What does total silence mean? I could usually say that silence equals a blissful atmosphere for following my trains of thought. I enjoy silence. I really do. At home, I am silently thinking solidly or I am very noisily listening and singing to my favourite music! I do not fear silence but this new silence really has played on my mind, so much so, that I am writing this post today instead of what I had thought to write today.
The internet is an incredible space and a gift to us all without a doubt. But if quality communication is so very, very difficult to find on the ground, in person, what chances do we really have of being able to make quality communication via the internet with persons unknown?
That said, having systematically failed to find any with whom I could share quality communication in `REAL LIFE´, I too took the plunge and dived into the unknown quantity that is the internet ocean. I had thrown my beautiful book out to deep sea and had done so because there were none on dry land who would even give me the time of day!
A very good morning to EACH and EVERYONE who is looking my way today for the first time or once more. I share with you the dawning day that I have here in Almería, Spain. We are expecting maximum temperatures of 18ºC and clear sunny skies today, so I must get some washing done!
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The sad reality of INFJ life, quite probably the reason for the TURBULENT status which is definitely a direct result of this permanent outright rejection and solid refusal to listen to my voice. It was in mid-November 2022, that I discovered for the first time that I had an official collective to belong to, the rare INFJ type.
Well, like I did not know that I was an `ODD ONE OUT´, `AN OUTCAST´, always living ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN (the title of my first book). So, to be vindicated and know that I was an INFJ ADVOCATE type, was so uplifting. YES, YES, YES, YES, YES and YES, it is I who have all the reasoning correct!
That knowledge gave me a new boost to my destroyed morale and I dived into this blogspot. I did not want to spend my days looking at foolish two word comments and lines of hieroglyphs, so social networks were never going to be for me. I want and need, depth in everything that I do.
Bearing in mind that my book now lies deep on the ocean bed (sounds comfy), I suppose it is not unreasonable to expect it to be hard to find. But then my book is written for those who will understand it. Who might they be? Others like me, which could mean, other INFJs. Not exclusively, not at all, but those who can care beyond themselves.
That in itself, is one of the character traits that defines an INFJ type. I am totally in-tuned to giving, is that owing to my constant service of others and never being receiver/beneficiary myself? I do not expect anything from anyone anymore. I no longer have expectations of anyone or anything that is connected to the man-made world!
All blogs are supposed to serve a purpose of some sort say the restrictive boundaries of man-kind! What purpose is mine serving to YOU the readers and what purpose is it serving for ME, the author?
My purpose was to bring awareness to my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN and hopefully be able to open discussion with other folk who like me, REALLY CARE about the planet earth and the righteous and worthy who live upon it!
My own life experiences are my only guide. I have only deaf ears around me and so, verbally I have no path. Enjoying writing as I do and wanting to explore with others, I needed a larger space in which to move.
Since the 11th November 2022 when I posted my very first blog, I have had right to this minute, 1058 views to my blog. That is pleasing to me and they have come from twenty-two different countries and those from the five continents. That is just so wonderful to me. That shows what the internet can do. We can find maybe what we are looking for but are now searching much further afield.
Having looked at a good number of blogs myself, I see that the usual material is of a one off nature. Therein the similarity and difference at the same time of my blog. This phase of my blog is a one off, it is all about one thing. MY BOOK - ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, as an INFJ female who is wanting to change this world.
These are the links to my book on Amazon: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback
But of course, changing the world is a complex ambition which cannot be explored in any detail in just the one post! Even my own book, though I did try to write in a straightforward manner that ALL would be able to read, I FELT could maybe need some interpretations of it own. My trains of thought are rambling in a completely different direction to the vast majority.
No surprise there really. I am INFJ, I wish to give, not take! There the greatest difference of all!
In spite of those 1058 views, posts read are just 415. So, what in fact the other 643 views were, I really do not understand! What I FEEL I can understand maybe, is that if you get on to my blog, if you have found it somehow, because yes, I do not know how I am found really, that the last post posted, is the one that will be on view.
This has been a continuous thread since its initiation and continues to be. I am going to try and encourage ALL and ANY of my readers, whether this is the first post that you have read so far, or whether you have looked my way before, to start at the beginning and try FOLLOWING my trains of thought.
To come in mid-way of anything, is maybe to be somewhat confused as to what you are actually reading and so, I will talk you briefly through the first few posts and see if that is not why there are none following along with my trains of thought.
Beginning the 11th November 2022. I wrote 32 posts in 2022, which are listed like so:
NOV 6 - 13 (2) Post No.1 (A 7 minute read) Published 11th Nov 2022 - WELCOME TO THE GILLIAN METCALFE ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN CONTACT LINE. This is an introduction to myself and my fledgling career as a writer. Something of my own hopes and fears with regards to my own outlook for the future and why I began this blogspot.
NOV 6 -13 (2) Post No.2 (A 20 minute read) Published 12th Nov 2022 - AN ADVOCATE INFJ-T REVEALED IN NUMBERS! WELL MET FELLOW INFJs! THE VITAL STATISTICS! As the post title suggests, in this one I talk about my own INFJ qualities revealing my percentages and put my new-known INFJ status under the spotlight and see how in fact, that little but oh, so crucial piece of information, was one that had been missing always. My vindication of WHO and HOW I am!
NOV 13 - 20 (4) Post No.3 (A 31 minute read) Published 13th Nov 2022 - WHAT INSPIRED ME TO BEGIN BOOK WRITING? WHERE WAS THE CATALYST? In this post I talk about just that. We had COVID-19 kicking off and confinement to home thrust upon us. Desperation, fear, frustration, depression, all of these negative sensations added to those that were already weighing me down and a trip to Córdoba and the old ruined Ummayad city of Medina Azahara, which got the wheels of my brain moving again!
NOV 13 - 20 (4) Post No.4 (A 13 minute read) Published 14th Nov 2022 - TO WHOM DO I DEDICATE MY BOOK? CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE! In this post I talk about the dedication in my book and why I chose to dedicate it in that way and mention those who I did. We can be influenced by many and much that we encounter through our lives and I talk here of those without whom, I really would not have known much happiness in my life!
NOV 13 - 20 (4) Post No.5 (A 15 minute read) Published 16th Nov 2022 - YOUR FELLOW INFJ-T INTRODUCES YOU TO HER BOOK! TAKE A LOOK! And yes, just that, I start introducing my book and welcoming you inside it and open my trains of thought for you to browse, peruse and hopefully enjoy and also wish to share your thoughts and views with me.
NOV 13 -20 (4) Post No.6 (A 15 minute read) Published 18th Nov 2022 - A VERY DEEP AND MEANINGFUL PROLOGUE! ALL THE WAY FROM THE SAHARA DESERT! I had always had the ambition to travel in the Sahara Desert and I have had that beautiful privilege as you will find out reading through my book, blog or both. I had met a Tuareg elder somewhere in Sahara terrain and it was he who said this to me. "TO KNOW THE TRUTH, YOU HAVE TO FIND THE TRUTH, ONLY THERE DOES THE TRUTH LIE!"
I have never forgotten those words and they run across the top of my blog home page. I have spent my entire life to date, trying to find the truth of all things. The truth is not always pleasant, no, it can be down right hideous in TRUTH, but if that is so and we can recognize that, then can we not also recognize the need to change that truth to a better truth that we could all embrace.
I ask you ALL, each and every reader who reads this post, please try and start at the beginning and catch up. And please do FEEL welcome to make comments or send me your e-mail if you prefer via the contact box at the top right side of the opening page, there is a follow tab too.
I have also got the Google Translator tool at the top left of the page, for any who would prefer to translate to another language. I wonder when that day will be that my book and blog silence will be broken. Who will be the first to comment? Fifty posts on, that question is still unanswered. 1058 views out of those, 414 reads, or at least that is my interpretation of the statistics that I have available.
I have no boundaries and no taboos. But I am 100% HUMANUS MODERNUS though! Could you consider yourself as a member of the new HUMANUS MODERNUS????
Thank you for reading and I do hope that some will find something to comment on along the way! It IS a FREE world and I am all for FREEDOM of thought and choice of paths to follow.
Have a great day ALL of you wherever you may be in the world, be thinking about what WE CAN DO to make this a better world! Happy learning and thinking!
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Hi there reader, what do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts on my trains of thought. GO AHEAD! Air those thoughts too! I have no taboos!