Now if that is not a loaded question, I do not know what is? FAITH!! What is it to have FAITH? In what can we have FAITH? Where do we place our FAITH? Why do we need FAITH at all?
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Chapter forty-eight of my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, is titled MISPLACED FAITH! We were up to our necks in the COVID-19 pandemic and the death tolls world wide had to be lived to be believed. What were our leaders really about? What were these absurd decisions that they were making for us all to live by?
Here are links to my first book for you: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback
The lead taken in China by their President Xi Jinping, was without doubt the most spectacular lead of the whole world. Their determination to prevent the massive spread of this virus, saw them extending their period of confined/restricted living conditions way beyond other nations.
The Chinese were covering up, the world was saying! How come we are all suffering such a dramatic spread and loss of life when they are not? "90 million tests carried out in four days!!!!!!!" said the Chinese health minister early on in the pandemic! The Chinese logistical capacity to react on a massive scale was exemplary indeed!
The rest of the world just looked on in amazement and disbelief. The Chinese leader placed his FAITH in his scientists, the seekers of the truth of all things! His military forces acting as human power tools to multiply the helping hands. The human discipline of the vast majority had me wish to be in China right then. Quite the safest place to be at that moment in time!!
The citizens of America had placed their FAITH in Donald Trump to lead them as a nation. But having led them a right merry dance, contract COVID-19 himself, fly in the face of the American experts and then kick off a whole run of mixed messages, the presidential elections went ahead and NO, no one wanted to continue placing their FAITH in him, did they?
Another failed leader who walks away from his disaster and passes a very ugly buck to the incoming leader. So, by obligation, the American citizens now have to place their rather shaky FAITH in Joe Biden. We place our FAITH in our leaders until they show us that we were wrong to do so. We then withdraw our FAITH and place it elsewhere!
But of course there are those nations who do not really ever have any FAITH in their leaders. No, they can see that this leader is just like the one before and so they are obliged to pay lip-service and profess their FAITH in their leader without actually having any genuine FAITH in that male/those males!
If you cannot place your FAITH in your leaders on the ground, well, where do you then look? The sky is the limit, as we say! Take your pick from those up in the sky!!! There are plenty of them to choose from! I am referring of course, to the invisible suppliers of HOPE! There are those (I not being one of them), who will place their FAITH in an invisible, unknown being??????!!!!!!
By placing your FAITH in something that is in fact invisible/non-existent, you can continue BELIEVING that you still have reason to HOPE. You no longer BELIEVE in MAN-KIND and HIS leadership. You have withdrawn your FAITH in HIS leadership and as such, HE no longer provides you with any HOPE!
In order to keep wanting to face another day in this ugly MAN-MADE world of MAN-KIND´S design, we must carry the HOPE that life can be more than this. I just have to continue to BELIEVE that I have placed my FAITH in the right place! There lays my HOPE! An invisible being will be hard pushed to let you down, will they not?
Yes, we all need FAITH, BELIEF and HOPE, without those, what do we live for! Why though, are so many in this world prepared to believe in something that has no real evidence to support its very existence? Why do so many believe that there will be a better life after this hideous life that we have been forced to live as human beings?
Born to suffer as subjugates to MAN-KIND. HE who right at the beginning of the bible, in the very first chapter if you please, laid down the instruction for Adam to go forth and create more in HIS LIKENESS. In other words, "GO BREED MORE USELESS TOOLS TO DO MY BIDDING WITH!" The day we leave this world, the gates of heaven open up to us and our days of pain and suffering will be over!!!
WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP! I have been prepared to live and let live always but I cannot either agree or condone such foolish, foolish, blind FAITH, BELIEF and HOPE. I can understand that the average mind has no power to think and reason for itself. That is why we are still living as the subjugates of MAN-KIND!
MAN-KIND is our pending issue. There would be HOPE for all if MAN-KIND were not our leaders!
What I could not believe was how non-sensical all of our religious celebrations were really. I examine this in more detail and the emotional attachments that we all have to our own homes at these particular times of coming together to celebrate in unison! But we had a lethal virus all over the world. Could we not put these mass celebrations on hold just for this year?
NO, was the answer to that and the deaths from COVID-19 that occurred as a direct result of get togethers around religious dates and festivals was completely SENSELESS. These folk could not give those days a miss even though that meant taking a risk, playing with their lives and their family´s lives!
We saw in Europe the deaths after Easter, summer holidays, Halloween, Christmas, New Year and the King´s Day!!! Could no one stay home just for one year? Could we really not put REAL human life before lip-service and overt display of expenditure and excess, in the name of an almighty invisible being who has NEVER existed in REALITY!!!!! MADNESS! IGNORANT HUMAN MADNESS!
WHY? Because NO ONE, NOWHERE on the planet Earth BELIEVES in MAN-KIND, we have long since lost our FAITH in MAN-KIND and we have long since lost any REAL HOPE of MAN-KIND ever being any different. We are all clutching at invisible straws instead of working out how we get MAN-KIND out of leadership first and then HOPEFULLY, out of this world altogether!
Any who can make headway on that path, will no doubt find the BELIEF in your leadership growing. As you achieve results, the FAITH in your leadership will grow too. And of course, HOPE is born off BELIEF and WELL PLACED FAITH!
We need to move MAN-KIND out of our path in order to see a ray of light that may spell HOPE on the horizon! And it was women (of course), who have helped my nation of Gran Bretaña, come out from under the shadows of Roman catholicism and almost totally now in 2023. Education and learning has had us as a nation, question all things INVISIBLE and see that NO, we do not need to believe in the INVISIBLE.
No, we are not ignorant fools. That is what happens when education becomes wide spread in a nation, they begin to question MAN-KIND! MAN-KIND and all of HIS doings through time. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of any gods, only those that lived on earth, MAN-KIND! And we have some very mixed messages about those who did ACTUALLY live on earth, do we not?
The two-headed monster, who thinks always with the lower of the two heads!!! A prime example of that was the late King Henry VIII, who for passionate desire for a protestant woman, actually told the Pope of Rome (head of the catholic church), that he did not give a hoot for his patronage and was going to divorce his catholic wife Queen Catalina and marry Anne Boleyn! TAKE THAT!
It marked the beginning of the end of the catholic domination and indoctrination in main land Britain. King Henry VIII had all the catholic buildings, churches, monasteries and abbey´s taken down and the catholic voices of Rome, were struck off as clergymen! Great move. Take it ALL down and it will become so invisible as to be forgotten.
On Henry´s death, it was his daughter born to his first wife Queen Catalina, who inherited his throne and reintroduced catholicism and persecuted the christians. It was a very bloody reign. Fortunately she died relatively young and childless!
Her half-sister Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Queen Anne Boleyn, became Queen Elizabeth I and it was she, who was to strike the middle road and make religious belief a personal choice. No rights and wrongs, no persecution, no indoctrination, freedom of choice!!
Like mother, like daughter! This is what has allowed the British female to move further towards emancipation from MAN-KIND than all other nations excepting the Scandinavian countries! We are over 450 years on from that point now and that is all forgotten about. Resigned to the HIS-STORY books.
Queen Elizabeth I died childless too and passed the throne of England to her cousin Queen Mary of Scotland´s son James. Who became King James VI of Scotland and King James I of England. He was one of our homosexual kings and was a very learned man. It was he who had the bible translated into English and it is the King James I version of the bible that is still predominantly used in Gran Bretaña!
A statistical round up in the UK, showed that just 20% of the population consider themselves Christian. The debate on removal of religious influence in national law is pending. There are less believers in god in my birth nation every year! That is progress! On the other hand, Islam is gaining support amongst the younger generations, who have nothing to believe in on earth!
The same goes with Hindu and Sikh folk. The Jewish community stays unchanged in their steadfastness to their FAITH.
Education opens our eyes to our own possibilities. We build FAITH in ourselves and our ability to make our way through life. We build the BELIEF that if we can develop some skills and amass some knowledge, then we will be able to work for a living and so, survive as a person independently! That at least is our HOPE.
WE ALL HOPE TO BECOME OUR `OWN´ BOSS, and make our own decisions without having to ask for MAN-KIND´s help! Which will always have a long list of conditions attached. WATCH OUT!
Do you BELIEVE in yourself? Do you have FAITH in yourself? Do you see HOPE for you and yours? What do you believe in ? What do you have FAITH in? Have you got any HOPE of anything better than now?
I have none of any right now. I have no FAITH, BELIEF or HOPE in myself or anyone I know personally. I have no FAITH, BELIEF or HOPE in anything that I have close around me!
But I will never stop envisioning a world without MAN-KIND and HIS false gods on high and HE, HIS own god on Earth, ruling over us all.
Thank you for reading today. I would enjoy hearing your thoughts. There is a comment box below, or why not send me your e-mail via the contact box (right-hand panel), there is also a follow tab if you would like to keep up to speed!
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