Friday, 25 November 2022



I wonder if any of you readers can feel my frustration through my words. Even as I was living through these early days of confinement and the accompanying fear and frustration, I found my own scope of perception amplifying by the day. I had never had any faith in MAN-KIND. But even HE was able to shock me with HIS total adamancy that life had to go on as usual. 

my son´s 3d painting of an urban city at night

We saw here in Spain just how underfinanced our health service was and how understaffed it was also. All the deficiencies were left glaringly visible. The decades of under-achieving politicians, to put it politely, are responsible for the deterioration of a nation and its public services. The Chinese were building new hospitals in record time in order to cope with the initial flood of infected people. 

Nowhere else in this world was able to react as the Chinese nation did. They pulled out all the stops and to add to that, just as I predicted they would, then proceeded to supply the whole world with the necessary equipment to aid their labour too!

This medical health crisis was going to come down to MONEY? Yes, it was! Could a nation afford to buy all the necessary equipment? NO, NO and NO! As such, our poor medical staff were all seriously exposed to the very worst working conditions that could be imagined. This was about every individual making decisions for themselves. 

In whom could you believe and so place your faith in their word and so find hope? My mother placed her faith in science, those who know! In spite of living in Gran Bretaña, she remains still COVID-19 free. She knew that she fell into the vulnerable group and put herself into confinement even before the order became official! The fittest of the fit shall survive but it will be because of the decisions that they take for themselves. 

Mental fitness, this was all about mental fitness. Could you understand the gravity of the situation and as such, make good choices for yourself? Sadly, owing to mixed messages, coupled with the general level of ignorance in Spain and Europe as a whole, mental fitness has been shown to be our great deficit!

After a couple of turbulent years politically speaking here in Spain, we had at last shifted the corrupt conservative leadership and got a coalition government in situe. I still have hope in them but this was something that no one could have known how to deal with, it was a first time for all those living in Europe. Not so mother Africa or Asia or South America, oh, no! This was just another one to add to the already very long list of lethal virus´ and diseases that they live with on a daily basis.

Diseases, virus´ and sicknesses that have been completely eradicated from Europe. How refreshing therefore, for me to see that Africa was so little affected by comparison. The fittest of the fit shall survive, they always will! 

I was so wound up whilst writing, I am remembering that now as I am reviewing my first book myself, as I can find no one as yet interested in reading it and so I am reviewing it myself. I felt so damned helpless just watching on! Why can you not do this? Why do you not do that? Rock and a hard place! I know. When you have a poverty stricken nation such as Spain, you literally cannot stop the man-made machine.

We have a regular five million unemployed, that was now going to double! We were heading for an economic disaster as well here! Around half of the population (the full-time workers), were able to receive financial help. The other thirty five million part-timers and illegal workers like myself, had nothing and no opportunity to make any money either. An increase in crime was inevitable and yes, many of those millions of unemployed are now professional thieves, it is now a full-time employment!

We were told that some 54% of the nation´s wealth was in the hands of 1% of the population. That has been recently revised and it is now 64% of the nation´s wealth that is in the hands of just 1% of this population. Brutal statistics indeed! The 99% of the population have lost 10% of their accumulated wealth and it has been absorbed by that 1%. COVID-19 and all of the disturbance created by it, has enabled the wealthiest to become even more wealthy at the expense of the very poor.

As a result we now have five million needing food given them every day just to stay alive. We have FOOD POVERTY, we have FUEL POVERTY, we have moved ever closer to becoming a fully third world nation again. That is the medium term future for Spain if it does not wake up. 

Much depends therefore, on the short term decisions made by this government made up of human beings. The leader of whom is Pedro Sanchez. He was slow to start but did do a XI, as I now call doing the right thing! 

I quote myself from chapter five:  

The Spanish president comes out and speaks to the nation and tells us that he has put his group of experts together and will now be following their instructions. HOPE, our president had come down off his high horse, recognized that he did not have a clue what to do and asked for help! You can be sure of course, that the experts were advising him long before he decided to take their advice! So, we have been working on the `better later than never´ philosophy!

Having let the virus run rampant to an almost unmanageable proportion, he passes the buck! But if as the Chinese president, he can recognize that he has been at fault in his decision making, there he opens his path to his future as our leader. He has accepted his responsibility and is now leading with great humbleness and visible sadness at this horrendous loss of life and with firm, calm assurance. Urging us all to think as one nation and begin to care AGAIN!  End of quote.

We needed to be asked to care AGAIN? Insinuating that we were not caring of course and he was right in asking us to care AGAIN because no, we do not CARE about any other than our ownselves in Europe. No one was prepared to make any sacrifices until pushed to do so. How sad is that? " No, sorry Mr. President but I have got to see the mates later, we have got to get drunk and make fools of ourselves. We cannot live without that, now be reasonable!" Those mixed messages, the worst of which was the, "Young people will not be affected by this virus!" Hence the youth having no reason (as they saw it) to stay in!!

This was coming down to the character of our leaders, their own personal integrity as people was displayed as non-existent in the majority of cases. The female leaders of the world really did lead in a very different way this COVID-19 crisis!

I quote myself again: 

The trouble is, so many of this world´s males find themselves in situations or jobs, that they do not have any preparation for! So maybe that is why they feel the `pressure cooker´ effect, as I call it! They are IN! They have got the job that they were after and the timer is turned on! They are up against the clock! How much can they benefit from this job before the timer goes off? Because they know that when the timer goes off, everyone will be expecting a good meal. All sat round the table ready and waiting! So, the lid of that pressure cooker has got to come off and the contents therein, be revealed! 

Having never made a meal in his life, would he have known what ingredients to put in the cooker in the first place? No, but that does not mean that he could not have come up with the goods if he had, let us say, a few trained cooks in the team! If he had asked them, they would certainly have told him and to boot, a multitude of different concoctions to meet every palate and taste!

A leader must become a different person, or maybe I should say that perhaps different people should become our leaders. People who know how to listen to their wise and learned scholars! People who know that they themselves do not know all and will invariably need to collude with experts and others, to find all the information and detail required to make proper, balanced decisions which will have positive benefits for all.  End of quote.

I myself found my own mind absolutely racing at this period in time. I had nothing to do but think. There will have been others like myself, who will have enjoyed having so much spare time at home to really get stuck into thinking and learning. For want of human contact, I decided to use my brain to begin plotting the NEW WORLD. My first book is the result of all that time thinking!

Can you see the difference that character makes to leadership? Do you think female leadership is a positive factor? Does your leader listen to their wise and learned scholars? Did your leader have to come down off his high horse? Or did you have a female leader and how were their decisions made?

Next post will be about chapter six entitled REALITY CHECK and I will do just that. I really felt that it was so important to be making a permanent reminder of these tragic happenings because time does have us move away from these dramatic events which are so life changing and for many, that change has become a permanent one. Those who have LONG-COVID-19, those who do not recover fully! That is my greatest fear. To add a permanent debilitating health problem to my already disastrous situation.

Thank you for reading. Please FEEL welcome to comment or make communication. There is a comment space below the post. In the right-hand panel you can find the contact box and just beneath it is the follow tab, try keeping up to date with my trains of thought! Stay virus free and ensure that your long-term health is not compromised! 

This book can be found with these Amazon links: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book

More INFJ reading can be found on this listing: https://lifestyle.feedspot.com/infj_blogs

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