Saturday, 10 December 2022


DO YOU KEEP ASKING YOURSELF, "WHY AM I DOING THIS?" Post No.24 (A 14 minute read) 

That is just where I am again today my friends, wondering why I even bother to wake up and get out of bed. What purpose does my day serve to me? None! That is the simple answer! None at all! Beyond getting through another day that is. At the end of each day though, there is the same dissatisfaction as the one before, I have again failed to make contact with a human being.

I try not to become obsessed with that notion. I know, I have always known, that they were few and far between! I know that we are all invisible and have gags on our mouths in principle but I am revealing myself, no, not to all and sundry I admit, that will surely, as I know from long experience, only bring negative sensations. I am an INFJ personality type and I will NOT FEEL ashamed of that. OH, NO!

I AM proud to be how I am. I will stand by me but I am so isolated that I go almost mad each day. I ask myself, am I uncontactable? I am unworthy of contact? I am unworthy of consideration as a real human being? Well, it seems so to me today just as every day that I have known for the last three decades! I write books, I write blog posts, I reach out and yet, none can find anything to say to me. How sad that makes me FEEL, I cannot put into a few words!

Hello, I should maybe have said first!! Hello and good morning to ALL readers wherever you are in the world right now, I can only hope that your panorama today will be a happier one than mine. At the same time, I am so deeply aware that there are billions of people in the world who will be suffering far more than I, today and tomorrow! My suffering is for the most part psychological and emotional, with a small part physical. There are those for whom the onslaught of this trio of trauma, are their daily feed!

I remember the point of all that I do and that is to find the way to help others who suffer far more than I. That is my purpose, that is my reason for continuing to live again today. Not losing sight of the reason for trying again today to find hope and steel my will to keep trying to make contact with fellow human beings. I am writing books which talk about reality, our human reality and man-kind´s reality, which after all have become one and the same.

the camel prints in the sand on the front cover of my book

My book is now available for sale on the Amazon sites. I shall give you the .com links for those who may be interested: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book

It is my objective to find an income through my book sales. I must find a source of income just as we all must. Sadly here in Europe, we cannot live as nomads, we do not have that freedom anymore! We cannot live off fresh air, as we say! I have no support from my known circles and am at a loss. Why? Why has communication become so impossible? Why does no one want to think about anything other than their ownself in the physical sense?

Yes, fair enough, each person who can support themselves independently, is one less burden for a nation. That is what is begging still world wide. Full scale independence! Nations are so dependent on many other nations for foods and materials and within, there are far too many citizens who are living in `DEPENDENCY´, that is to say that they are dependent on others to survive.

Well, if we take into account that until the last fifty years or so, half of the world was maintained in a state of total dependency!? The female population of the world! Not one of us allowed to work for ourselves and only allowed to work as slaves for others. It continues to be the same in many nations. In Europe as females, we have seen education become obligatory and the general assumption is that we will as females, all go and work somewhere. Equal wages though, are still pending for many of us. It is true to say that this is an issue which is currently being addressed here in Spain.

The most debilitating human condition is that of DEPENDENCY, it is CRIPPLING! No power of decision, never able to make any choices, always having to take on the chin what comes your way and even be grateful that this little has come your way. ANARCHY is what is required. The Roman Imperialist structure is sound, it is just the hierarchy that is wrong and ever has been.

This brings me nicely round to chapter nineteen, entitled THE DAYS OF THE CALIPHAS, which I am reviewing today.

In this chapter I look at the reality of our royal houses, our pillars of society and what their purpose is in today´s modern times. I have already begun tackling that question and go on to look at that divine protection that was always afforded our Kings and Lords, the secrecy and relative privacy that they had before cameras and modern day journalists. Oh, no! Not so very long ago, the general public would hear rumours, tittle tattle but would never really know what was or was not, going on up in the big house!

The THEM and US days, which of course, are still ongoing! With the invention of the printing press, news pamphlets and later the news sheet all came into being. Spreading literacy skills meant that more people were able to read and therein find information from beyond their sphere of view. The contrast to the nomadic life-style where you go to the source of information, in our world, the information comes to us! All back to front, man-kind just does exactly the opposite to what we need to do. That is why man-kind exists as a separate race, he has separated HIMSELF from the human race.

It is HE who has tried to defy all that has been learnt throughout the millennia and build HIS world on top of the natural world. HE is wrong every step of the way!! HE wanted to show that HE had evolved and become a better HUMAN being. HE HAD NOT EVOLVED. HE just turned HIS back on our human knowledge and began to build HIS own knowledge, of HIS own world. The man-made world of concrete.

HE removed the forests to replace them with concrete jungles and then taught people how to live in them and how to work in them and later how to breath in them too. Dictatorship was born, MAN-KIND had to be the ultimate leader of the man-made world now did HE not? No one else could ever work out what the heck was going on! No, we have to be taught to live in the man-made world because by pure intuition, you really would get nowhere fast.

This my fellow INFJs, is where the INTUITIVE quality became relegated to unnecessary. It was the OBSERVANT `ability´ that was then taught. WATCH and DO AS I DO! We were no longer supposed to think for ourselves, no, that was not required, not by the multitudes of US. No, the thinking would be done by the TOP DOGS alone. We became the RUMPS of man-kind. It was US who were forced or cajoled, into building HIS concrete jungle. And then given a rule book as to how to live within it!

Those like myself have rebelled against that rule book always and always will. It is all alien to the natural world and the natural order of all things. Man-kind himself is the negative force that destroys planet Earth. Man-kind himself is the killer of human females and males. MAN-KIND sees US as disposable tools, only alive to keep HIS man-made world of DEPENDENCY going!

Fortunately, the cloak of protection is becoming thinner and is occasionally ripped clean off. Public figures are photographed at all times of the day or night, with or without their permission. Their very private life is no longer so very private. Trashy newspapers and glossy magazines have made the privates lives of public figures their selling pitch.

The focus is on what they do in their private lives as opposed to what they do in their public lives. That is what sells, sad to say. Who is wearing what and who designed it? The point or the purpose of what they are doing has become irrelevant. What are they doing in reality? What is their function day to day? I believe that one of the first decisions must be to scale down the family fortunes and the displays of opulence. The financial frivolity is dire, whilst billions of people have no clean drinking water. It is obscene!

Our former King Juan Carlos I of Spain has just disappeared into exile. His own son had withdrawn his royal cloak of protection and rather than face HIS baying subjects and give some explanations to US for HIS shambolic behaviour, he hops on a plane without leaving a forwarding address!!! This I was writing down in my book even as it was happening! It was bizarre. Rather than show HIS face, HE disappeared into exile. HE does not want to be exposed as a lying, cheating, double-dealing miscreant, the same as most other Kings and male leaders, now does HE?

The wife of course, Queen Sofía and the rest of the family, have to carry HIS burden of shame without HIM. Typical male!! That cloak of divine male protection has made this modern world possible. Every male aspires to be wealthy and have power with that wealth to dominate others. To give himself a sense of importance. It is such sad OBSERVANT behaviour, just copy the one before you! 

All of our royal families and noble families, the great land owners and property owners of every country, all of them, need to come down in their self-glory of their own magnificence. If we were all to aspire to the same style of living as the optimum life-style for happiness, we would surely have far more criminals than we do already. Fortunately many of US can see that happiness comes from having peace of mind, a sense of stability, a sense of purpose, a sense of achievement and of course, a sense of independence.

I am actually wandering into the next chapter of my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, which is entitled KEEPING UP WITH THE ROYALS. Yes, I had thought to cover these two chapters in one post but actually I think that I can see that, for me, if I just talk that will sound better. Later you can read my words in your own time, in your own space, from your own copy of my book.

Continuing with the aspirations of US, the working class and our quest for land ownership and property ownership and moving into independence. Looking to invest our wealth (where we have any) in our long term security and maybe move up in the world. The ghettos of every large town and city are the visual evidence of man-kind´s failings to care for any other than those who are part of HIS plan! These become their own landlords and control streets and neighbourhoods, for want of their own living and working spaces.

The public highways become their work place and their business is whatever others need their businesses to be. Their real world existing within another real world that they have no access to or no participation in. Gang warfare in our public streets! Killing on our city streets is a daily reality. Our man-kind here in Europe do not need permission to buy guns, oh, no! They will kill with knives or even with bare hands! Man-kind is death!

Wealth and how you use it! Well, far too many have been able to hoard immense sums of money but it has always been at the expense of others. It is time for some of these immense fortunes to be released for public reform projects in rural areas in particular. As part of their coming down in scale, as part of their redemption, as part of their HUMANIZATION.

Were they ever happy really, trapped in their wealth, fearing always that others would sooner kill them than kiss them, to get to their fortune. Thereby having to surround themselves by guards, even sleep must come with difficulty under these circumstances. They must come down voluntarily, not by force but their foundations are becoming undermined by each new generation of heirs to the fortune. More money going out than coming in!!

There is only so long that you can exist like that. Change positively or risk losing all that was your inheritance! Then maybe we could view them in a slightly more favourable light!

Do you feel an overwhelming need to be very wealthy? I know that I want my wealth to work with. I cannot understand the process of amassing great wealth, accumulating great wealth, if not to use it for something of great benefit. If that was done progressively, or if that had been done progressively through time, then surely we would not be as we are today, a world with more than three billion people whose lives hang by a thread. Tomorrow may or may not come to be for them!!

Like COVID-19 had gone away???? Next chapter which is chapter twenty-one, is entitled WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND and I check back to our ongoing COVID-19 crisis. Getting so very frustrated with our situation, my mind begins to ramble and I find myself going back down my teenage memory lane. So until then...........

I thank you as always for reading. Please FEEL welcome to comment or make communication. I would so love to hear from an INTROVERTED, INTUITIVE, FEELING, JUDGING person like myself, be they ASSERTIVE or TURBULENT at this moment in time. I feel that communication is where the possibility to stay in the ASSERTIVE lies. The TURBULENT element is so linked to the isolatory, invisible, gagged status that we all accept as ours. SPEAK UP, WE NEED TO BE HEARD. WE HAVE TO LEAD OURSELVES!!!

More INFJ reading can be found on this listing: http://lifestyle.feedspot.com/infj_blogs

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