It is not exclusively man-kind who suffer from weakness or indeed exclusively man-kind who are slow in learning but as man-kind is always our leader and guide, we ALL suffer as human-kind and man-kind, from HIS weak leadership and the horribly slow speed at which HE is prepared to learn!
Chapter fifteen of my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN is entitled HUMAN WEAKNESSES. We were into the month of June 2020 and had just clocked up fifteen thousand deaths of senior citizens in care homes, both private and state run!!! The elderly were ever the most vulnerable but were never given the priority status that they deserved, were they?
There were though, those few care residences who took control of their dominions and the staff all went into lockdown with the residents. Of course, there were no deaths or infections in these CARE homes!! Their staff made independent decisions and they made the right decisions for those fortunate vulnerable seniors.
In this chapter I talk of the standard of care which is given and how it varies so dramatically depending on the budgets and who is in charge. Needless to say, my team would be running their own care homes for senior citizens and giving them the best care possible of course!
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Chapter sixteen, SLOW IN LEARNING! Well, we had just come full circle on ourselves and all of our time spent in lockdown had in effect served little purpose as we had not detected all of the asymptomatic cases. TEST, TEST, TEST! That had been the advice from the World Health Organization right at the onset of the pandemic. We were only testing people with symptoms here! And so, our move into our `new normality´, with all of us allowed to move around freely again, the virus then began to travel further than it had been able to thus far!
Had we really learnt nothing during those three months? I had! I could see this coming. I quote myself from chapter sixteen:
Having had another bout of inactivity which has been stimulated largely by such an overwhelming sense of impotency and frustration at our current situation, I am trying once again to try and centre my thoughts on my future. This whole coronavirus pandemic has become an authentic distraction and obstacle too, which has a depressing effect psychologically speaking! I try to think of other things but just cannot get away from going over and over what is male behaviour and in particular, the males in governments behaviour!!
I could ever see that males did not make good decision makers, they are always too dependent on what other males will think of them. I am not overly afraid of the virus for my own self but I am afraid of what life has become for us all as world citizens because of a handful of ego-trippers and foolish me, myself, I types. They, the heads and shoulders of each nation´s pantomime horse and the whole nation under the cloth being dragged one way or another!
So, if you are not under your partner´s cloth of disguise, you are under your government´s! It is twice as frustrating as females as you can imagine! It is all darkness for us, is it not? Is it any wonder that we can enjoy the simple pleasures in life? Like sweet smelling soap or hand cream, for example! Or a chunk of freshly baked bread or a slice of sponge cake? In truth, these are some of the only high points in life for many of us, sad as that may seem! End of quote.
Oh, how I get to grips with our male sexual deficiencies in this chapter. The male attitude towards women sexually speaking, the typical one-sided approach. Females being seen as male sexual tools, only there for male sexual usage, when he wants to let off steam. Unwanted pregnancies formerly led to marriage, that man-made trap for women!! Contraceptive tools have revolutionized the female sexual behaviour patterns totally.
But there is still a large over-lapping of freedoms and the education with which to benefit from them. As a world, we have just become eight billion people. The nations of the southern hemisphere are those with the dramatically high birth rates. The wide spread usage of contraception is a must world wide. We must sexually educate our male population and educate our women with regards to their maternity, as well as sexual education.
In Europe as I have already said, women are marrying in much lower numbers and child birth numbers are accompanying that reduction. That is positive news, it is. We are over populated right now. The population growth rate must be slowed all over the world. CONTRACEPTION, we need to eliminate the status of DIVINE RIGHT for the male seed!!
We are though, as European females, leaving our males largely redundant! We now only need males for good company and good sexual sensations, nothing else! If he cannot provide you with those two elements on a regular basis, then what are you wasting your time for?
This is a dense, dense chapter it is! The male deficiencies and how unhappy they make life for us women! All the reasons why women want out of their relationships. The reasons why women keep looking and keep hoping that one day, they will find a man who can give good company and good sexual sensations too, who is not a violent narcissist! And you will not find too many of those types in Europe, no you will not!
Females, it is all about females taking the lead and giving the right guidelines to follow. But does man-kind want to learn from US. You bet he does not? And therein HIS continued ignorance of anything of import. HIS `black and white´ world, with only the grey of HIS concrete jungles to break up the monotony. HE is the dark shadow that hangs over the whole world and all that is righteous and worthy of life!
Jumping on to chapter seventeen entitled `IT IS GOING TO NEED SOME BRAVE MEN´. Well, moving along with the useless male leader theme, I look at the possibility of our leadership actually being honest and worthwhile! Quite a new line of thinking in truth! They have been one after the other, like a lineage, a dynasty, the dynasty of man-kind! HE who would gather all unto HIMSELF and a few cronies who support HIM.
I talk about opening up the proverbial `Pandora´s Box´ and letting out the secrets of all our former politicians and kings. Our former King Juan Carlos I of Spain, had found himself under the spotlight and for no positive reason, sad to say. The ugly truth of this man was now coming into the public domain. I quote myself from this chapter seventeen:
Spain is a Kingdom and as such, we do have our own Califa in situe! King Felipe the sixth, now sits on the throne as King of Spain. When King Felipe renounced his inheritance from his father recently, he did indeed take a big, bold step. His father King Juan Carlos the first, has had time called on his skullduggery and the whistle blowers are lining up to add their contributions.
This has been coming for a very long time, I am afraid to say. But owing to a very thick protective Royal cloak, the cheek has been turned and the eye has gotten the habit of being selectively blind. Enough is enough! Well, it seems like King Felipe thinks so too! Why should he carry his father´s burden of shame? For no reason other than being so totally ashamed and horrified at his father´s actions, that he will continue to play the cover up game! King Felipe has, by renouncing his father´s fortune or at least part of his father´s fortune (that which cannot be accounted for), withdrawn HIS protection as the reigning King!
His father is now going to have to face HIS ugly truths and of course, the embarrassment and shame that he and his family will FEEL, will be tremendously uncomfortable for some time but they will find that it was a burden of someone else´s guilt that they carry no longer. They have handed over the responsibility to HE who committed the dodgy acts, in this case, his own FATHER! No, it cannot feel good, can it? But if your very inheritance is built on dirty money and you either know or suspect that, well you have got two choices, have you not? Either keep it quiet or come clean! End of quote.
If we are to have great leaders sat above us all, must their behaviour not be exemplary? Should they themselves not be our ideal role models? That is the principle of course, but the reality has always been so very different, has it not? All of our still existing Kings and Queens are being challenged ever harder to substantiate their reason for sitting aloft! I quote myself again from this chapter:
These are the pillars of our society!! What a scandal, hey? Like we never suspected this kind of behaviour from them? We have always suspected it even if we have never known it! The pillars of our great big Roman Catholic Imperialist Empire of 2020! I will say the truth here because I always had the idea that we would have to dig right down to the roots of the problem, that is to say, right down to the foundations. Having seen recently an absolutely marvellous documental series about Roman architecture and engineering, I am having a re-think!
It was magnificently put together! As I have said before, many of our modern Spanish towns and cities do lie on the very same foundations that the Roman conquerors and colonizers laid down. Solid foundations indeed to have withstood so many centuries of clanking money bags!! These were some of the most acute, agile brains that I think man-kind has known to date. The designs, the strategies, the planning, all of it was done on theory and my word, they were masters of calculation!
Catholicism came to Spain with the Romans too and so males conduct and more acutely females conduct, became shaped by law! Local males probably enjoyed this step up as you could imagine and from there on, ever trying to get his feet a rung further up on that ladder, so that he would have more freedoms to break the Roman catholic laws and get away with it! Being wholly supportive of your Roman governors would not go amiss, would it? End of quote.
I continue to look at the part that these large land and property owners could play in the overall picture of regrowth! It is they who have the power of decision, coupled with the financial power too. These pillars of our society should be leading the way forward for all of us, by their own example. If all males strive to be as the King, then that may be fine if the King is a fine man! If the King and government, the nobles and the very wealthy, are all above the law, there is our fine example of how to be and how to live!
All of these institutions need to clean up and size down in expenditures. They all need to come down a good few rungs on the ladder of wealth and importance too. But anarchy does require an alternative structure being built for each nation even as we take down the ancient Roman Empire. For that to happen, we need females leading the way with honesty, equality and integrity.
It is beginning to happen here and we have a good female as Queen, who has her eldest daughter as the heir to the Spanish throne. The tides are indeed beginning to turn in the favour of the female again!!!
How do you feel about monarchy? Do you have a monarchy in your country? How are they doing? Can you see a clear purpose for maintaining our monarchs?
Thank you for reading. Please FEEL welcome to comment below or make communication via the contact box in the right-hand panel.Click the follow tab and get on board my Trains of Thought. I am very happy to find that I have had readers coming to read my trains of thought from India now too. Thank you so very much for looking my way. I do so hope that you will continue to find interest in my writings.
I also have interest from the USA as I have mentioned and the Philippines too. Oh, that really does feel wonderful. I imagine my book being read by INFJs all over the world. Here in Spain where I am living, I also have some readers too. So, for the moment my friends, we are scattered but I am reaching out to you all.
I look forward to making contact with you in your due course. Until the next post, happy learning! And, if you would like to buy my book, you can find it on Amazon with these links: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
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