Good morning to you readers, another fine day dawns, though how one can rise to each new dawn is the mystery! With only one´s own will to communicate as their driving force. Each day for the last two and a half years, my exclusive mission has been to try and make contact with other fellow human beings and possibly enter into dialogue and eventually have a CONVERSATION! Yes, I know INFJs that is a scandalous idea but I cannot get it out of my head!
My own mission does help me to understand much of our collective routes, as world citizens, across the globe. Some running away from others for their own survival and some tracking down others, unable to survive without those others! My theory of course, but I FEEL that I am right. The females and their offspring tried to give their males the slip and the males have become as predators, sniffing us out and tracking us down.
That is all for my third book though, so I really have got some work to do if anyone is going to be able to follow my trains of thought! Back to book one which is the bulb of my Trains of Thought series (as will be), the roots are me and I have remembered where I initially set my roots and where I am actually now, completely up-rooted. Biding time trying to think of the future and a day when I will be able to get into action again and see even if I wish to take root anywhere or whether I go wandering again.
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In this the third chapter of my first book, I am looking at the performance of man-kind in leadership and how it is HIS own character and lack of integrity, that is to blame for most of the entire world population´s misery. In Almería province where I live, the standard of living is percentually significantly lower than other regions of Spain. Almería has the tag of `poor cousin of Spain´. So sad when the poor cousin named Almería is expected to grow food for all of Spain and the greater part of Europe too.
Hence being home to the only desert in Europe, Tabernas Desert. Yes, we, I correct myself, they, man-kind, are directly responsible for land desertification. The poverty is high in this region, the majority of employment is seasonal, being found in the agricultural and tourism sectors only. It is the `make hay while the sun shines´ philosophy that we live by down here. Irregular finances, irregular employment and hence, irregular dreams and aspirations!
From my own book I quote:
So, how has it all got so out of hand? Simple! One bad man-made decision after another! Century upon century of bad man-made decisions! Not one thinks to clear up HIS mess behind HIM and of course no, HE will not admit that HE got it wrong and talk us through HIS mistakes, so that maybe we could learn from them!
And that is where the big problem lays, the male character! I mean, the leader of a country gets voted into leadership. HE makes a whole load of bad decisions, gets kicked out of power and put out to grass with a fat pension. If only we could all walk away from our mistakes so easily but for most of us, it requires toughing things out until we have put them right again, does it not?
So why does the TOP DOG have the luxury of walking away from HIS mess with a golden hand-shake? HE should have to stay and sort it all out before HE is allowed to go off to grass and depending on how HE does, will determine the quantity of grass that HE takes with HIM. Sounds good to me! OUR world I believe, is just one long run of HIS-STORY, yes, HIS-STORY. I reckon it is way past time for a good dose of HER-STORY going down to start balancing things out. End of quote.
We all have to adapt to the conditions created by the accumulated weight of man-kind, HE who has tried to dominate ALL at ALL times. It was the 21st of April 2020 when I wrote down those particular words. I had recently come back from Córdoba with my mind full of my own uprising plans but then COVID-19 came and took over the lives of everyone in this world.
I quote again from my book:
Then COVID-19 begins to spread all over the world. I say begins, because as I am writing today, it is 21st April 2020 and as such, we are still in our period of three months confinement. Thereby enjoying the spring warmth on the terrace with a task in hand, I set about writing. As sadly, champing at the bit as I am, my stable door is solidly bolted right now and so I shall have to bide my time until it is safe to venture out again.
We can also see here, that our year will bear no resemblance to an average year as we do move so much on tourism and many nationals with holiday homes. So the book seemed to be my only option right now!
If only the world´s leaders had seen fit to bolt a few stable doors earlier on, we could be living a different day today. What is staggering me though, is the fact that I have been reading many of our male leader´s minds since this crisis began. I have been able to pre-empt their foolish decisions because they always do the same.
COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN, IT IS ALWAYS THE SAME! It was not difficult for one sat on the OUTSIDE LOOKING IN. I think even as I speak as a woman, have women not had to sit on the outside of every decision ever taken? Looking in on those making the decisions that we would all have to live by, like it or not! End of quote.
Equality; it is way past time for females to be at the head of leadership. It has been the continual, steady pushing of each new generation of mothers to encourage their daughters to seek independence from males, that has seen more and more females in the work place, although equal wages are still waiting to be applied. Though as a country, here in Spain, we have no less than 65% of our government who are female. Times are beginning to change.
I begin to assess just how different female leadership would be simply because we would be leading for all the nation that we led. Not just serve ourselves to the country´s finances!!! We would apply common sense to our decision making as opposed to the age-old philosophy of man-kind, which is, "How much money do I stand to make out of the venture?" MONEY, man-kind´s driving force!!
I quote myself again:
Whatever happened to common sense? Gone with good education systems I think! Another of our massive failings in modern times! But how can we make any headway when all the decisions are man-made? Does anyone out there really want to live in this man-made HOLLYWOOD STYLE, SCIENCE FICTION VIRTUAL REALITY WORLD?
I want to have a real world to live in. Oh, how I wished that all the factories could close down, take all the cars off the roads and actually see the difference without our man-made contamination mechanisms. Oh, how I wished that man-kind could wake up and see HIMSELF for what HE really is! How many men can actually do that? End of quote.
It was down to the actual leaders that each country had at that moment in time, that the COVID-19 decisions were what they were! The world wide scientific community was screaming out at the top of their voices but what choices did our leaders make. Sadly for so many nations, the decision was to cover up initially and pretend that we had nothing to worry about. So many mixed messages, communication breakdown and yes, the stable door WAS bolted, but only after all the horses had been running rampant for three whole months!!!
This was going to be an absolute human catastrophe! I was going to witness the unnecessary loss of many lives but not even I could know that it would be so dramatic. I had to believe that some good could come out of this dramatic man-made disaster. What was so crucial though was a change in male psychology, there was no longer any doubt about that!
Human, NO, man-made disasters, do always have a positive effect somewhere but maybe you have to search hard to see where that may be. There have indeed been many positive gains here in Spain, not least our own President Pedro Sanchez, who I will mention further on. We did not see all the gains that could have been made though and as such, we are now polluting more than we were prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020!!
The mixed messages were so detrimental. Having started off with, "There is nothing to worry about!" Then moving to, "This is do or die!" Well, really you had every option in between those two taken. That Maimónides quote in Córdoba kept ringing in my ears, I give it to you again, "The risk of taking a poor/wrong decision is preferable to the paralysis of indecision." How true it is that the paralysis of indecision of leaders world wide, led to massive losses of life in this initial stage of semi-ignorance.
But was it not the belief that as Europeans, we would be alright? WE would not succumb to a VIRUS, now would WE? WE are so healthy and strong!!!! The fittest of the fit shall survive my friends and they will do so because of the decisions that they take for themselves and others around them, no more, no less. These must be a combination of physical and psychological decisions.
Yes, I can appreciate that no one living in Europe had any experience with contagious diseases, barring all sexually transmitted diseases because sad to say, in spite of awareness and information available on these diseases, we find that here in Spain, the cases of sexually transmitted diseases are increasing year on year.
When your only `go to´ learning guide is a social network, well, virtually real guidance, will of course, only be a virtually real guide. The blind leading the blind, into an ever deeper blindness and an ever deeper state of ignorance! Can you FEEL virtual reality, no? That is why the `virtual´ part applies, it is almost real minus the one crucial factor that is, it is not real and so you have no real sensations FELT.
You did not absorb anything from that virtually real whatever. You had a superficial representation of what maybe you could FEEL if you went and FELT it for yourself. The OBSERVANT character, the follower, the one who has to copy as they have no ideas of their own, so try and FEEL what others are supposedly FEELING and saying how good it FEELS!
You may remember that this INFJ-T runs off INTROVERTED, INTUITION and JUDGING by FEELING predominantly, as such I have no interest whatsoever in anything that I cannot FEEL personally. But neither do I need to watch what I might want to FEEL or not, as though I had no mind of my own. No, I know so well all that I have FELT and what I wish to FEEL again. Running through your life story as I have in this book, has you get in touch with all that you have FELT through your life.
I have FELT my way always by my own Intuition, I am not and have never been a follower. I know where to find the FEELINGS that I am wanting to know. They do not come from watching a horror/terror film with people being tortured and killed in a hundred and one different ways for example. I do not need to exchange morse code messages with virtual real people in disguise. Those FEELINGS I am far too amply familiar with.
Depth, quality, meaning, anything else, why stress yourself out? Can you see that the stereotypical male character is the bane of all? Do you think that the female addition to leadership is a positive sign? Can you see how women can make serious differences in the way that they lead? Leading for a whole nation as opposed to just those few who support you? Why do our leaders have the privilege of creating catastrophes and then being able to walk away from them?
In my next post I will move on with chapter four - INDECISION. Elaborating on the dangers of indecision in leadership, in particular in the unusual situation that we had found ourselves in with this lethal virus COVID-19 in our midst.
Thank you for reading and please FEEL free to comment or make communication, I would love to have some feedback, I truly would. You can use the comment space below the post or the contact box in the right-hand panel, under which is the follow tab, should you wish to follow my trains of thought. I can with the greatest happiness share with you all today that yes, a human being has given me some of their time willingly, just as my time was given willingly, ever a good start. Reciprocity, we mentioned the word, positive signs!
I have received my first contact to my blog. The very first person who has read my blogs and FELT the desire to contact me. Confidentiality being what it is and disgression being one of my typical characteristics, I can only say THANK YOU Ms. C for becoming my very first contact. I hope that you will continue to enjoy following the trains of thought of this `outcast´ INFJ-T.
I would so love to be able to put that Assertive back to my INFJ but I do not get much encouragement to do so! Thank you for considering me, that is so very deeply appreciated! My first book is now on sale on Amazon: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
Other INFJ bloggers can be found here: https://lifestyle.feedspot.com/infj_blogs
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