites, black and white being man-made colours!! I speak of my phenomenal African friend from secondary school and the difficulties faced in a predominantly prejudiced society as was the British society at that time, as it still is! I talk about my own contact with peoples of darker skin shades than mine and see how music has ever been a bridge between skin colours. I also explore the retention of knowledge and teaching to large parts of the world population. WHY? Included is a quote from my book and a photo of the Ying and Yang symbol. Ying And Yang!
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BALANCE! Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash. |
DIVING IN!! The title of chapter thirty-six and just what I FELT that I was doing as a pale skinned female here in sub-Saharan Africa. Stand out in a crowd I certainly did but that was not a problem at any time. I had never been taught prejudice and I am mighty thankful for that. I welcome too new readers from South Africa and France, loving as I am, the knowledge that I am reaching Africa with my blog! I have my first encounter with the beautiful Wodaabe males and learn something of their lives and customs. I take a look and compare our western courtship proceedures and the Wodaabe people´s, as well as the institution of marriage! There are some quotes from this chapter included and a photo of some African males in traditional dress. Diving In!
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FINDING THAT POINT OF COMFORTABLY NUMB! Another letting off steam post here! I am over wound up and it is causing me great strife. I talk of the psychological battle of wills that we have ongoing with the people around us and just how much energy is given to trying to combat the detrimental effects of psychological manipulation. The fight to preserve our psychological sanity and the ability to continue thinking with our own free mind. I am FEELING very down and frustrated at finding no feedback and no support, longing for reciprocity and communication with other like minded people. The state of comfortably numb being a precious state of mind but hard to maintain!! The photo is of the view out of my window when this massive Saharan sand cloud came our way. Finding That Point Of Comfortably Numb!
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GETTING ETHICAL AND GOING ETHNIC DOWN IN NIGER! Moving down through Niger and onto the capital Niamey for a few days where I was to meet finally a group of Wodaabe women. This post relates to chapter thirty-seven, THOSE EARRINGS AT LAST! And yes, between us ladies, we really did have a lot of earrings! My childhood dreams are once again being lived out before my eyes and I find myself with my Wodaabe earrings in my ears and spend the next two weeks travelling with this group. I fall unwell to a bout of sleeping sickness but live to tell the tale, thankfully! And we continue our journey down to Abidjan, Ivory Coast! Included are quotes from this chapter and a photo of my book. Getting Ethical And Going Ethnic Down In Niger!
PAINFUL FAREWELLS WERE BECOMING MY STAPLE DIET! And so they were. As I was travelling, I was sharing the journey with many other people and finding nothing but goodness everywhere I went. When the time came to say `farewell´ to my Wodaabe group, I was soul destroyed, I could never have believed that I could have had this privilege of meeting, sleeping, eating and travelling with an ethnic peoples but my `WODAABE, MULTIPLE-EARRINGED WOMEN´??? Mind blowing stuff!!! They were definitely all INFJs! Chapter thirty-nine, ON THE ROAD AGAIN, saw me depart their company tearfully and begin making my way back northwards to Mali via the capital Bamako, and through the country up to the Dogon Valley and more ethnic peoples. All of which exceeded any expectations that I might have had. Real life has to be experienced to know it and even begin to really understand it! I find a place on a river boat and head off for some days travel on the River Niger, all the way up to Tombouctou. There is a photo of my day dawning outside my window and a quote from this chapter. Painful Farewells Were Becoming My Staple Diet!
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BOATING UP THE RIVER NIGER TO THE CITY OF GOLD, TOMBOUCTOU! What are dreams if not visions of what we want to see and FEEL? I look at the INFJ INTUITION and INTROVERTED JUDGEMENT and at how it is others that affect INFJs ability to be ASSERTIVE or TURBULENT. We all need to believe in ourselves first and foremost and our own worth, if we wish to find hope for us all. I celebrate being now read in twenty different countries across five continents. I reflect on how my dreams used to become realities but no longer do! Incompatible partners see to that! But in this chapter forty, GOING UPSTREAM RIVER NIGER, I am now boarding my river boat in readiness to turn another dream into a reality and I share some of my observations of this journey with you.
UP THE RIVER AND ROUND THE BEND is the title of chapter forty-one and this chapter sees me continuing up the River Niger and arriving at Tombouctou, where I launch into the past and look at the ancient cultures of teaching and learning and how Tombouctou was once a great centre of knowledge and learning, as was one of my favourite cities, Fez el Bali, Morocco. Where stands the oldest established university in the world, which is still in continuous use, founded of course, by an Arab woman!! I examine where, why and how this loss of learning and teaching. I also dwell on just how much I was enjoying re-living these magical days lived! In this post I include quotes from the chapter and the photo is of my book. Boating Up The River Niger To The City Of Gold, Tombouctou!
PEARLS OF WISDOM GET POLISHED AND PLACED AT LONG LAST! This next chapter is titled PEARLS OF WISDOM and is all about knowledge, understanding and wisdom. I look at the female desire to teach and to share and how we have MAN-KIND forcing his taboos on all the good HUMAN KIND who wish to live in peace and harmony. I suffered a big emotional dive at this stage of my book writing, so down, that I hit a very inspirational groove and just let my thoughts run down through my arm, out of the pen and on to the paper. I will never go back and edit my words! I am now turning south east and heading back into Niger and looking to find my passage home to the UK. And welcoming a new reader from the Czech Republic. The photo is the Ying and Yang symbol. Pearls Of Wisdom Get Polished And Placed At Long Last!
FLYING NORTH FOR CHRISTMAS! WILL I MAKE MY FLIGHT? By the end of the previous chapter, I had found my way back to Algiers, Algeria but had missed my flight! So, I was not home yet! This chapter forty-three, FLYING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS, sees me take the long way home, struggling with culture shock and overlapping images. With my Wodaabe earrings and bracelets, I was my real, living Miss Benn! It had all been true, it had all been real! WOW!! Christmas and new year were spent in Hobbiton, as I lovingly call my home village and then it was back to Spain to get the cash flowing again. I had a change of scenary, moving now down close to Gibraltar and from there, a consequent change of life direction! There is a beautiful photo of the Sahara Desert. Flying North For Christmas! Will I Make My Flight?
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MAGICAL SAHARA! Photo by Azzedine Rouichi on Unsplash. |
THIS IS PARADISE ON EARTH, PURE NATURAL BLISS! I am looking at how we as children, evaluate or not, our own parents and review my parents influence, in particular my mother´s and how that has helped me to be ME. I take my mother to live one of her dreams in reality, a visit to the islands of The Seychelles. I talk more on courtship here and the optional marriage for parents on these islands. It was such a pleasure to be able to make this dream of my mother´s come true and see her enjoying living so much and we got a very personalized visit for sure! I returned by local invitation in the autumn and lived this time, as the locals did. Seeing the other side, changed rose-tinted glasses for tear-filled clarity and I was back at home for Christmas to find a heavily pregnant elder sister. Change was on the way! The photo is of my day dawning. This Is Paradise On Earth, Pure Natural Bliss!
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OUR NEW ARRIVAL MARKS A NEW ERA OF LIFE, IT IS ALL CHANGE FOR ME! My time living and working in Spain comes to a close and I return back to the UK to meet my recently born nephew. It was surreal, my elder sister had given birth to a child; I was an aunt! They returned to Australia to be with his father and I got back to work in my home city. I FELT as though I had come full circle and was unsure of what I needed to do next. Money being a prime objective, I worked and saved and a timely Christmas card with a change of address, saw me head off to Paris in the new year and I stayed there for the next two and a half years! Life´s path has many twists and turns and so it was for us. My elder sister and Puppy came back home and I moved in with them and we became a family again! We then had to suffer the loss of my father and two beloved Dachshunds and it seemed as though my beautiful world was collapsing around me. Step up Prince Charming!? The photo is of my Puppy. Our New Arrival Marks A New Era Of Life, It Is All Change For Me!
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WE HAVE ALL GOT TO FACE OUR DEMONS SOMETIME FOR OUR OWN PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING! After long years of mourning my father, now living again in Spain with Puppy and Prince Charming, I begin to face my demons and return home for the first time in almost eight years. I sickened badly from the psychological trauma of visiting my father´s grave but was finally able to begin to accept his death. Our family home was no longer ours but we were able to re-visit the house, another very important experience for me. A new relationship with my mother was taking place and I began rebuilding the bonds with my younger sister too. The years moved on and my mother moved to Spain too. Tragically though, I now had to suffer the loss of my beloved elder sister! I include quotes from this chapter forty-six FACING THE DEMONS and the photo is of my Puppy and late father. We Have All Got To Face Our Demons Sometime For Our Own Psychological Well-Being!
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Well, in spite of many slumps in motivation, fretting as I was with the imminent changes that were about to befall me, I did manage to write another sixteen posts, a total of two and a half hours reading material. The total number of views to these posts up to 28/02/2023, is 67. And a FEELING that I am getting nowhere fast!
I just have to stick to task and finish off one phase before I begin another so, just page four left to come and the final farewell post to send my first book off on her travels! As I now have a new reader of this book, I can FEEL a little happier, I have found one reader through my blog! I always say that if only one person should/could......????? And so one person has!!
It would be wonderful to have ONE/some follower/s but obviously the 288 readers of my posts did not FEEL any interest in my words and my work. Not unsurprising to me, I know that I am a ONE of a very rare kind. Oh, I am so glad to be INFJ type!!
A reminder that you can comment on any of my posts by clicking on COMMENT at the bottom of the posts and you will find a comment box. Alternatively, there is a CONTACT box in the top right-hand panel and just below that is the FOLLOW tab. So, get in touch and let me know your thoughts too, I would love to hear from you ALL. To all who are reading this page, thank you for your interest. PAGE FOUR is in progress!
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