Each year I dread the onset of winter and the cold conditions that it brings with it. I seriously question whether I will come through another bitter winter and will live to see another spring time. Somehow, I manage to withstand these tough conditions but with such unwillingness, that six months of every year for me, really are HELLISH!
Maybe unsurprising living in a home with a narcissist! Home improvements and maybe solar installation could surely be an answer but narcissists cannot be known for their rationale, of course! It is this abysmal lack of ambition (they know no better remember), that causes life to stall completely. I find myself today living the life of his father and mother!!
I life that I would never have chosen, no woman would ever have chosen to live as the kicking post and let off steam tool that a narcissist sees their partner as. Mine is ten minutes out of the home and already I use my let off steam valve, my blog, my writing. Keeping my brain cleared of his thick, ugly fog and concentrating on the light on the horizon, albeit very distant for now!
Chapter twelve of my second book ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT today and it is called, It Is Spring Time Again! Well, even as I read through this chapter a few days ago, I could see that in fact, I am a year behind myself. I am already into that warmth of spring time again this year 2023. Back in my book though and it was the spring time of 2022 that was welcoming me!
It had been an unusual winter for us here. We had had the warmest and driest winter on record (outdoors that is)! Then we had the wettest month of March on record too and the temperatures were actually below our seasonal averages, which could only mean that the indoor conditions were damp and cold!
All of that rain is highly welcome here in Almería and surely all of the non-native cacti and succulents will have been guzzling up their fill in their particular storage tanks!! I quote myself from this chapter:
This is a good rain today and the view out of my window grows greener everyday. I will mention too of course, all of our out of place, non-native succulent plants, which even now, are drinking deeply and filling their storage tanks up to their maximum levels.
When living up in Barcelona, where I had my first collection of cacti and succulents, we suffered a two week spell of very heavy rains. My plant tubs began overflowing with water. Neither the soil or the plants rooted within them, could absorb any more!
Some cladodes did actually split from swelling to such a size. Beer bellies, a result of guzzling down vast quantities of liquid in a very short space of time. Fortunately for our beer-bellied men, they can pee much of that out! Not so a cacti!! End of quote.
But the 14th of March really did see a strange phenomena occur. A warm southern breeze had picked up a massive quantity of Saharan sand and was carrying this enormous orange cloud northwards. Here in Almería, we are fairly nearby and definitely on the breeze path. It really was quite something and the skies were turned orange for the whole day.
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The consequent layers of sand over my terraces did take some seriously hard work to get all cleaned up eventually and I was writing this chapter soon after these events. My reptilic spells on my sunny doorstep continued to be my major source of warmth and Vitamin D.
I ramble off remembering the heatwave of 1976 in my birth nation of Gran Bretaña. The year in which we registered the highest ever temperature on the island, that being 35.9ºC on the west side in Cheltenham to be precise. Forty-three years had moved on from that record when over on my eastern side, Cambridge registered another new high of 38.7ºC.
That record has now been topped again and the 40ºC mark was reached for the first time in July of 2022. There are far too many who will not believe in the theory of global warming. Therein the major danger that we face as a world of righteous and worthy human beings. If our leaders do not perceive that we really do have a man-made problem on our hands, what can we do? I quote myself again:
We really are sitting back on all our human obligations to try and save life, all human, animal and plant! All natural organisms need healthy environments in which to thrive. But all natural organisms are under stress; human, animal, plant and our own environment, made up of the earth itself, the air and the waters of the world.
Each and every day man-kind usurps another area to begin destroying for economic gain. Far from trying to stop the rot, man-kind is putting his foot on the accelerator. Variant man-kind is the enemy of all living organisms. He has failed systematically to evolve beyond his destructive schemes.
The trouble is that we seem to also systematically find ourselves being governed by variant man-kind, who will make decisions to suit himself and other members of man-kind only. As variant man-kind sees it, the world is his to do as he wishes with; full stop. The citizens of the world are his tools, who all do his bidding and play their part in his destructive schemes.
Never any thought beyond today. Even though we now talk of urgent actions being our only option, variant man-kind has no real intention of bringing down his polluting, destructive, concrete world. None at all! We must have leaders that are first and foremost, members of the human race!
Those who wish to work for all that is righteous and worthy of life. Those who can see that even now, we are moving towards the elimination of quite possibly, near to half of the world´s actual population. The fittest of the fit shall survive, as I will keep saying.
But under what conditions are we forced to try and survive. Sadly, it is our man-made conditions that we have to try and survive each and every day. His vast polluting machine of domination and subjugation, has steam-rollered over so much of the planet Earth and over so may of its peoples, that there are already three and a half billion people who are only JUST surviving!! End of quote.
Can we be surprised therefore, that there is a continual exodus of desperate people leaving their homelands and heading off into the unknown in search of possibilities and opportunities to work, earn money and get that money back to their families enabling their survival.
Where I am currently living, I believe the foreign nationals out number the natives. Half of those are immigrants looking for work opportunities and the other half come with their own money to spend. The two sides of immigration. The north to south travellers come with their own money and do tend to return to their home lands.
The south to north travellers come in search of money to send to their home lands. All moving but for completely different reasons. As such, the northerners tend to come via regular routes and have return tickets too. They have a home elsewhere and a life there too. The doors are wide open to them, they are very welcome. Indeed, we down here, would not survive without all of this money that comes in from the northerners!
Not so for those on the African continent. What choices do they have in reality? Very few in truth but as far as Europe is concerned, the doors are very much CLOSED to them. Actually obtaining a passport in the first instance is very difficult and then visas, reservations, NO. Very few can travel in a regular way. Hence the new business of sending people off in barely seaworthy craft, to make their own passage to wherever they get washed up.
If they get washed up to shore alive that is! Just like Abd al-Rahman I, an illegal immigrant who came by boat and as you will already know, he got washed up to shore in Almuñecar, Granada. So, so very sad.
In my next post I will go onto the next chapter where I look more in depth at this horrendous disequality that exists between the world´s nations and their freedom of movement around the world.
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This second book of mine is now on sale (25/08/2023), here are the Amazon links: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback
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