The Great British music band PINK FLOYD have an album entitled `COMFORTABLY NUMB´ and there is a song on the album with the same title. It is a hard won state of mind that is comfortably numb. Even coming to the decision to opt for that comfortably numb state has been a long, hard battle of wills and your own has succumbed to the stronger will to destruct.
Your only chance of mental preservation rests in becoming COMFORTABLY NUMB. You have long since isolated but now you have to become insulated, very well insulated. So well insulated, that the knocks and the blows no longer have the same damaging effect. To achieve this state you do need to cut emotional ties with the stronger will first and foremost.
You cannot insulate totally if there is one tiny little chink in your armour! You must be as that beautiful mollusc who turns grit and coral dust into exquisite gems, tightly enclosed in her hermetic shell. Exposing a craggy, time-worn, weather-beaten exterior and concealing all the beautiful work going on within.
You must become your own protector; from your protector! Concentrating on the beauty within, that is what really matters. That the production never comes to a standstill because of that stronger will, is the oh, so important factor. Find that insulation by not being his emotional partner anymore, you are home sharers, full stop. COMFORTABLY NUMB!!!
Hello and good morning to ALL around the world. With all that said, I am struggling to get back to my newly found COMFORTABLY NUMB zone of positive productivity. As the rare personality type, the INFJ type, I need to share so very much. I am living as that mollusc, deep down on the seabed, it feels like a good place to be right now; I do not want to be on view to all!
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I come from a small country village and I like space without people in it, I do. I love to go out and about and see no one. I do not live around people, I live around my mind. That is the major difference between the I`N´TUITIVE and the OB`S´ERVANT types. Your own mind is your driver or you follow the tinkling bells of other´s.
I have no positive communication with my partner, which leads to an increased need to share with someone. It can become an obsession, I am sure. I believe that is why we have half a world stuck on social networks. We are desperate to share ourselves and our thoughts with others, so desperate that we will go fishing in the internet ocean and sending bait (photos, videos, blogs, etc.), to try and entice someone into making contact with you.
You FEEL that you get a bite (read, like, view), wow!! No comment! Maybe they were carnivores and did not like my bait. You cast your rod again and again and again and again. Each time you do, you have less hope than the last time. You are searching for someone somewhere to support you and no one seems to want to do so. COMFORTABLY NUMB, is where we need to be.
What is so sadly apparent though, is it not, is how we are ALL wanting of support and communication with those that we really do know in the flesh! We are ALL isolated and the layers of insulation on our youth are ten times thicker than mine already. I did have support and communication in my youth from real people that I knew in the flesh.
But I do not have that luxury now in my fifties, oh, no! I am just the same as the youth, isolated as of a very long time and piling on the layers of insulation as best as one can because we ALL know that this will only get worse. That is why we feel so desperate. We are trying to self-protect as we have no other source of protection. We have none who care for our psychological and emotional well being, we have got to look to our own mental sanity.
COMFORTABLY NUMB is part of that strategy for psychological survival. Do not let the collective of fools break your will to see righteousness and worth reign throughout the planet Earth!
Writing your thoughts on paper, or as I am doing now, typing them out, feels like syphoning these thoughts out of your mind and leaving it clearer again. These are negative sensations and thoughts, you have to overcome the negatives and get the positive charges revving up again. Get the positive vibes taking over again.
The more bites on the bait, the more difficult it becomes this COMFORTABLY NUMB state. After so many bites and yet not one comment, well, you have to find a new point of COMFORTABLY NUMB! You stop expecting comments. Ah, expectations, new people bring with them new expectations, here we are!
We had high expectations of all those that we knew, they have all decieived us and now we have to look elsewhere. But we have no reference at all for these `biters´, do we? We cannot see them, we do not know where they are or who they may be? Therefore, I am now moving into my next phase of COMFORTABLY NUMB! How to insulate from these external deceptions as well as my close-up, recurring deceptions?
I get the FEELING that the more fishing lines you get out there in the ocean, the more open you are to ALL SORTS. I have got to thinking that well, maybe no comment is a positive sign. Nothing bad was said and people will comment most often on what they do NOT agree with.
Can I see any patterns which indicate someone following my trains of thought, absolutely NO, is the answer to that? I FEEL that it is haphazard nibbling of the bait and deciding to move on! Fair enough! I know that I am a rare type of person, I am looking for other rare types like myself. INFJs who have no taboos like this female; your narrator.
Do I want two word answers accompanied by a hieroglyph or two? Absolutely NO, is the answer to that! That is what I get TALKING to people, by writing to people as yet unknown, my expectations are higher of the people unknown than the people known. Here we are again, clutching at straws. The people unknown still hold hope, it is only when the people unknown become the people known, that you see them for what they are. And all hope disappears!
As INFJs, we are I believe, always looking for someone like our own selves, as such, none will ever meet our good expectations of them and they will show that very quickly too. Hence the solitary status of the INFJ. So, I take it as a positive sign that none have made bad comments thus far.
I would love to have some comments and feedback not only from other INFJs but any with their thought processors working! What I most yearn for in all honesty, is a reciprocal relationship. A two-way thing going on. An accumulating relationship which is always adding as it is growing and exploring the two minds.
Reciprocity is so very difficult to find but is it not just that, RECIPROCITY, that is missing from the lives of so many. This female INFJ does not have taboos and I will say that RECIPROCITY is what I most yearn for. Until then I will work on the COMFORTABLY NUMB.
Have you known a reciprocal relationship of any kind? Has it been an accumulating relationship? Why is REPROCITY so difficult to find? Do you know the status of COMFORTABLY NUMB?
Thank you so much for reading and please FEEL welcome to comment below or send me an e-mail using the contact box at the top right of the screen. For any of you who wish to following my trains of thought, click the follow tab in the right-hand panel.
Until the next post, happy learning!
Here are the links to my book on ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback version and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book version
My blog is listed along with other INFJ bloggers on
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Hi there reader, what do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts on my trains of thought. GO AHEAD! Air those thoughts too! I have no taboos!