THE SECOND PAGE IS READY FOR USE!The intention of these FOUR PAGES is to summarize for first time viewers all the posts written which are related to my first book `ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN´ and aid the chronological orientation of them, given that my Trains of Thought are a continual, ongoing occurrence! Try and pick up my trail of breadcrumbs and come up to date with me.
NEW GROOVES - OR ARE YOU GOING ROUND AND ROUND IN CIRCLES? ARE YOU RUNNING IN NEW GROOVES OR STUCK IN THAT PROVERBIAL RUT? Stagnancy can be soul destroying at best and in this post I off load some of my pent up frustrations and have at go at the narcissistic societies that have been built by man-kind and the stereotypes that have been made for us ALL as females and males, to meet HIS designs. Gang rape and violence towards women is also discussed. In the review of chapter eleven of my book, I get practical and look at our mountains of old techno gear and start looking at putting all this junk back into circulation. I dwell also on my book, my baby, my first creation and how I FEEL that I need to do more by her! I include some quotes from this chapter and the photo is of a Salvador Dalí poster on my wall. New Grooves Or Are You Going Round And Round In Circles?
WHEN IN ROME - WHAT IS IT THAT WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO, THEY SAY? - I am on the man-kind trail all through this book. The Human Enemy No.1!! The Imperialist systems of governing introduced and applied by the mighty Roman Empire, are still so visible in our twenty-first century world. In this chapter twelve, I look at the roles that have been set for us all to play and how man-kind sits as the director of this mad play that is modern life on earth! The period of confinement was pure hell for all those living with narcissists, more on that too. Pantomime horse lives, all under some member of man-kind´s shroud! I include some quotes from this chapter of my book and there is a photo of my book cover. When In Rome? What Is It We Are Supposed To Do, They Say?
EN EL EXTERIOR MIRANDO HACÍA ADENTRO TAMBIÈN EN CASTELLANO! This is a quick blog introducing the spanish version of my book. I explain how the length of the translation had required me to publish the spanish version in two volumes. I also include a photo of the view out of my window the day the great Saharan sand cloud came to visit me in Almería. En El Exterior Mirando Hacía Adentro También En Castellano!
POST No.20 - Published 4th December 2022 (A 12 minute read).
NARCISSISTS IN THE MAKING! Now into chapter thirteen titled `THE LOST CHILDREN´, I look in depth at the consequences of unstable beginnings in life and worse still, living with a narcissistic parent. How many of our narcissists are actually born as such and how many are bred and trained by father or the MAN-MADE society? The lack of positive male guidelines and examples are seeing the male stay stuck in the dark ages and still wish to dominate women. We must look to break these cycles once and for all! I include a quote from this chapter and also a photo of a trail that I follow now and then! Narcissists In The Making!
SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? We were now into June 2020 and the COVID-19 deaths were accumulating in a terrifying way. The delayed decisions of so many leaders had let the situation get completely out of hand. Our general health levels were found to be wanting in far too many cases!! I examine the poor life style habits that we have adopted in the western world and how these same habits are responsible for much of our poor base health levels. Tobacco, tea, coffee, junk food, we are what we consume! I include quotes from this chapter fourteen and a photo of my book cover. Should I Stay Or Should I Go?
WHY IS MAN-KIND SO SLOW IN LEARNING? I am covering three chapters in this post, chapter thirteen HUMAN WEAKNESSES concentrates on just that. We now had 15,000 senior citizens dead in care homes. I include a photo of some local ruins in my part of the world. Chapter sixteen SLOW IN LEARNING, goes on to look in depth at MAN-KIND and his continued failure to evolve. The sad role of the female as a male sexual tool and contraception, how necessary it is to control our population and prevent unwanted pregnancies. The divine right of the male seed must be abolished. The necessity for female leadership is growing, men have failed thus far! I include a quote from this chapter. IT IS GOING TO TAKE SOME BRAVE MEN is the title of chapter seventeen and here I look at the corrupt institutions that our governments and monarchies have been, even as former spanish King Juan Carlos I was being revealed as a common thief! I also include a quote from this chapter too. Why Is Man-Kind So Slow In Learning?
COVID-19 TSUNAMI!!!! SECOND WAVE OR AFTERSHOCKS OF THE FIRST is the title of chapter eighteen and coming out of confinement, as we now were at the end of June 2022, we were looking at all the knock-on effects caused by this three month period of hibernation. For many, that had meant no income at all, there was a rush to get back to work and have money coming in again. Poverty was beckoning to many who had just been keeping heads above water but were now going under. Our spanish King Felipe VI, took a bold decision and renounced his corrupt father, former King Juan Carlos I´s personal fortune. I continue to look at the role that the monarchies should/could play in modern times! I include quotes from my book and a photo of the castle in my home city. Covid-19 Tsunami!
WHAT IS THE POINT IN WHAT I AM DOING? All the doubts crowding in again as I ask myself why I am doing all that I do and no one either knows or cares? Letting off a little steam before re-analyzing my objectives and getting on to chapter nineteen, THE DAYS OF THE CALIPHAS. What have our Kings, Lords, Governments been about all this time? They could be so very useful were they really to become as the exemplary pillars of society that we have been led to believe that they are! It is way past time to remove that divine cloak of protection that shields the wealthy and titled from common law and justice. Continuing in that vein I move onto chapter twenty, KEEPING UP WITH THE ROYALS. The aspirations of the little people to live like Kings and Mi Lords. That, them and us system which is dictated by wealth and rank possessing! There are many ways to spend money and time and I give the wealthy a few ideas here. Even as our former King Juan Carlos I disappears into exile and with COVID-19 now spreading world wide after lifting lockdown restrictions! The photo is of my first book. What Is The Point Of What I Am Doing?
WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND! The title of chapter twenty-one of my book. I am already forseeing the third wave of COVID-19 gathering force moving towards September 2020, post holiday season, in spite of now clocking up 25,000 deaths in Spain, there were so many just hell bent on travelling far and wide for a holiday!!! Being driven to distraction by the accumulative ignorance of the multitudes, I am writing away hard and this is where I decided to go back in time and include my memoires of my life, starting with my search for earrings and my growing desire to be wearing many earrings myself!! Included are quotes from this chapter and a photo of my book cover. What Goes Around Comes Around!
A CHANCE MEETING HELPS ME FIND MY PATH ANEW! FEELING completely isolated and totally rejected, my paths cross with a real human being and I am able to have a reciprocal relationship for a time. But in the midst of a crisis, REAL human contact is just the tonic, if not the only tonic! I really enjoyed remembering this chance meeting. I include a photo from a local African festival. A Chance Meeting Helps Me Find My Path Anew
ONLY YES, IS YES!!! Finally COVID-19 has found me and frustratingly I accept that knowledge. IN SEARCH OF EARRINGS is the title of chapter twenty-two of my first book and being reviewed in this post. It was a this point in my writing that I decided to escape the winter of discontent that I was actually living and threw myself into a trance like state and forgot where I was in space and time. I could see that I had lost my former freedom and it was that which was so sorely missing from my life today. In Spain the "Only yes, is yes," law was passed. I look at sexual molestation, rape and consensual rape. The lack of male sexual knowledge is abhorrent and I look into that too. There is a photo of my book in this post. Only Yes, Is Yes!
SCHOOL DAYS ARE DONE! THANK HEAVENS FOR THAT! Chapter twenty-three, SCHOOL IS OUT, sees me finishing secondary school and leaving much of the sexual molestation behind with it!! The ever increasing circles are seeing sex, drugs and rock and roll become the subjects for exploration as well as foreign travel and I talk of some of my early travels abroad. I found myself sat in my bedroom writing this post, confined to the only quite space available, my bedroom, exactly as I had been writing that chapter of the book! There was more of the same to come, I feared! The photo is of my home-made Christmas wreath on my front door!! School Days Are Done! Thank Heavens For That!
IT IS ANOTHER DAY! THANK GOODNESS FOR THAT! Having been subjected to much psychological pressure by my partner during our self-imposed, COVID-19 infection fortnight, I was seeing red! I deleted all that I had written, a first for me!! I had also found a video of a self-confessed narcissist who had been receiving therapy for 5 years. It was frightening hearing this male talking so frankly about what was occurring right under my own roof, right now!! I am letting off steam in this post. The photo is a view out of my window that morning. It Is Another Day! Thank Goodness For That!
GETTING BACK TO PURPOSE, MY BOOK! After letting off steam in the last post, I am back to reviewing my book. Now out of college, work is the name of the game and I am FINDING FINANCES ALL THE WAY TO BOMBAY, the title of chapter twenty-four. I pick up a job in an Indian restaurant which helps finance another trip abroad, this time to Tunisia. My WINTER OF DISCONTENT in actual time is the subject and title of chapter twenty-five. COVID-19 was still raging and talk of vaccines was getting ever more realistic. Now we were on the campaign to `SAVE CHRISTMAS´! In actual time, the Chinese President Xi Jinping was being heavily pressured to lift all COVID-19 restrictions!!! Included is a photo of my first book. Getting Back To Purpose; My Book!
CHAIN BREAKING IS WHAT IS REQUIRED! I am covering two chapters in this post. STRUCTURED RAMBLINGS is the title of chapter twenty-six and I go wandering through abstract thoughts of mine! Chapter twenty-seven JOINING THE LINKS, sees me look at chains and the links that when joined together, make those chains. COVID-19 chains, food chains, all harmful chains which need breaking down. Meat eating is one of our greatest problems. We must use all valuable ancient knowledge and add it to our new knowledge to finally re-build our natural chains!! There is a photo of my outdoor Christmas lights. Chain Breaking Is What Is Required!
GOING SOLO! A NEW ERA BEGINS! In actual time, I look at another year gone by and thoughts on New Year´s Eve and New Year´s Day. I also celebrated my 57th birthday and I wish all my fellow INFJs an ASSERTIVE 2023. I resolve myself to that mission too, I must get the TURBULENT becoming more ASSERTIVE, like it used to be. Chapter twenty-eight, GOING SOLO, relates my first solo travel abroad, to Morocco in this case. It was an ASSERTIVE move that opened the doors to my new solitary life style. I relive that wonderful and magical month spent in Morocco and the tremendous culture shock that I suffered on return. I include a number of quotes from this chapter and the photo is of my New Years Eve dessert! Going Solo! A New Era Begins!
December 2022 was a very TURBULENT month for this INFJ-T female who does not have taboos. I had at long last, found a confidante and begun to reveal the truth of my situation but I also contracted COVID-19, brought home to me by my partner. That required a two week DUAL confinement period which really could not have come at a worse time. It was a month of emotional turmoil and it was difficult for me to stick to my task of reviewing my book.
But I did none the less keep pushing myself and these sixteen posts are the result of that tough month of December 2022. There are two hours and forty-five minutes of reading here, in spite of my listless state of mind. These sixteen posts have had 55 views up to 28/02/2023. Between the first two months of blogging, I had managed to review thirty chapters of my book and that was actually just half of what I had hoped to achieve by the end of the year!
All the best laid plans. Look out for PAGE THREE soon which will have the January post´s summaries. Thank you for your interest in my work. Please remember that there is a comment space below the posts, a contact box for e-mail communication in the top right panel and just below that is a FOLLOW tab, why not become a follower of my trains of thought, it is your choice?
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