Good morning to all, the sunshine begins to breakthrough the early morning clouds here and another warm day with a high of 24ºC to look forward to. At the same time, the snows have begun to fall in the Ukraine and Russia, where the cost of gas and electricity is by the by, they are completely without energy supplies in far too many areas. My dear friend in Africa has now been three months with no electric supply to his neighbourhood. The supply cannot meet the demand!!!
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These are times of big decision making for sure. The dirty fossil fuelled, man-made world, has got to be brought down!! Man-kind though, was never a good decision maker, hence the struggles world wide to exist in any kind of comfort and stability.
I loathe man-kind! It breaks my heart that I have to dedicate all my energy (clean, green, positive energy), talking exclusively about man-kind and trying to reveal HIM to you ALL, wherever you are in this world, that you should have no doubts left in your mind as to who is the reason for all that is negative and detrimental to the overall health and well being of the planet Earth and all that live upon it.
It has to be done, someone has to tell their truth and I have taken it upon myself to do just that. Hopefully in an entertaining way because no, man-kind as a subject matter, really does not make nice reading. My own literary skills (I hope) will stretch as far as they FEEL wise to do so but I will not make excuses for man-kind and I will certainly not support HIM ever!
Today I am talking of my third chapter titled INDECISION. I have already mentioned the Maimónides quote "The risk of making a poor/erroneous decision is preferable to the paralysis of indecision." I had begun to see that every leader in times long gone by, was surrounded by their wisest people. Maimónides in his day, was one of the wisest men at the Calipha´s court. Where were our modern day Maimónides´? Why were our leaders not surrounded by the wise anymore?
Bearing in mind that I am writing at this point still in our period of confinement, I could see that this was exactly what was needed. This COVID-19 outbreak was not a political issue, it was a serious health issue and so required the lead to come from within the medical and scientific community. The politicians deal with money, not human life or human stability! Somewhat late in the day, it was indeed the scientific community who took control of the situation.
I found on returning from Córdoba in the February, that there was a modern day Maimónides and I will now introduce you all to him, lest you know him not as yet! Dr. Michael J. Ryan! Well, I could write volumes about this gentleman, what a career, what a brilliant human being he is indeed. He is a trauma surgeon and epidemiologist by training. He entered into the World Health Organization in 1996 and is now the executive director of the WHO emergencies program.
I first discovered this incredibly wise and intelligent man whilst he was giving a conference with other virological experts with regards to our COVID-19 epidemic. Oh, he knows the only way to act is FAST. These were his exact words.
I quote Dr. Michael J. Ryan:
"You must be the first mover; you need to go after the virus. Move fast and have no regrets. If you need to be right before you move, you will never win. Perfection is the enemy of the good when it comes to emergency management. Speed trumps perfection. The problem that we have in society at the moment is that everyone is afraid of making a mistake. Everyone is afraid of the consequence of error. But the greatest error is not to move. The greatest error is to be paralyzed with the fear of failure." End of quote.
How true his words are and were at just that moment in time. As yet, the whole world was trying to play the blame game and behaving ruthlessly towards the Chinese nation. I know that we had COVID-19 here in my town in December 2019!!! We now know that waste water samples collected in Paris, France in the month of June 2019, contained COVID-19. The same applied to waste water samples in Barcelona, Spain in the month of July 2019! This started in Europe, make no mistake!
Fortunately for the whole world, the Chinese nation were conducting in depth studies on this particular virus. It was a known virus but its transmissibility from animals to humans, was as yet unknown. This is what scientists do with their working hours. They try and find the truth of all things. Yes, it was a member of the scientific team who was the Wuhan root but not the European root. Oh, no! In the UK, we had already buried people who had died from COVID-19. But it did not have an official name as yet in Europe.
Those deaths, as so many others in the early stages of awareness, were attributed to pneumonia and bronchial conditions. But of course, the staff treating these bronchial conditions were all being infected too. This was down to underlying health as to whether you sickened and displayed symptoms and so sought help, or whether you really did not even know that you had a viral infection. Whilst passing the blame is a white-man´s go to tactic, I hope that one day we can know why that virus was in Europe in the summer of 2019!
We can assume that the issue was covered up, that is the typical man-made response to anything unpleasant. It was that decision to cover up and play down this lethal virus, that allowed it to run rampant all over the world. The Chinese leader was no exception but it was HE, who was able to come down a rung or two and recognize that he had done wrong in trying to cover up information which the general public had every right to know.
I quote myself from chapter four:
It needed a bold move by a very bold man, to save China´s day and they can be PROUD, yes, I said PROUD, that their leader swallowed his pride, came clean over his attempt to silence and cover up the findings of these brilliant and well meaning workers of his nation and admit that he had wrongly handled what had been a bud in time for nipping. By coming clean, he could, if he listened to all his wise women and men, still pull back to a manageable degree, this quickly spreading virus.
And that, leaders of this world, is how China managed to get moving in some of the biggest operations that I have seen in my life time. Their leader did in fact take up his role as true leader and began to lead his people to a better footing. If he feared his demise once this all got out of the bag, does that not show an intelligent mind working? He could have gone out like every other failed male leader before him or he could do as he has. Step up to leadership and lead the people properly. But lead them armed with the truth. End of quote.
With the truth of our real situation coming to full light, there were those who took it very seriously, like the Chinese and those who actually laughed in the face of medical expertise! I quote myself again:
So why do our modern leaders feel that they can make decisions without any of their wise women and men´s contributions? If you read through Dr. Ryan´s words, you would see some of the answers. FEAR, yes FEAR! Fear of getting it all publicly wrong and so doing nothing! What do our leaders take us for as citizens? Are we really so stupid and pathetic that the, oh, so important truths of this world are ever concealed from us? Are we unable to deal with the truth? I would hazard a guess that we would all of us decent citizens of this world, struggle with some of our government´s present and past truths!!
You see, Spain has ever been a corrupt country, as are many others, hence the absent hope in any government here. The day that some truths come our way, will be a fine one, though we will not enjoy knowing all of the wrong doings of each and every government, but if we are ever to move forward here, as every other country in the world, we need honesty! We need leaders coming clean, no more brushing it all under the carpet, yet another load of sticking plasters and then pass the buck to another!!! End of quote.
As the little people, we could see the dishonesty all around us. Were there any honest leaders in the whole world? Yes, we found some! For the greater part female, of course. But Europe did not believe that it would suffer or did they just not care how many suffered? It is the latter of course, man-kind does not lament loss of human life. HE is a breeder! HE just breeds more to fill those gaps! We are as tools to HIM, HE will just breed replacements. Homo Erectus continues to exist sad to say!!
I quote myself again:
For that simple reason, this virus has now travelled to almost every country in the world. THE PARALYSIS OF INDECISION!! Well, every twenty-four hours of delay has sadly meant a lethal rise in the contact rates and deaths.
Having taken a break for dinner and a catch up on the evening news, I can sadly with much rage in my heart, tell you that here in Spain, we have now lost 14,000 people who were living in CARE homes. My rage and pain constrict my throat so that I cannot speak coherently.
Dr. Ryan and the WHO experts warned the world of the vulnerability of our senior citizens, particularly those with underlying health issues! Why do you usually go into a nursing care home? Those 14,000 dear souls did not set a foot outdoors, did they? Off their own steam, I am sure they would have legged it out of there but heartbreakingly, they became sitting ducks! The very same staff that care for them, coming and going everyday and one by one, infecting them all. End of quote.
Make the elderly and infirm your priority WHO had said. No one took any note of that! Fourteen thousand people dead in their beds and wheelchairs, it was a MASSACRE! Though this was just the warm-up sad to say! On ending this fourth chapter, in Spain we had seven thousand people in intensive care who were fighting for their lives and a confirmed 98,000 active cases.
I had been waiting and waiting for someone to make the right move. Fortunately we had the solid advice of the experts like Dr. Michael J. Ryan and great leaders like President Xi Jinping to lead the way. This was never a Chinese issue exclusively, oh, no! I do not know where this started exactly but the evidence that we have does clearly show that this began in Europe. Knowing man-kind as I do, I could well believe that this was created in Europe with a view to the deliberate spreading of it. Viral war-fare!
We can only be grateful to the Chinese scientific community first and foremost, who were prepared to take on the task of studying this potentially lethal virus and so leading the medical way forward. But the logistical response that was China´s, left no doubt as to why that nation is known, quite rightly, as the cradle of wisdom. The rest of the world accepts hundreds of deaths daily from COVID-19. Not so the Chinese who have had continual criticism with regards to their human rights policies!!!
The hypocrisy of the west is absolute! The white man-kind convinces HIMSELF of HIS own righteousness. It is as absurd as it is laughable. I have one living with me and above me! This is why our lives are so TURBULENT and barely tolerable. Man-kind and his inability to EVOLVE.
I knew that this paralysis of indecision would mean death and the degree of death would be totally dependent on how long a leader waited to act. Remember the then President of the USA Donald Trump and his "Relax, it is all under control!" One million, one hundred and five thousand American citizens have lost their lives because of COVID-19. Yes, many of those would have relaxed!! Those mixed messages added to poor leadership decisions. They are close now to having notched up one hundred million and five hundred thousand cases in the USA. It really was under control was it not?
They had eighty-five deaths from COVID-19 yesterday and another thirteen thousand plus, picked up the virus as well. They currently have around one million and four hundred thousand people actively infected, three thousand of which are in intensive care. Yes, the experts said in February 2020 that the USA would lose more than a million lives if they did not act immediately. The paralysis of indecision has left the experts so sadly, spot on!
The same can be said for my birth nation of Gran Bretaña. Their predictions were a quarter of a million deaths if they did not make some good decisions and fast. The then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, told the nation that they had nothing to worry about, it would all be wrapped up in twelve days. It was not wrapped up in twelve days. He was in intensive care himself with the virus even before those twelve days were up!
The UK statistics are no longer being counted but they are in line with the USA´s numbers. There are just twenty four million confirmed cases counted but nothing has been added to those statistics in more than eight months now. The quarter of a million deaths though have occurred and there will be many more deaths from COVID-19 too. They care not at all!
Spain where I live, decided to stop counting too. And yes, I will not even bother with the confirmed stats because I know that they are just the few who were suffering from symptoms. The deaths though are half of the British, that is credit to the Spanish medical fraternity. They have worked as none other than the Chinese to save lives. The best of the world in the medical field, one of the few things that a Spaniard could be proud of.
China still continues to try and eradicate this virus from within their midst. The only country actively trying to do so. As yet, they have not passed three hundred thousand infections. That is to say that more people have died in my birth nation from COVID-19, than have actually been infected with COVID-19 in China. And you B******S want to give lectures on human rights? The loss of Chinese citizens after three whole years of this pandemic, has been limited to five thousand and two hundred!!! They are currently fighting another outbreak, as of today they have 27,000 cases active.
How have you fared so far in this COVID-19 pandemic? How did the leader in your country lead your people? Was your leader guilty of the paralysis of indecision? Have you contracted COVID-19 yourself or know others who have? I am still COVID-19 free and it is my intention to keep it that way too!
Thank you for reading. Please FEEL welcome to comment or make communication. I have a contact box and a follow tab at the top of the right-hand panel and there is a comment space below the post. In my next blog I will give you an insight into chapter five entitled, IS THERE ANY HOPE? Whilst Donald Trump and Boris Johnson were leading and many others like them, where could one find any hope?
Until then, happy learning!!! If anyone would like to read my first book, you can find it with these links to Amazon: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book For more INFJ blogs.
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