Hello and good morning to all readers who may have turned my way for a moment, wherever they may be reading from. I have noticed that I have some readers from the USA, WOW!! I would so like to hear your comments! Today also, I see that a reader from the Philippines has looked my way. You are very welcome indeed. I so wish to be able to communicate with other like minded people and I understand that we have to go slowly and steadily feeling our way towards another person as INFJ types!
That is why I have written my books in a way, I am beginning to reveal myself, so that others can FEEL INTUITIVELY through my own words, who I am!
Today I write about narcissism and how it really does affect most of us directly or indirectly. Chapter thirteen of my book is entitled THE LOST CHILDREN. In this chapter I am discussing the myriad of consequences that arise because of a child being without their own mother and father and having a stable home in which to develop and good, solid examples to follow.
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Earlier in my book I wrote of my own childhood and the stability and opportunities that I was afforded. I was one of the fortunate children in this world. NARCISSISM roots from two sources typically. The first is the living example of a NARCISSIST in your own home. Your father, or mother! His/her own behaviour being your guide as to how to be a MAN/WOMAN and how to be a HUSBAND/WIFE. For a female child watching her mother being sorely abused and mistreated, she will have known of her mother´s pain and distress. Her own mother will have been warning her to be careful in her choice of partner.
Trying to break this ancient cycle of male domination, which is maintained via systematic, violent behaviour and insulting, derisory, degrading language. A male child on the other hand, will see the benefits to himself as a future husband, of behaving in the same way. The cyclical behaviour of the `BRED and FED´ NARCISSIST continues via the male line. Until a male decides to break away from his own teacher´s rules and makes his own rules for himself, based on what he FEELS, this hideous cycle will continue!
An educated father will be trying to guide his son on a path to independency and not thinking of marriage and fatherhood at a young age. Raising the aspirations of the average male! Sadly though, low educated fathers can only teach what they know and where did they learn that if not from their father´s! All poor teaching, the cycles need to be broken!
This really is about females making much more serious decisions about who is the father of her child. You may have a boy child or you may have a girl child, that we do not decide ourselves as such! But if you were to have a boy, would it not be ideal to have a partner (the child´s father), who was himself a good example to follow! If the male that you have your children with is a low-life and his family are also in that niche, then no, they will not be the ideal examples for your children to follow.
Aspirations of being independent and living without stress and strife, living with a peace of mind and some stability. One must have some real respect for themselves and that comes from being independent and having a sense of self-achievement. Obviously key elements that are missing from an orphan girl or boy´s life! These are my lost children! The trauma based NARCISSIST is such a sad one. I have known quite a few, what tortured souls they all are!
I understand them very keenly. Rejection is one of the most difficult sensations that we have to cope with as human beings. The rejection of your own parents is one of the most damaging traumas of all. No base picture to place yourself in. Snap shots of what, you do not really know? Confused young minds with no good guides anywhere! The most vulnerable in our society today. Passed from one state care institution to another, so often sexually abused by those who are supposedly caring for them. The Groomers and Abusers are their guides to adult behaviour!! Learning the techniques of trickery and acting the nice guy when they need to! Then get violent and aggressive if they do not get their way!
They long to trust but are afraid of their own truth being said out loud. It holds so much shame for them that they do not even want to admit their own truth of their life to date. It is what keeps them ever in the same day, going round and round in circles, over the same old ground each and every day. No one taught them how to move straight ahead, did they? I would set up shared family homes as I write in this chapter, I quote myself:
In our shared family homes, we would need a vetting process that was very strict to ensure that no one had unmonitored access to any child that was not their own. Psychology teams could pay regular visits to the family homes to keep an external contact, that kind of ever ready to listen pair of ears and of course, those external eyes that can see for themselves, whether a child is happy or unhappy, whether they are troubled or relaxed, whether they are secure or insecure, whether they are healing and settling, or if their wounds continue to run deep and painful and so need more attentive caring and nurturing.
Those of us who have been parents, will all know just what it costs to have a child from birth up to their independence. It costs a lot between one thing and another, does it not? It is not just the basics like clothes, shoes, school uniform and sports kit and the bath water and the electricity, is it? It is all the games and toys over the years, all the reading books, colouring books and crayons. Bicycles and skates, fancy-dress costumes, birthday parties and presents, right down to pocket money!
Then in the teen years, money for clubs and sporting/musical lessons or other activities of their choice and the bus fare to get there and back! The list goes on and on! The school ski holiday, the French exchange, college lodgings, university fees and a few clothes for the weekend, I reckon you will probably feel anything but equal to those fortunate children, coming from a care centre as you do, quite the opposite!
Yes, it is difficult to see how a government could ever be generous enough to really care for children and see to their needs at each stage of their lives, is it not? But it could really be such a positive investment in time and resources to help these poor, lost children to a healthy future as adults! The prevention is ever more effective than the cure, as they say! Stop the rot before it sets in, is another of those phrases so well used in speech but not so often put into practice! End of quote.
The orphaned children grow in numbers rather than decrease. Cyclical behaviour patterns sadly. We, the good people of the world, must be the guides not man-kind! WE have to break down all of his abusive practices. HE must have no access to these most vulnerable of all, the parentless children. Males killing the offspring of other males is animal behaviour. Our males are so desperately needing the 100% love and attention of a female (any female, it really does not matter, he just sees a substitute mother), that he will kill his own child, or the child of another male, out of jealousy.
Sick, sick behaviour indeed! As though a women will love him after having killed her child! The NARCISSIST must be made to evolve and use SPEECH, that is what these small under developed brains have not learnt to do. They have not been taught about FEELINGS and how to manage emotions and FEELINGS. They have not been taught even to know what their FEELINGS really are! They are locked into a permanent confusion and only Mum will do! Mum and her unconditional love!!!!
Every female in their life will become their Mum. If he confides in `Mum´, your life is as good as forfeit! If he has been able to speak some of his truth to you, he will never allow you to leave. You are now party to some of his secrets and he will silence you permanently rather than let you leave. The reason for the majority of female deaths at the hands of their sentimental partner. These sad and untimely deaths are creating more orphans too.
What a start to life hey? Your father (an orphan himself), who systematically beat and abused you and your mother and then decided to kill your mother in front of you! She wanted to run away with you because she loved you and wanted you to be safe. But NO! If he could not have your mother, then neither would you! Take that! They see a child as a rival sibling, if they can get the child out of the way, they will be an ONLY CHILD and have all Mum´s love to themself!
But Mum has made a different choice, she is prepared to walk away from him! She will choose the child over him, oh, yes! It is not the child who is destroying her life, it is HIM! Her happiness never meant anything to HIM, did it? HE never even knew who she was did he? It was always about HIM, poor, little neglected boy who needs teaching how to become an adult male but push away any who try to care! NARCISSISTS all of them! They punish themselves even as they punish others. Punishing is their only language sadly.
The lost children are not the only members of our society who are sorely neglected. Those with disabilities are still shunned by our modern world. Shame on us all! We must evolve as human beings, we really must! I talk of concentrating on what these individuals CAN do and not what they CANNOT do! It is way past time for their full integration in our regular day to day lives. No more being hidden out of sight, as if an embarrassment to the nation!
WAKE UP! Are you human or are you as man-kind? Man-kind stays ignorant because of his cowardliness! He fears all things that do not reflect his image! Hide everything away that you cannot deal with, keep it all out of sight, pretend it does not exist! We must help as many disabled people into independent living, as would like to be so. Many will be capable of learning all sorts of skills and knowledge. They must be given equal access to education as well, mustn´t they?
Cycle breaking again but to cycle break it requires someone somewhere to say "NO! THAT IS ENOUGH; NO MORE!" And decide to change direction. Begin to use their own power of conviction, begin thinking for themselves. Become independent from man-kind´s thought patterns, turn your back on all of his inhuman policies. Become human and begin to REALLY care.
There are just far too many of us sitting ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, all wishing that we could be contributing positively to a better life for ourselves and all others but being totally blocked because we do not look the part or we do not have man-made credentials or we have a great, ugly NARCISSIST blocking our path! This will all come down to private investment and of course, these are more areas that my team would definitely prioritize.
Thank you for reading and please FEEL welcome to comment in the space below or make communication by e-mail, or click the follow tab in the right-hand panel and keep up to date with my Trains of Thought. I would so love to have some feed back from someone!! You can find my first book on Amazon: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
Do you know any narcissists? Have you experienced life with a narcissist? Can you recognize narcissistic behaviour? It is shocking just how many European males are `BRED and FED´ narcissists. We have got to stop this breeding, we have! It is all about guides for males. Males who they can see themselves reflected in! Realistic reflections, not reflections of kings and famous sports stars! Normal males, average looking males, like they all are in Europe! Nothing special, any of them!
Why such lofty aspirations for yourself? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? That is what we should demand of every narcissist just as he tries to belittle us each time we try and be ASSERTIVE! Attempting to break our own belief in ourselves! They can succeed given enough time and wasted years, yes, wasted years are the only result of that! It takes some time to see it and admit it to yourself, it does!
I wrote my life story out in words so that I could see an honest reflection and I found exactly what I expected to find. It is the NARCISSISTS in my life who have kept me down, always trying to keep me down in dependency. Break my will to live as a human being. That is where g.o.d. tends to step up to the fore. You have lost all earthly hope of happiness and begin clutching at false hope, invisible hope!
I have been fighting a NARCISSISTIC society all my life and I continue to live in a horrifically NARCISSISTIC modern society. WE eradicate them or they EVOLVE, those are their two choices!
Thanking Anuj Agarwal of Feedspot for featuring my blog on their listing. It is nice to feel visible. For those who may wish to find other INFJ blogs.
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