Well, in this chapter of my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, I touch upon a situation that really does so trouble me. That is the EXODUS out of Africa. The boat loads of both sub-Saharan African nationals and North African nationals that arrive on Spanish beaches nigh on every day of the week, are a visible warning sign of the chronic and critical poverty that exists on that magnificent continent, that is the birth place of our specie!
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These dear people are literally taking their lives in their hands and going into the unknown hoping that it will provide them with more opportunities than they have in their home countries. Sadly though, arriving illegally on a beach, will not be the ideal start, will it? The cloak and dagger existence then begins. It is so complex for these African nationals to become legal and bonafide, that very few are able to achieve a fully legal status ever.
In Almería province where I am currently living, there is a permanent need for temporary workers in the agricultural industry. Almería province is home to the largest covered growing areas in the world. Sadly though, abusive conditions and pay await them should they be able to find work. So many have to resort to sleeping outdoors under home made shelters. It is abominable, it is? As part of my team, they would all be lodged of course, in the most human conditions. They would become part of my team, who I would then begin to teach.
Not only outdoor work, oh, no! I would teach them languages, reading and writing skills where necessary. I would introduce them to our recycling industries and our new organic living. I would teach them all the skills that will be required to get their own nations in green order for living well. Having done some travel on the African continent, I can see their countries´ similarities to my own birth island of Gran Bretaña and also Spain.
Heads and rumps, I say with no offence. Jobs are jobs but if we could all understand why we did our jobs, if we understood the value of our work and if only we were appreciated for our labours, surely we would all feel better about ourselves. We must share knowledge and know how with these wonderful people whose only mission is to find money to sustain their families with!
I quote myself from chapter nine:
None of us expect something for nothing! They, just the same as me, want their money for other peoples benefit too! They all want their monies for sending home to their families and they are prepared to live in the most awful conditions to get as much home as possible. The survival of their families being their driving force!
Prejudice is born from total ignorance! Human beings, that is what we should all be, should we not, just all human beings? But we are not, are we? I have travelled around African countries and I can tell you that I never felt any fear for one moment. There will come a time though, when even the peace loving Africans will start hitting back. I would rather that we all really started to make a concerted effort to address Africa and all of her problems once and for all, so that these peoples have the possibility of living peacefully, prosperously and happily!
I would indeed look to train and educate all of these people whilst they simultaneously worked with me and my team on our new green world projects here. Learning many skills and information, that will be of use to them in the long term, when maybe they can return to their home towns and villages, with some good monies earned here with me and employ and apply all of their new knowledge and wisdom, to their own communities. And become the teachers of their own peoples, having had their years of work experience here with me, working on all of our projects for a cleaner, healthier planet.
Political instability being what it is in many countries means that, whilst each and every one of these African people long for home, whilst home still has so little to offer and with no finances to back you, why go home? So, you see, they are all in the same position as me. All the will you could ask for, but no support and no money! Sadly, this vicious circle just goes round and round and round again! End of quote.
I am talking of harnessing ourselves together and making our own work! Country folk have ever made their own compost! Nothing new there of course but why are we not collecting our organic food waste for composting? Well, I did live in a community which collected our organic waste and had a composting plant! It is possible but not being done on the wider scale sadly. This is another of the industries that my team would undertake.
If we separate our plastics, metals, glass and paper, what have we left? Our food waste and if we separate our food waste too, then what have we got left? As I found in this former community, one literally has cotton wool buds, razor blades, sanitary towels/nappies, cigarette ends and little else. The difference was immense. 90% of our rubbish as regular consumers, can be separated for recycling. Sadly, we are still a long, long way from recycling 90% of it all though.
But surely if bare survival of yourself and your family are your only thoughts and that in itself comes so hard, where is the room for caring about the wider view of the world. Day to day living allows no space for frivolity! Because yes, it is only those who sit in a secure position who do have the luxury of thinking beyond their own survival.
As always I shall say thank you for reading and please FEEL free to comment in the space below the post or make communication by e-mail via the contact box or maybe become a follow by clicking the follow tab in the right-hand panel. How is your area doing for rubbish collection? Do you have an organic waste collection in your area? Would you be prepared to separate your food waste? I know I found it ideal and my general rubbish bag, could sit for weeks without stinking. There really is so little that goes in there but we do need to find the answers for those every day items too!
As I had promised in my last blog, so will I do. Next chapter well, have we not got to be teaching green education? I had a very green education in my little country village, we were taught to know and love our own natural environment. We spent much of our time as infants, exploring our close natural environment. We knew all of our native plants and wild life. We knew of their life cycles through the changing seasons. We were in tune with our own environment, we loved our environment because we understood it so well.
This is about getting US, the former country children back to the country with all of our accumulated knowledge and crank up their green energies again!
I quote myself from this chapter:
On the one hand the scientists, making our own environment the work place of many, many people. Going over our planet Earth, inch by inch and making the appropriate plans for its well being long term. I will give you an example of where I might start and straight away! For some reason, our Mediterranean coast line has come to resemble a mix between California, Arizona, Mexico, Brazil and Africa! Palm trees, yucca trees, cacti, agaves, bougainvilea and aloes of all varieties and not one of them native to Spain!
All of them being cacti or succulents! These are plants that store water well by their own mechanisms which allow them to survive well in hot, sunny, dry climates. Yes, we have a hot, sunny, dry climate down here in southern Spain, but these plants are out of place, draining every available drop of moisture from the ground, leaving absolutely nothing for the native plants! We need to make plans with our environmental experts and look at rebalancing our whole eco-system here!
I would involve all the school children and students, as well as any volunteers to seed, germinate and nurture trees, bushes and native plants at home, or in their educational centers, all for planting out in the coming years in the right places. I would try and get a massive green-fingered movement going on, whereby anyone who has a little bit of space on their terrace or in their garden, could all contribute to growing the plants that would be most beneficial! End of quote.
What about local produce again in local establishments? Supporting local growers again? Putting the value back into local production and reducing transporting kilometres by choosing locally produced products. We need to think self-sufficient again in the rural communities. We would do well to see ourselves as the separate entities that we are really. We have little or nothing to do with the cities and yet we have so many possibilities available to us.
It just needs entrepreneurs with financing and great ideas. Shared residences are another of my ideas. Large properties which are shared by widowers for example. Rather like the Mi Lords and Ladies, a housekeeper, cook and gardener all fully employed and the residents live in for one fee alike to teenagers! That would alleviate much solitude and reduce their individual costs as well as free up many properties!
The solutions are all there, I get tired of thinking on them and being able to do nothing as yet. No one seems to be thinking about the countryside like I am. Well, if they are city dwellers, maybe they will naturally think of the cities. Therefore, there will ever be more people thinking of the cities than those who will be thinking of the country, hence why we, the children of the Earth, the country children who so value each and every blade of grass, each and every leaf and the slower, more peaceable life style, must work for ourselves.
Where are you from, town or country? Do you love the natural world? Are you a child of nature like I? Do you value the natural world? Or is the concrete jungle where it is at for you?
NEW GROOVES is the title of the next chapter and I will give you an insight into that in my next post. Thank you so much for reading. Please FEEL welcome to comment or make communication. The Amazon sites are where you can find my book with these links: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
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