Thursday, 30 March 2023



It is an odd work that of compiling a book yourself. The actual writing of the meat of the book, the whole reason for that book, comes so very easily to those natural writers like myself. But maybe I should stick to speaking ONLY for myself and not generalize! Having found out that I was myself the rare INFJ type personality, I have found that vindication that I was always lacking.

Though, having done a certain amount of reading and researching amongst the `supposed´ INFJs out there in the world, via internet sites of one description or another, I can see clearly that as INFJs, we do ALL suffer from the same trauma of REJECTION. We are ALL FEELING PERMANENTLY misunderstood but we are not misunderstood in reality, the truth is that no one will ever give us enough time to even begin to understand us.

We are TOO MUCH hard work for the average minded person! That is one of the general sensations that I can state. At the same time, try making contact with a `supposed´ INFJ type and you would be surprised just how impossible it is in reality! It seems to me, that we are ALL so deeply buried within ourselves, that we have lost ALL the will to even try again to build communication waves with another unknown person.

the pinky purple sun setting behind the palm trees outside

Good afternoon to you ALL, whether you be INFJ type or any other type, you are welcome to my blog. I have had the pleasure of receiving viewers from Singapore, the USA, my birth nation Gran Bretaña, Germany, India, Egypt and Poland this week. People from the five continents have tuned in, WOW!! Thank you ALL so very much. I would love to hear your thoughts and views on my work and the subjects discussed. That is what I am looking for as an individual!

I wish to open up discussion and communicate reciprocally with others who have bright, sparking brains like myself! I can find none on the ground and so, am sending my messages out to the airwaves in the hopes that I may find some who could tune in to me and my chosen wavelength! It is a big world out there and I know that those like myself are in the minority in the western world!

Just a quick reminder before I launch into my foreword, that there is a contact box and a follow tab in the right-hand panel of the page. This is the second phase of my blog where I am now beginning my review of my second book titled, ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT. In the first phase, Posts No.1 - 60, were dedicated to my first book titled ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN. The Pages 1, 2, 3 and 4, are the listings of those 60 Posts and where they can be found on the post index, along with a summary of them in the left-hand panel.

Here are the Amazon links to my first book: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback

My blog description says it all, for me at least! My Trains of Thought! I am like a train and I rumble on at will and follow my thoughts just wherever they lead me. As they are all centered around world changing, I thought that maybe I should share them with the whole world, if they were interested to want to do so! As I can find not one human being who FEELS the same way as I, as yet! There is therefore, a beginning and an end to phase one on this blog but the posts ran consecutively from No.1 through to No.60, so, I would advise starting at the beginning, STRANGE as that advice may seem coming from an INFJ type!


If we are prepared to learn life´s lessons as we go living them and apply what we learn beneficially, that should mean that we are growing as individual people and improving ourselves as and how we live our life. It appears to me as though in reality, it is the complete opposite that is occurring and as human beings, we are succumbing to the negative MAN-MADE forces in ever increasing numbers!

My first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, just as this book ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT, have amply demonstrated to me that I am indeed a very unique type of person! That is why I have walked SOLO throughout my life and had very few close relationships but as you will read between these two books of mine, I have only found compatibility at times, although as a permanent companion in life, it has consistently eluded me!

How to make others AWARE of you in the year 2022, when all and sundry have been consciously trying to deny their AWARENESS of you constantly? Trying permanently and persistently to bring you down onto their level and fit into their minute, mindless schemes!

Therefore, the most obvious modern platforms to be seen upon are social networks. Well, I was never even a tiny bit interested in making contact that way. It was hard enough trying to make contact with genuine people in the flesh but invisible people, PHEW!!?? How could you ever know of their authenticity? No, I was not going to do social networks. I would not find MY kindred spirits on social networks!

I mulled over the idea of blogging and began to check it out. Then in a rare moment of boredom, I turned to YOUTUBE for a while, trying to be OBSERVANT rather than my typical INTROVERTED, INTUITIVE, following my own FEELINGS and ever being my own JUDGE, type of person and well, just listen to this!

"ARE YOU INFJ?" "What is an INFJ when at home?" I asked myself. Like we have not got letters being assigned to our newly established gender collectives! Is this another new collective, I wondered? So, I thought that I had best find out what an INFJ was all about!

There it was! A vital piece of knowledge that had been missing all my life so far! That vindication that I was right, it is ALL of the others who are so very wrong! I AM INFJ type! The rarest of the sixteen defined personality types and within this type of personality, I am classified as ADVOCATE. I am an INFJ type ADVOCATE!

I had found myself and my belief will never again leave me! We are between 1 and 4% say the statistics but of course, these personality tests will surely not have been carried out in the southern hemisphere, will they? Yes, I am indeed a RARITY in the northern hemisphere, that I already knew! Thankfully though, owing to my burning need to find REAL HUMAN BEINGS, I did find some! I found every nation that I travelled through on the African continent, absoulutely full of them!

The blog and the INFJ awareness came together and there was my path! My INFJ blog where I would review my books in my own words. And so have I done. I have just completed my review of my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN and will now go on to do the same with this book too!

This blog is allowing me to let off steam on a regular basis, which now that my partner is retired and at home all day, seems to build up in large quantities, (not all of it being CREATIVE steam!) I FEEL as though I have made my beloved first book more visible to the deep-sea diver but still fairly elusive!! I would rather be select.

I am THE FEMALE INFJ WHO DOES NOT HAVE TABOOS and this is my blogsite for anyone who could FEEL interested in following my TRAINS OF THOUGHT! You will be WELCOME on board!


Just as with my first book, I have written the foreword AFTER writing the book???!!!! The rare INFJ type lives and learns by their own experience. I can say that what may seem so very logical and straight forward for the majority, is usual where INFJs trip up. Speaking for myself once more and I can say that I did not once give any consideration as to the dedication, prologue, foreword, epilogue, etc., or the book covers, front and back!

All books have a blurb on the back cover and publicity pages. I did not give so much as one momentary thought as to those minor details, as I thought of them! A book is about the words inside and you journey through the pages at the authors speed or your own speed. I like to RAMBLE and write. Never knowing quite what I will write on that day. What I do know though is that, whichever train of thought I choose to go on a ramble with, it will be time spent beneficially for me and for the greater good of ALL.

I am intune with the REAL world and the REAL human beings who may still be alive. ALL of my thinking is with the one purpose and that is making this world a safe, happy, plentiful, harmonious place for US ALL to live in! Why should I misuse time in any other way? There are hundreds of millions of people misusing their time each and every day!! Some of US need to think constructively in order that we can combat their ignorance!

I would see a world where we are coming together as INFJs or other folk who believe in life on Earth and will support positive actions to build stability for ALL those whose lives hang by a mere thread permanently. As northeners, we have so much to give the south. But man-kind has continued to spread by breeding and indoctrination. There are ever less HUMAN BEINGS in the western world, we must wake up and fight to win back our planet Earth.

Have you written a book before? If you have, did you think of the extras pages first or like I, last?

Thank you ALL for reading today, I do so hope that you will continue to look my way, I would love to hear some comments. How about someone gives me a nice surprise and you express your views and share them with me in the space below or click the follow tab and keep up to speed? Next post I will dive straight into chapter one, so, until then, happy learning!

I can now tell you (26/08/2023), that my second book is now available for reading. Check these links: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback

More INFJ material can be found here: https://lifestyle.feedspot.com/infj_blogs

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Hi there reader, what do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts on my trains of thought. GO AHEAD! Air those thoughts too! I have no taboos!