It was always going to be a tough ask for me, a female INFJ type who has no taboos, to ever have any one person actually following my trains of thoughts as they were being written down, let alone as they were being thought through first time around. The intention of these pages is to help any reader who looks my way, to understand what my blog is all about. These are continuous trains of thought that all follow on from each other and I hope that I can help others catch this train of thoughts of mine as of when it got underway and maybe be able to find their way, from the beginning, right up to date and from there on, maybe choose to be a regular FOLLOWER, climbing on board with me!

the camel footprints in the sand, my books front cover


POST No.1 - Published 11th November 2022 (A 7 minute read).

THE GILLIAN METCALFE ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN BLOG - This is my very first blog post and is my introduction to my potential readers. I explain a little of myself and some of the reasons that I actually picked up pen and paper and began writing my way through my life and having a great clean up in my labyrinthal memory stores. The accompanying photos are of the front and back cover of my first book. The Gillian Metcalfe On The Outside Looking In Blog

the back cover blurb of my first book

POST No.2 - Published 12th November 2022 (A 20 minute read).

AN ADVOCATE INFJ-T REVEALED IN NUMBERS - In this post I reveal my own INFJ statistics and examine how my own close family members and their personality types have had such influence in my life, particularly in my childhood. Having known that I was so different from all others all my life, I had just discovered that I had a collective, the INFJ collective and that knowledge has given me just the impulse now that I was needing! The accompanying photo shows my late elder sister as a toddler being watched over by our first family dog. An Advocate INFJ-T Revealed In Numbers

my elder sister and dog playing in the sand at home

POST No.3 - Published 13th November 2022 (A 31 minute read).

WHAT INSPIRED ME TO BEGIN BOOK WRITING? -  This is a long post as it was a series of little things that all finally fell into place and I found myself entering into a new era of my life and realized that I was stagnating, I was going round and round as the hamster on a wheel, never getting anywhere fast. So wanting was I for stimulation at that point in time, that COVID-19 and the consequent period of lockdown, provided the final pull of the trigger! The accompanying photo is of a poster on my wall at home! The lyrics to Romeo and Juliet by my favourite troubadour Mark Knopfler! What Inspired Me To Begin Book Writing?

my beautiful mark knopfler poster with his lyrics to romeo and juliet

POST No.4 -Published 14th November 2022 (A 13 minute read).

TO WHO DO I DEDICATE MY BOOK? - In this post I share the dedication of my book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN and explain in depth, just why each and every one of those mentioned, are mentioned. Between my family and my favourite musicians and some wonderful people whose paths I have crossed, their contact has been absolutely character shaping. They were all guides in one way or another and those who I owe much of my psychological development to! The four photos accompanying this post are of: Photo one - some of my favourite Punk albums. Photo two - A poster of Bob Marley on my wall at home. Photos three and four - are of some of the many works of Mark Knopfler, both with Dire Straits and as a solo artist. To Whom Do I Dedicate My Book? Credit Where Credit Is Due!

my poster of the late bob marley on my wall at home

POST No.5 - Published 16th November 2022 (A 15 minute read).

YOUR FELLOW INFJ-T INTRODUCES YOU TO HER BOOK! - I share the introduction page of my book in this post and begin to lay out my ideas and motivation for my writing spree. Where could we place our faith, what could we believe in and where could we find hope? With the enemy No.1, man-kind leading us all to our respective destruction, HE is our major issue!! The accompanying photo is of a hand-painted ceramic tile, bought in Córdoba depicting the Mezquita de Córdoba. Your Fellow INFJ Introduces You To Her Book.

my ceramic tile with painting of Mezquita de Córdoba

POST No.6 - Published 18th November 2022 (A 15 minute read).

A VERY DEEP AND MEANINGFUL PROLOGUE! - I have a light skate over my first two decades of life in this post, which had seen me build visions of robed nomadic peoples and camel trains in the Sahara Desert. At long last, there I was and so it was, that I crossed paths with this elderly Tuareg and sharing food and mint tea with him, on parting he spoke those words to me! I share those words with you. The accompanying photo is a view of the great Sahara Desert and was taken by Zack Woolwine on Unsplash. A Very Deep And Meaningful Prologue!

gorgeous sand dunes in sahara, this photo by zack woolwine on unsplash
BEAUTIFUL SAHARA! Photo by Zack Woolwine on Unsplash.

POST No.7 - Published 20th November 2022 (A 15 minute read).

AN INFANT INFJ IN THE MAKING, A OR T? - We all start life somewhere in the world and I had the fortune to be born in a beautiful country village, in the UK. The open countryside of my beloved county of Norfolk was my wider playground just as the gardens of my own family home, were a permanent source of learning. I look further at how the character types of those close around you, can and do, have their effects on a young INFJ child and will influence their ASSERTIVE or TURBULENT swing! The accompanying photo shows a toddler aged me and my beloved elder sister in our back garden. An Infant INFJ In The Making

my elder sister and me as toddlers out in our back garden


POST No.8 - Published 22nd November 2022 (A 13 minute read).

THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY LEARNING IN A YOUNG CHILD´S LIFE! - Moving into reading and writing days, my scope was being broadened daily. More influential sources were being found in books and children´s TV. Wildlife and cultural documentaries by Lord David Attenborough. Ali Baba, the late Omar Sharif, Mr. Benn, the Herbs and Mowgli being some of the most influential people in my young life, as they continue to be! The accompanying photo is of an infant me in my back garden. The Importance Of Early Learning In A Young Child´s Life

an infant me standing by the willow tree at home

POST No.9 - Published 23rd November 2022 (A 7 minute read).

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!! - Moving onto chapter two and looking at the impact that lack of money has on us as people. Just how restricted we are for choice when we have no finances to accompany our needs and desires.  The psychological impact of living without many of your basic material needs met. I talk of solar power and reducing our costs, reducing our personal usage of fossil fuels and improving our quality of life. The accompanying photo shows a selection of foreign monies still in my possession. Money, Money, Money!

a selection of my left over foreign coins from my travels

POST No.10 - Published 24th November 2022 (A 10 minute read).

COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN IS AN ONGOING THING! - COVID-19 had descended upon us all world wide and we were under lockdown conditions. It had taken our leaders a long time to actually admit that this new virus was lethal to humans with poor health. Maimónides was one of my inspirations recently discovered and this phrase was his, "The risk of taking a poor decision is preferable to the paralysis of indecision!" All those mixed messages and bad leadership; all HELL was about to break loose! Also included are some quotes from this chapter of my book. The accompanying photo is of my book. Communication Breakdown

the mezquita de córdoba with the sun rising and shining on the walls

POST No.11 - Published 25th November 2022 (A 12 minute read).

OH, HOW COSTLY THE CONSEQUENCES OF INDECISION CAN BE! - Moving into chapter four and well, the results of our leader´s indecision were now becoming alarmingly apparent. The World Health Organization were holding nightly conferences to keep the whole world informed as to all the novelties. My modern day Maimónides, Dr. Michael J. Ryan, an expert epidemiologist, was speaking just like Maimónides. We cannot sit twiddling our thumbs, we have got to go after this virus and track it down! In Spain, we had just notched up no less than 14,000 deaths of senior citizens in care homes. HELL was in our midst! Also included are some quotes from this chapter of my book. The accompanying photo (above) shows the sun rising on the Mezquita de Córdoba. Indecision, Oh, How Costly Indecision Can Be!

POST No.12 - Published 25th November 2022 (A 9 minute read).

WHERE TO FIND HOPE IN THIS UGLY MAN-MADE WORLD? - Onto chapter five and by now, I was burning up with frustration and impotence. Confined to home as I and most of the world were, I watched the Chinese leader mobilizing his nation as one unified body and all working together in unison for their greater good! How many other nations were able to react in the same way? Those mixed messages were now playing against all our leaders and their experts advice! Also included are some quotes from this chapter of my book. The accompanying photo is a piece of my son´s artwork which is on my wall at home. Is There Any Hope?

a picture painted by my nephew of a city street at night

POST No.13 - Published 25th January 2022 (A 6 minute read).

ARE YOU READY TO DO REALITY OR WILL YOU CONTINUE TO LOOK THE OTHER WAY? - Chapter six is all about waking up and actually having the courage to face the realities of our decaying world. We have a world full of brilliant minds that have all the answers to all the man-made problems but we have got to recognize that PROBLEMS are man-made and so will the solutions need to come from human-kind, not more man-made sticking plasters covering up their truths of sustained failure! My musical pillars of society were on the right song sheet and remain my only point of faith! Also included is a quote from this chapter of my book. The accompanying photo is a view from my hotel window, of some repair work going on outside the great Mezquita de Córdoba! Reality Check! Or Will You Continue To Look The Other Way?

repair work underway outside mezquita de córdoba

POST No.14 - Published 27th November 2022 (A 20 minute read).

LIVING, WORKING, BREATHING - THAT IS MY PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE! - I was born and raised in a beautiful country village surrounded by woods and fields and in chapter seven, I go wandering in my past. I came from the land of Mi Lords and Ladies, the great land owners and owners of rather large homes!!! I can see that the rural communities are still saveable even though they have gone into great decine. Living, working, breathing, will always be at its best in rural areas. Post narcissist experience, I bump into an old tormentor of my infant days at primary school! Heading off to the YMCA for self-defence classes, I am partnered with this former school teacher of mine and well, we did have a worthy tussel with each other! She who created so much TURBULENCE in this infant INFJ! The accompanying photo is a view of my surrounding untouched rural area. Living, Working, Breathing!

my landscape of empty rural land nearby my home

POST No.15 - Published 27th November 2022 (A 7 minute read).

LEADERSHIP, BOLLOCKS OR NOT, HAS YOUR LEADER GOT ANY? - We were moving towards the end of April 2020 and I really was burning up. The leadership world wide was so very different, there seemed to be no courage, no will, no desire to save lives. It was abominable. I stay in the countryside in this chapter eight and start looking at what we CAN do as opposed to what we CANNOT do at this moment in time! We need to stop following our leaders foolish lead, turn our backs on bad leadership and become our own leaders! Also included is a quote from this chapter. The accompanying photo is of course, The Sex Pistols `Never Mind The Bollocks´ album!! Leadership, Bollocks Or Not?

classic album the sex pistols never mind the bollocks cd and cassette

POST No. 16 - Published 28th November 2022 (An 8 minute read).

DOES POVERTY LEAVE ANY ROOM FOR CARING OF THE WIDER ENVIRONMENT? - Straight into chapter nine and one of my most worrying issues, the exodus out of Africa. The boats full of Arab and African folk arriving on the shores of southern Spain most days of the week, are truly shocking. I have begun putting together my imaginary plans for my living, working, breathing company and I would of course, see these new illegal arrivals as my priority, to both house, teach, train and employ them ALL. Recycling is still not happening on the scale that is needed, I am on that path too. Also included is a quote from this chapter. The accompanying photo is the back blurb of my first book.

CHAPTER TEN - NATURE´S GIFTS AND GREEN EDUCATION!  All things green in this chapter. Spain is riddled with non-native plants. Other areas of this world have become desertified and yet these non-native plants that we have in crazy abundance here could well be setting root again in their native, desertified homelands! I look at re-planting all of our natural areas and re-addressing our agricultural procedures, methods and ethics too. It is all failing, we have been here before but we know better now though, do we not? Also included is a quote from this chapter. So, two chapters reviewed in one post here. Does Poverty Leave Any Room For Caring


Well, we can all be guilty of having HIGH HOPES and so too me! What constitutes success is what I have to keep asking myself? What is your purpose, I keep asking myself? With 208 minutes of material, that is nigh on three and a half hours of reading prepared for other people to read should they find me and my blog in the first place!

I can assure you that I have employed a lot more than three and a half hours typing out those sixteen Posts!! I could so wish that I could hand write with pen and paper at all times, though I will not deny the brilliant technology that we have available which enables us to reach out to others way beyond our visible boundaries.

Between these first 16 Posts, there have been a total of 166 views to them. My very first Post No.1, my welcome Post, has had the most views so far with a total of 49 views! I was able to tell two people of my blog and actually give them my blog address and I also signed up to blog.feedspot.com, who advertize blog spots. That has seen a dozen of those 166 views accounted for; the rest well, I cannot know how they have stumbled across my blogspot given that currently, my SEO rating is no less than 0%! I am still trying to work that all out!

I had of course, high hopes that someone would FEEL that they wanted to comment on my writing and exchange views, that ultimately is my aim. To find like-minded people who maybe I can be in tune with or they me! So, having ended the month of November with not one comment, well, I was very distraught and distressed.

Poor INFJ-T, ever the TURBULENT, always seeking evaluation and approval but never finding either anywhere! Why should my blogspot be any different? Here I was, trying to interpret my book with the view to making it more accessible to the wider world. I know that I am speaking a different language to the vast majority. I belong to the human-kind not the man-kind. Something of which I am proud and that will not change!

I search for my fellow human-kind. I know that we are few and far between in the westernized world but maybe internet will help us find each other along those invisible wavelengths that allow long distance communication. It will take patience and much fiddling of dials for some but I am staying firmly on my wavelength from now until death. I will continue to reach out and keep my airways open and my antennae alert. 

Thank you for reading this page and please enjoy your time spent on my blog. I would so love to have feedback and hear the comments of other people from wherever they are in the world. Alternatively, there is a contact box in the top right-hand panel if you would prefer to communicate by e-mail, so drop me your address. There is also a FOLLOW tab just below the contact box so, why not come on board my Trains of Thought and keep up to date with them all!

My Trains of Thought will keep rumbling on with or without passengers, but it does make the beautiful rides rather lonely!!!! Check out PAGE TWO, which has the list of Posts written in December 2022 and carry on with this ongoing Train of Thoughts!


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