I do not know if you, like me, have ever really looked at your own parents and actually evaluated them as two people in their own right. I was at this point in time, now 23 years old, and could see that it was in part my own mother´s influence which had shaped me and my elder sister. The interest in documentaries of all natures and informational programmes were absolutely fundamental in my own choices of paths to follow.
Both my elder sister and I, had been solidy travelling for the last five years and had been able to do and experience so many of the wonderful places and peoples of this great big world. It had been my mother and her pushing and encouraging us to go out and explore, that had actually made us two explorers. Two people who had no blinkers put on their eyes at home.
We were living lives that my mother could have wished to have had herself at a similar age. It was she who had been trying to drum into us, that we must live our lives for ourselves and not look to marry and have children. Three daughters and not one marriage. Three daughters and just one grandchild and that because of no access to medical services within sufficient time to change the future.
She came very close to achieving a full score there! I wanted to give my mother a taste of dreams coming true and experiencing for herself much that she had seen only in documentaries. So, the Seychelles it was and we had a wonderful time, we really did! She came alive and enjoyed every moment with full gusto.
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Good morning to you ALL, wherever you are in the world today. This is the view out of my window this morning at 8am. Oh, how those plam trees annoy me. This is the Mediterranean basin, not desert terrain or tropical terrain. So many things out of place, just like me!!!! BOOOOOO HOOOOOO!
It felt wonderful to this young INFJ to share this with my mother. Oh, how beautiful are the islands of the Seychelles. And the people are some of the happiest peoples on the planet earth, I think. I found once again, like the Wodaabe peoples, that the matriachal society still exists here too. No violence towards women at all. They have their full status as the sexually dominant!
They choose who they have their children with and who they have their sexual and sentimental relationships with too. Marriage is for those who want it only. These societies show us how to breed independent males. The males here, are not expecting to get married. Why do that? Why not live your own life? Ah, there it is? These men CAN live their own life because they are taught how to be independent of women!
As fathers, they must contribute financially to the upkeep of their children but they have no obligation beyond that to the mother of their child. They have free access to the children, by agreement with the mother of the child. My new friend being just 33 years old at the time, already had 7 children with 5 different women.
You may remember that I talked of gene pools and yes, this is how small populations continue to survive well. The distribution of genes. His sisters and brothers, half-sisters and half-brothers, I should say for your benefit, well, some were his mother´s children and some were his father´s children. But he only had one brother who was the child of his mother and father. Yes, it was quite complex but yet so simple, if we put aside the male obsession of his DIVINE RIGHTS and where he places HIS seed!
This diversity of complexions I have never seen anywhere! They are all Seychellois. If you were born on an island that is part of the Seychelles, then you are Seychellois. The harmony amongst the people of the Seychelles is I think, the best that I have known anywhere. These are possibly some of the happiest peoples that I have known myself.
Life is good down there, what a beautiful world and they love their beautiful islands. They live outdoors and this is a place where my theory of living, working, breathing is a daily practice. We met a scientist and were given some very inside views of the Seychelles and the issues that they faced. Yes, this was 1989 and the sea levels were already worrying them then.
The said scientist was working with a small team on an uninhabited island, on a save the sea turtle mission. We had the pleasure of staying on this island by invitation and were able to experience having an island to yourself. An island where dozen of giant tortoises wandered free! This was such an exotic experience. We were flat out first-hand exploring and enjoying.
The phrase, `It is not what you know but who you know´? The said scientist having access to a boat well, we really did get some island hopping in and got a very personalized visit. My mother was radiant at all times and I will always be so happy that I was able to make that dream of hers come true. She has done her dream safari to Kenya too, late in life but hey? Better late than never!
I was asked to return by the said scientist and gleefully accepted the invitation. Therefore, in the autumn of the same year, I went and spent another month in the Seychelles but this time living with the locals and as the locals. Now that is to see the real Seychelles and to learn really how life is for the people there. The economy is very low but food (natural food) is not in short supply and is not expensive.
Maybe it is the location, which on my second visit, just the there and back flight cost 1,850.00 pounds sterling!! So by remoteness, there was a very remote chance of being able to go anywhere other than your islands. A very healthy, happy and harmonious life though within that. But once again I could see that working in a place like this was not feasible and so, I put aside those thoughts and returned to Spain.
Where to find money to finance this travelling was always the issue. And I was finally caught for being without a work permit in Spain and it was time to move on. I returned home prior to Christmas for a rest and a re-think. What I had as a surprise when I got home, was my heavily pregnant elder sister, who had terrified, just returned from Australia to give birth in the UK.
I went back to Spain foolishly but then returned soon after to see my newborn nephew. I could not believe that my beloved elder sister had been through pregnancy and actually given birth to a child. We had never even contemplated that, we had never even so much as talked of that. "What do you do with IT?" I asked. "I am not really sure!" she replied. "Mum seems to know, thank goodness!"
Where we would all be without you MUM? Our eternal teacher but it is time for me to start teaching you now!
On returning somewhat ignominiously just six weeks later, I found that my sister and Puppy had gone back to Australia to be with his Dad. I did not know what to do anymore. I was confused, I was lonely, I wanted a home again. What was the rest of my life to be about?
The next chapter is entitled THE PATTER OF TINY FEET and having just alluded to the birth of my nephew, you have an idea where I might be going there. But first, I had to get a stint of living in Paris under my belt. That is for the next post.
Have you made your dreams come true? Do you have dreams that can become reality? They may seem far flung like mine did but they were not impossible, were they? Have you made the dreams of others come true? That my friends, is one of the best sensations that I have FELT, making someone else´s dreams come true!
Thank you for reading as always. Please do FEEL free to comment below or send me your e-mail address via my contact box if you prefer, I have also got a follow tab should you wish to keep up to date! I am sure that I would enjoy hearing your thoughts.
Until next time, happy learning! You can now find my book on Amazon with these links: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
More INFJ blogs can be found on this listing: https://lifestyle.feedspot.com/infj_blogs
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