There is so much wisdom known and unknown to us as individual people but whether we see our wisdom and use it to good purpose, is another thing. Knowledge and the understanding of that knowledge, equal wisdom. Then we have to be wise and see, is this useful wisdom, do we need to apply this wisdom, or can we see wisely that this wisdom, whilst good to have, is not essential for the well-being of all.
Good afternoon to you readers, a warm welcome to a new reader from the Czech Republic. Lovely to have your eyes looking my way. I have a wet day outside, a rare occurrence for us in Almería. There is snow in the high peaks of the region and the cool air is being FELT here. Having had a spell of above average temperatures, a full 5ºC above average, now we are having the reverse effect. It is 3ºC below the average for the time of year.
The extremes are here. Dramatic flooding in the north of the country, heavy snows in the centre of the country and the mountainous areas. I say it again, how we all survive these extremes will depend on our ability to cope with them all! Adequate clothing for the conditions! Homes prepared to withstand these conditions! I go round in circles and no one wants to listen! Poor little INFJ ADVOCATE!
I spoke in the last post of the two Tunisian sisters, Fatima and Maryam a-Fihri, whose wealthy father left them with a good inheritance each. Instead of building palaces for themselves, they used their wealth to build two mosques. A mosque was in its beginning, a school, a place of study and learning. They both wanted spaces where learning could be imparted and aqcuired by all.
Women have always wanted to share. What is the point in having only a few people who can read and write, just a few people who have gathered together some knowledge in their memory stores. This is how these societies evolved way ahead of the ancient Homo Erectus, now in his Homo Neanderthalensis form, who were occupying north, west and east Europe at the same time.
Even before these centres were established, learning was always shared. I witnessed this daily on my travels. Any and every little scrap of information is shared. There is a communal sharing of all information. As such, we were as communities all evolving together, it was to our mutual benefit to all evolve together without taboos.
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Sadly, usurpers, conquerors and colonists, have stamped their rules and laws (taboos) on to other established cultures by brute force. Writings and manuscripts destroyed, causing a breakdown in that continuous accumulating process of evolution of the communal human brain. I spoke of the local scholars and residents hiding underground hundreds of manuscripts even as destruction was coming closer.
New languages are given to these people, new customs and rules to live by (new taboos) and it remains only the word of mouth/story telling cultures, that have never suffered a breakdown in their people´s continuous life journey. That is what has broken down in so many cultures. The regular coming together of all the community and sharing information, past, present and future!
It was at this point in my writing, that I had another slump. Why am I bothering to do all this? My partner was making it so clear that he disapproved of my attempts to follow my intuition. He was saying, "Who do YOU think YOU are? Why would anyone be interested in what YOU have to say?" Well, when you hear it said the number of times that I do, eventually you start thinking like them!
They have got you down on your knees. They are grinding you down, trying to break your faith and belief in yourself. They do not want you to have any hope of happiness. They want you to continue doing their bidding, only. Thoughts of suicide crowded in again. WHY live when life means nothing positive to you?
When your only reason for living is to serve the purposes of others. That would be fine if their purposes were for the greater good but they are NOT. Their are their OWN purposes, all that they cannot do, or do not want to do, they expect you to do. This is to be used and abused. Completely one-sided exchanges.
We were heading towards winter 2020 and the fridge box homes that we have here, would be at their coldest. Fuel costs increasing and scarce income meant that another cold, bitter winter was on the cards. I had had such high hopes at the beginning of this year and COVID-19 had changed everything. We were worse placed this winter than the last!
Wrapped in many layers of clothing and a blanket, I picked up my pen again and continued to follow the trains of thought that were asking me to follow them. I go all over the place literally. An inspired rush of piece placing as I began to search through my stores of pieces and look at each one. I could see that they belonged to different time periods.
I began to build a picture of my own home land, Rome and the Arab lands at simultaneous points in time and could see how I had in my possession, so many pieces that did fit together. It was a joyful spell of writing for me. Suddenly it did not matter whether any ever read this book. I did not even have to type it up.
I just had to enjoy these flushes of inspiration. Allowing myself to leave here and today and go wandering in the past, placing my pieces in their relevant time spaces. I could see how we were always, all over the world, living and evolving in very different ways. In relative peace and harmony until others came on the picture and turned those peoples lives upside down.
Civilization though, how do we interpret civilization? Is that when the man-made concrete jungle started to grow? Was there civilization before man-kind built the concrete jungles? YES, of course there was! This is a totally trains of thought chapter, this one numbered forty-two, PEARLS OF WISDOM.
Lots of interesting facts and bits and pieces of some significant realities through time that have shaped how we are living now today. If anyone is wondering if I am going to be in Africa indefinitely well yes, I continue across Mali, over the land border with Niger (in the north east of), down to Niamey again and buy my flight ticket home, from Algiers to London.
So, another desert crossing ahead and now with a time clock ticking down. Chapter forty-three is titled FLYING NORTH FOR CHRISTMAS, check back for that.
Are you a wise person? Are you possessed of wisdom? Are you able to share your pearls of wisdom with others? Do you apply your own wisdom to yourself and your life?
Thank you as always for reading. I would love to hear your thoughts too, so please FEEL welcome to comment in the box below or send me your e-mail in the contact box top right. Why not click the follow button and keep up to date?
Until next time, happy learning! You can find my book on Amazon with these links: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
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