In each of this batch of posts I will further detail and outline the defining character traits which belong it seems, exclusively to the NARCISSIST person! I say it seems as though those character traits belong exclusively to the NARCISSIST person but maybe it is more their perception of all things that belong exclusively to they, themselves.
Given that I am in a long-term relationship with a NARCISSIST male and had two previous sentimental relationships with male NARCISSISTS, I have had ample experience and now time as well, in which to really digest and assess just how far this NARCISSIST male partner of mine, had actually come in taking over my whole body, mind and soul.
Depending on your strength of body, mind and soul, will depend how much the NARCISSIST will have had to invest in breaking you down. Trying to reverse this whole unwanted (by you!!) process of take-over, will inevitably be a long and painful process but you have to begin with the truth. Real facts and real knowledge of the facts.
These posts are a continuation of THE UNDERSTANDING NARCISSISM POSTS NO.1-12/N - PAGE ONE and the numbering/lettering will be the same.
POST NO.13/N - Published 17th January 2024 (A 12 minute read)
NARCISSISTIC IDEALIZATION AND DENIAL - I am now starting to really get in depth with the mind set of the NARCISSIST and the way that he views you, his partner. His own DENIAL of his own real-self forces the creation of a false-self. It is that same false-self that you meet and consequently fall in love with. You fall in love with a mirage, a male acting the part that you needed your male to play. But what he saw in you was a prime candidate for supporting actress to his lead role in his little pantomime of life! You are now being IDEALIZED; not as you though!! I have included a photo of the evening skyline outside my back window that day and you can find this post with the following link: NARCISSISTIC IDEALIZATION AND DENIAL
POST NO.14/N - Published 27th January 2024 (A 13 minute read)
THE NARCISSIST NEVER REALLY WANTED YOU! - NO! Sad to say; he didn´t ever really want you, the individual person that you are, with all of your own personal character traits, oh, NO! He only saw you as another actor in his farce. The IDEALIZATION process continues and you begin to see that when you speak with your own mind, your NARCISSIST gets very angry. WHY? Because you are breaking away from the IDEALIZED image that he has of you, that is why! We all long for INTIMACY but as I explain, INTIMACY means something completely different to a NARCISSIST. To him INTIMACY is his divine right to offload his surplus poison into you on a daily basis. Falling in love with a NARCISSIST male is indeed INTOXICATING!!!!! This is the link for you here: THE NARCISSIST NEVER REALLY WANTED YOU!
A SIMPLE BUT POIGNANT STATEMENT! Photo by Stefan Moertl on Unsplash. |
POST NO.15/N - Published 13th February 2024 (A 12 minute read)
THE NARCISSIST BUILDS A FALSE-SELF! - Oh, YES! It is a traumatized child hiding under a carefully built false facade that fools the majority of us into believing that they really are quite nice, normal human beings. But even before we, as adult females, meet these male NARCISSISTS, they have been crafting that FALSE-SELF for a long time and are learning how to manipulate and who make easy prey for manipulation and leverage. The traumatized child in adult body who leaves the parental home before they are ready, suffers from SEPARATION and INDIVIDUATION issues. The FALSE-SELF becomes the INDIVIDUAL identity of the NARCISSIST and I am exploring further these steps in the making of a NARCISSISTICALLY ABUSIVE male partner. The photo is by Michael Held on Unsplash and shows a beautiful chameleon. Here is the link for the post, enjoy the read: THE NARCISSIST BUILDS A FALSE-SELF! |
THE EVER COVERT CHAMELEON! Photo by Michael Held on Unsplash.
POST NO.16/N - Published 22nd February 2024 (A 12 minute read)
THE NARCISSIST IS VULNERABLE TOO! - So very vulnerable that they can easily see those who have strong boundaries and those who have weak boundaries. They are only interested in the weak boundaried people as they will not have the emotional strength to resist their very persistent and overwhelming advances. These are the people who are also in need and looking for a soul mate to share the ups and downs of life with. Not so the NARCISSIST sadly! He is just looking for someone who he can easily use and dominate into playing the part he wants them to play. But that is not the person that he presented to you; is it? No, he presented himself as your proverbial Prince Charming! You can find the post with this link: THE NARCISSIST IS VULNERABLE TOO! The photo is by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash and shows a vulnerable male. |
MEN FEEL TOO! Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash. |
POST NO.17/N - Published 28th February 2024 (A 10 minute read)
WHY DO YOU FALL FOR A NARCISSIST? - What a loaded question that is? When you realize how awful these NARCISSIST people really are, that of course, is the question that plagues you. You FEEL that you are with two people and having two different sets of emotions. The NARCISSIST is LOVE-BOMBING you and having kept your distance from other males for so long, you try to resist this one too. NO is not a word that the NARCISSIST will accept but he will use just about any means to have you say YES. The NARCISSIST is a manipulator and right from the very first moment he sets eyes on you, he begins to build his SHARED FANTASY around you. Sadly though, he doesn´t tell you what his sick, twisted mind views as that FANTASY that you are now becoming part of. The photo is by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash. Use this link to read the post: WHY DO YOU FALL FOR A NARCISSIST? |
IS BLISS A FANTASY! Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash. |
POST NO.18/N - Published 4th March 2024 (A 13 minute read)
RED FLAG! WATCH OUT; NARCISSIST ABOUT!! - In spite of knowing this new NARCISSIST for just a few days, the warning red flags were flying everywhere. I am now spelling out these red warning flags of NARCISSISTIC behaviour in the hopes that others will be able to recognize them when they see them. Intimidating, pressurizing, suffocating, overbearing, dominatory, possesive and controlling behaviours are all indicators of NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER. Like I was not seeing the red flags myself, or at least FEELING the warning signs, so why did I not have the strength to resist this barrage of NARCISSISTIC LOVE-BOMBING. We can all find ourselves in vulnerable circumstances and emotionally vulnerable at times in our lives. That is not a crime but it does cloud our better judgement. RED FLAG! WATCH OUT; NARCISSIST ABOUT!!! is your link to the post. The photo is by Bruno Neurath Wilson on Unsplash. RED FLAGS!!!! |
SO MANY NARCISSIST RED WARNING FLAGS! Photo by Bruno Neurath Wilson on Unsplash. |
POST NO.19/N - Published 7th March 2024 (A 12 minute read)
THE LIES OF THE NARCISSIST´S FALSE-SELF! - He seems so genuine. Is this the male that you have been waiting for? It certainly FEELS that way in the beginning but the flashes of RED FLAG warnings are being shown even at this early stage of the relationship. You are not ENMESHED yet, he still has much work to do if he wants to convince you that he is your Prince Charming and you would be amazed at the effort that a NARCISSIST can put into the hunting down of a vulnerable female. But is there one word of truth coming out of his mouth? Sadly NO! This is his FALSE-SELF that you are getting to know and that FALSE-SELF is a lie, so reasonably as I can see now, everything that the FALSE-SELF says is a lie too. Your plans are being built on lies. The photo is by Paulo Bendadi on Unsplash and this is the link to the post for you: THE LIES OF THE NARCISSIST´S FALSE-SELF! |
WHY DO WE IGNORE THE NARCISSIST RED FLAGS? Photo by Paulo Bendadi on Unsplash. |
POST NO.20/N - Published 11th March 2024 (An 11 minute read)
NARCISSISTIC MIRRORING TRICKS YOUR EYES! - The NARCISSIST is an empty being as such he seeks to mirror and reflect those in front of him. In the early days of getting to know a NARCISSIST you are duped into FEELING that you have met your soul mate, indeed, he seems like the perfect partner for you. Tailor made, if you like. Well, of course this is the NARCISSIST´S intention, isn´t it? He needs you to fall in love with him, so he needs to be all that you want him to be. He appears to meet all your needs. He is acting Prince Charming almost all of the time, he is wonderful. If only it weren´t for those occasional RED FLAG warnings that made you FEEL so edgy. NARCISSISTIC MIRRORING TRICKS YOUR EYES! is the link and the photo is of some tattered RED FLAGS and taken by Chi Nguyen on Unsplash. |
THE NARCISSIST IS ALL ABOUT RED FLAGS! Photo by Chi Nguyen on Unsplash. |
POST NO.21/N - Published 15th March 2024 (A 16 minute read)
THE NARCISSIST HAS ALL YOUR ANSWERS! - At least he makes it seem that way initially. In reality all NARCISSISTS are opportunists, they are predators and always looking to see how they can turn people and situations to benefit themselves somehow. So it was with my new NARCISSIST although I did FEEL that he was pushing me to setting up home with him when that had not been on my mind. But the LOVE-BOMBING phase was in earnest and I was falling into a FALSE sense of security with this male. My no.1 priority was my young nephew´s stability and decisions had to be made quickly. More RED FLAGS are revealed too, one of the main ones, the MANIPULATION tactics which twist your COGNITIVE RESONANCE until eventually your will gives way to his! The photo is by Carson Masterson on Unsplash and this is your link to the post: THE NARCISSIST HAS ALL YOUR ANSWERS! |
YET ANOTHER NARCISSIST RED FLAG! Photo by Carson Masterson on Unsplash. |
POST NO.22/N - Published 19th March 2024 (A 12 minute read)
THE NARCISSIST CAN CONTROL HIS TELEVISION! - Watching a male NARCISSIST with the TV remote controls is sickening indeed. I move into my first home with this male and all is well (!!??) until the arrival of the dreaded television. Its arrival marked a whole new twist on my "sentimental" relationship and HIS television has been the bane of my life ever since. My NARCISSIST sister comes over to visit and well, that damned TV was the catalyst for a NARCISSISTIC battle of words between her and my male. Both she and I could see that this was not a good situation for me and Puppy to be in but she was still no further forward on finding a school place for her son. What had started as a temporary measure, was now beginning to FEEL frighteningly like a permanent solution. Puppy and I were now stuck between two NARCISSISTS! The photo is by Erik Mclean on Unsplash and the link for today´s post is here: THE NARCISSIST CAN CONTROL HIS TELEVISION! |
THAT DAMNED TELEVISION! Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash. |
POST NO.23/N - Published 22nd March 2024 (An 11 minute read)
LEARNING OF THE NARCISSIST´S LIFE-CYCLE! - I had long since FELT that all I was doing was going round and round in circles and yet with each journey round that circle, I FELT that I was moving further down. Actually recognizing the phases of the NARCISSIST´S life-cycle helps you see that your relationship has always been the same in truth. The initial LOVE-BOMBING phase is a one-off, never again will he make so much effort to keep you happy. The second phase is the DEVALUATION, followed by the DISCARD and then a period of SILENCE. That is a complete NARCISSISTIC life-cycle. Then back to your normality with some productive HOOVERING and off we go round another cycle. The photo is by Jamie Street on Unsplash and you can find the post via this link: LEARNING OF THE NARCISSIST´S LIFE-CYCLE! |
THE CLIFFS AT LAND´S END, CORNWALL, UK. Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash. |
POST NO.24/N - Published 26th March 2024 (A 14 minute read)
NARCISSISTIC DEVALUATION AND DISCARD! - As explored in the previous post, the NARCISSIST lives in cycles. But as yet I could not see this cycle applied to my relationship; or could I? NARCISSISTIC DISCARD is about throwing you and your positive character traits away. It is the NARCISSIST´S way of destroying your own personality, causing you to become very wary of how you behave around him. Already you can FEEL him watching over you like a hawk. If he doesn´t like your personality then why is he with you? I explain more of my early episodes of DEVALUATION and DISCARD which had in fact begun on the very first day of the relationship. The photo is by Paul Underwood on Unsplash and here is a link to the post: NARCISSISTIC DEVALUATION AND DISCARD! |
THE BEAUTIFUL CHEDDAR GORGE, SOMERSET, UK. Photo by Paul Underwood on Unsplash. |
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