Monday, 9 January 2023



How many of us actually think on a day to day basis of themselves as Africans? `The Whole world is Africa´, sang Black Uhuru, one of my favourite reggae bands. As the great, late Peter Tosh sang, wherever you come from and whatever you look like, you are an AFRICAN, in his song titled `AFRICAN´! I think of myself as African, even though I was born on the European continent and with pale skin!

What most fascinates me is how we all came to be where we are and who we are. My trains of thought are all geared in one way or another, to trying to resolve this as yet, unresolved mystery! I know instinctively that much is known in other parts of the world that is still unknown in Europe!! There has been all through time, the breakdown of cultures and traditions and as people, little people, we have had to go the way of our conquerors or make a break for freedom and live out in the wild expanse that is the natural world.

The indigenous peoples or ethnic peoples, are the living remnants of humanity prior to conquest and domination of other cultures. Those few who have made a life long decision to stay out of the man-made world. Stay true to themselves and their traditions and not sell their minds, bodies and souls to the man-made world of money seeking!

Hello and a very good afternoon to you ALL. Today is a very special day for me. After a dramatically poor day yesterday, I check my blog today and see that AFRICA IS ON my blog! YES, dear readers, I have been viewed and read from the five continents. AFRICA has tuned in to me today and from where? MOROCCO!!! My beloved MOROCCO! Hello and welcome to you Moroccan readers, I am truly overjoyed at this news.

You have lifted my spirits today, you really have! Please remember that the Google translator tool at the top left of my blog can translate into most languages, if that would be easier for you. I do so hope that you will join me with regularity and find some interest in the trains of thought of this white African which of course, are all geared towards Africa predominantely!!

camel tracks in the sand, my book´s front cover design

Chapter thirty-two now, entitled PICTURE BOOKS. It has been widely said that the average human being uses just 10% of their brain capacity!! Well, knowing the people that I do here in Europe, I think that I can see that is quite likely right. We can see clearly that there are amongst us, those who wish to use a lot more than 10% of their brains and endeavour to train that muscle that is their brain, into higher levels of motion!

Well, you see man-kind gives us all a general education here in Europe so that we can all read and write and do basic maths! From there we are taught specific skills, those that are required to keep the man-made machine going!! No more, no less, hence the 10% usage only. Man-kind does not want us to use anymore of our brains, we might get into thinking for ourselves and then start to question HIS leadership!!

That is where we are in Europe. It has been a long, long time in coming but half a century of general state education has seen whole populations become literate and by majority, have learnt some skill or another. Moving us as individual people into our man-made independent state. Our communal 10 percents all added together allows our leaders to get a very long way and get very wealthy whilst his own brain usage is being dedicated to thinking along different lines altogether. He does the thinking and we do the doing!!!

To add to that of course, has been the total exclusion of females in the educational field. This is where we can see the differences in our nations at this moment in time. Where is female education happening because that is where change is coming?? We have 65% of our government here in Spain that are female. That is noticeable 100% to us as a nation. Even the way in which politics is ejecuted, is radically different. Progress is possible but we as the world females do need to be leading us the right way!!

I really enjoyed writing this chapter. It all came at once really. Pictures flooded my mind and I just went searching! I was on my way to an area that has thousands of cave paintings and rock markings. I was remembering just how that FELT to me, knowing that it was some six thousand years ago that these Bedouin nomads had been wandering through this area of land, the Sahara Desert!

We built our communication skills slowly through time, much in the way that a new born child does. Year by year having greater powers of memory and motor actions. It is an all accumulating business is it not? Sounds began the process and it was the previous chapter where I talked of adolescent linguistical grunts and snarls, that helped me get back to the beginning of time.

There were a range of sounds that were in fact naming objects. Runes/markings came next. The sound plus the rune/marking. The sounds would have been in part stimulated by other animals and their calls, the human animal would have tried to replicate these sounds, thereby training their vocal cords. I do not know that we could all be magnificent opera singers for example but I do know that we can train our vocal cords to enable us to make a vast array of sounds.

Herein the vast differences of sounds that are made within the global languages of today. Many of our oldest languages continue to be runic. Why change? Put runes side by side and you begin to create sentences, as we know them! Walls were used as picture boards just as we used our blackboards and chalk at school. The picture dictionary as I believe they are. 

The specie HOMO had passed through the HABILIS stage and moved on to the ERECTUS stage. It was (until newer information contradicts this), HOMO ERECTUS who moved out of the African continent first! We are still alive and many still with the same brain capacity as our close ancestor HOMO ERECTUS.

To date, the oldest skeletons of H. ERECTUS have been found in my adopted home of Spain and my birth island of Gran Bretaña!! These were rune writers and as their movements progressed, so did the accumulation of new runes. Introducing new sounds and runes according to the novelties that they were discovering on their migrations. The same runes are found in many different locations in Europe and Eurasia.

By lining them in a rational sequence, we create a continuous link between the runes and I can see through our runic languages, that fundamentally they have not changed much through millions of years, maybe why the sounds of these languages are so enjoyable to listen to and just how musical they seem as well. The English language offers much scope for description and depth of sentiment but does it sound nice when spoken?

Our own vocal cords are trained by our mothers in our first weeks, months and years of life, from thereon, it would be very difficult to permanently forget your own language´s pronunciation. That is muscle memory for you. This I have seen with my tri-lingual Puppy. Three very different sounding languages, Spanish, Catalan and English, but starting at such a young age, a child still has not got firmly set into one sound scheme!

The vocal cords are more flexible maybe in youth. It certainly is as I find, virtually impossible to recreate the same exact sounds as the Spanish for example. I am speaking the same words as they are but not sounding the same! Puppy sounds the same as them but he also sounds the same as me. 

So, I take a look at the first and second waves (as believed for now), out of Africa and follow the trail of runes right down to Australia. I look at the two halves of the human species, the male and female. The female all things positive and the male, all things negative. The female the creator and the male, the destructor. The males have two heads but tend to use the lower, to the detriment of each and every other human being.

That is half way through my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN. There is a lot more to come, there is! In the next post, I will make it to Tassili n´Ajjer in the Sahara Desert and go clambering about finding rock paintings so until then, thank you for reading and please FEEL welcome to comment below or make communication by e-mail via the contact box in the right-hand panel, where there is also a follow tab. I would so love to have some feedback and hear your views too. 

In the meantime, happy learning to you! My book can be found on Amazon: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book

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