Hello readers and a very good afternoon to you all. That is a fit title to talk on FEELING as I do right now! I could see in the last chapter that `bollocks´, male slang for testicles, signifying quantities of testosterone and sperm produced in those said `bollocks´, determined whether you were possessed of courage or not!
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Hence the very aptly titled music album of the Punk Rock band the Sex Pistols, `NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS, HERE´S THE SEX PISTOLS!´ Now that put the wind up our `bollock less´ (using male slang, not mine!) politicians, it did! Now these guys have got some spunk!! Male slang again, not my invention! So they had their `bollocks´ full of sperm, did they? What did sperm have to do with anything?
Sadly, our world is all about sperm and testosterone, they rule our lives one way or another, that is the truth. Or maybe it is the perceived possession of sperm and testosterone or the lack of possession of sperm and testosterone that leads to much of our male´s arguing and fighting. Who has the greater quantity? If you are seen to have a limited quantity of either or both well, you must be homosexual then? By male thinking (via testosteronal charges and built up sperm levels) I will add, less any think that I am seeking to offend any same sex males, I am not. I will defend you!
By the 24th April 2020, having seen the whole world slip into an unprecedented paralysis, the changes in the atmospheric conditions were dramatic. The images sent from outer space showed the cooling of the earth´s surface as the days were passing by. It was the proof that I had ever needed. All that we need to do, is take down everything that should never have been and certainly does not need to be either.
Wild-life began to come out of hiding with the reduced human movement in their habitual environments. The natural world was springing into new life everywhere that activities were ceased. It was conclusive for me. We can do this, we can. We can turn the world back on to its axial tilt, we can!
I get cheesed off myself talking of solar power but our rural communities are absolutely feasible. The whole community but if this must be at the cost of every house owner, there we trip ourselves up. This must be about whole communities being self-sufficient in their own energy supplies. We really have got to turn our backs on man-kind´s leadership.
HE has turned our lands into HIS rubbish tips. Rusted old cars and caravans, old building materials and debris, household rubbish and waste. All manner of rubbish just piled into great mountains or buried in great big, deep craters. Or alternatively taken out to sea and buried in a great big, deep crater on the sea bed. And failing those three options, paying a third world country to take in their excess rubbish! Anyone who will organize recycling properly, will make their fortune at the same time as they do one of the most necessary labours of all.
This is largely unskilled labour and absolutely a countryside employer for many. Rural villages and towns do not make excessive amounts of rubbish themselves but to compensate for that, the cities make far more rubbish than they do. It is about working together and collecting rubbish as far afield as you are able to deal with. Actually get out and start clearing up these mountains of rubbish which had been dumped by government and low minded individuals.
Seal off our natural areas as the national Land Acts state they should be. Making access more difficult to these dumpers but also offering alternative ways to get rid of your refuse whatever that may be! Truly, recycling is the biggest business opportunity of all right now and for the long term future.
We travel shorter distances daily in our rural communities, ideal areas for solar/electric vehicles. Yes, there are solar/electric cars now available. It seems that I just have to think it myself and write it down and as if by magic, I hear on the news or discover through my research, that the said necessary, is now a reality! There are others thinking like me, there are!
I think maybe we need to concentrate on our own personal integrity too. But if we are ever to get on top of these mountains of rubbish which are already piled up all over the world and being added to each and every day, we really must reduce the amount of rubbish that we are creating in the first place, must we not? Re-usable everything and anything, as far as is possible. This is about individual entrepreneurship, no more, no less.
Our rural governments have less funding available than the city governments. No, we are definitely at the back of the queue in the countryside. Just as we are here in Almería, the poor cousin of Spain who was promised a high-speed rail link by 2008. That has this month been revised to 2026, what about that? So, we really have to make our own plans based on what WE CAN control. No, we cannot make infrastructural changes maybe but WE have got to do all that WE CAN. Those four pillars though and I am just one individual with no funding!!!!
Can we find leaders with enough courage to bring this polluting man-made world down and dispose of all the resulting debris properly? We have so many harmful food products being manufactured that do nothing to benefit our health. So, why are they being made if we know of their dangers? Ethics, we need leaders with ethics in their minds!
I quote myself from chapter eight:
Some pages back now, I mentioned that the Jewish philosopher and scholar Maimónides, had worked on understanding asthma, pneumonia, diabetes and hepatitis. He was also recommending a healthy balanced diet, coupled with daily exercise, daily brain usage and contemplation time and of course, proper rest time. All things in moderation!
That was over eight hundred years ago! He was one of those scholars who have added their discoveries and findings over the centuries. Even then, people were prone to excess, were they not? But they did not have all of these addictive components added to their foods, so with a minimum of will power, maybe they could more easily say no.
Whether the general strategy is as I imagine or not, it does contradict all the wise and learned scholars since Maimónides and all of their accumulated knowledge, does it not? On the one hand, they are paid to study on a permanent basis in the quest of knowledge. Why do that if not to benefit from all of our accumulated knowledge? These scholars world wide are trying to bring the world´s leaders and much of its population, back down to Earth again. But they do not want to come down, do they?
What, now face up to centuries of man-made damage and filth spread all over the planet? No way, we will keep building our virtually real world and keep everyone quiet by allowing them to have and to be, virtually of course, all that they want to have or be. The problem is that there are ever less of them who actually know what the real world should even be about, having been born in virtually real times.
If we cannot count on our governments to lead us properly, then we are on our own folks! I have talked myself round in a circle as you can see. This does all come down to faith, belief and hope. We must put FAITH in ourselves, our family and our local communities and find a leader amongst us who can harness us together and help guide us in a way that is beneficial to us all.
We must BELIEVE, all of us, that it is actually worth making a monumental effort (as is now required), to clean up our act and be prepared to modify our life-style habits accordingly. The HOPE will only begin to grow off the back of sustained efforts. End of quote.
That is what it comes down to my friends. We need the know how, we need the willing workforce, we need the financing and materials and then we need the permission. The four pillars without which nothing but NOTHING will ever be achieved.
Thank you for reading. Please FEEL welcome to comment in the space below the post or make communication through the contact box in the right-hand panel or click the follow tab and keep up to date with my trains of thought. In the next blog I will give you a taste of chapters nine and ten, entitled POVERTY and NATURE´S GIFTS AND GREEN EDUCATION respectively. So, check back!
Can you see that your rural area has run into neglect and abandonment? Would you enjoy dedicating your working days to reviving the rural areas? Can you see the possibilities that exist for employment if only one could self finance? Can you see ecology as the greatest employer of all as I can? Would you want to work in the real world? Let me know!
Get the book for yourself, why not, you can find it here on and the majority of Amazon sites: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
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