Friday, 24 March 2023



Hi there everyone, thank you for looking my way today. You are right at the beginning of a new book, my second book in my Trains of Thought series titled, ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT! The complete inverse of my first book, which readers to my blog will know, was titled ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN! Why the total turn around?

Here are those Amazon links to my first book: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book

Having found such a distressingly, dismal reception at my attempts to inform the few that I could, about my book, a deep dive into depression was my first response! I FELT that it would always be that way but I had entertained a slither of hope that maybe, just maybe, this time my partner would budge. I was wishful thinking, once more! No, HE was going to continue to be my greatest obstacle! That has not changed since!

a very hazy skyline outside this morning

I had no one to turn to, no shoulder to cry on, no one to encourage me or support me and did the only thing that I can do to preserve my own mental grip on life, which is to retire into myself and seek my own therapy strategy! Talking aloud to myself and writing those words down on paper. Even as I began, I could see that this was already going to be a very different piece of work but then again, I am a writer. I can write about whatever I wish to as I have no taboos!

As INFJ type, I have no order that is not MY order and I am sure that any who came and looked around my work area would be quite disturbed by the array of pieces of paper with notes and writing pads all piled higgledy piggledy aound where I sit and try and put this blog spot together. I cannot imagine that many folk would be able to get the jist of where I am at on any given day! MY order, as I said and I know what is what and where it is. Woe betide IT change ITS coordinates???!!!!

Having somehow deleted the file for this book, I am so very thankful that I do have my hand-written manuscript to refer to right now! "Shall I just type up these opening and closing pages?" I asked myself. Then I thought, "Uhm! You have not even thought as yet what you need to write on those pages!" So true and therefore a while sat with paper and pen, saw me compose those additional pages to the book and for the moment, they are my reference. The real McCoy!  

Having got my official ISBN book number and got the title and copyright pages set, I moved on to the dedication of my book. To whom this time around? In my ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN review, Post No.4/Published 14 Nov 2022, I shared with readers the dedication of that book and why I chose those particular people and they could ALL be mentioned systematically because their prescence in my life has been all important.

A new book as this was for me, it was of course going to have a different FEEL to it. I was no longer the same person. I was a writer now!!! Yes, I could write a book and a very long and entertaining book, by my own evaluation because as I have mentioned more than once or twice, I am still pending the evaluation of any living human being!!

It was another year of living with COVID-19 and also the armed conflict in Europe had kicked off. It was a grim winter and 2022 shaping up for us all again, like we had not had our fill of winters of discontent. So, I was happily immersing myself in my own ability to write an entertaining piece of work for others to read. This book was not going to be so much about me! No one was interested in ME!

I share my dedication with you ALL:

I dedicate this piece of writing to ALL the purveyors of romance in this world. To those few males who have understood the concept of love and romance, which is how I have been able to learn of loving romantically myself. To life on the outside looking in and the time that is makes available for quality thinking! To my mother and her unfailing motherly protection, I LOVE YOU MUM! To my partner for providing me with so much invaluable learning material, which sees me become wiser by the day! To my musical troubadours, my LONG-TERM partners through life and especially to my favourite troubadour Mark Knopfler, who has never failed me yet! Thank you ALL, you give me the strength to carry on BELIEVING in love and romance!

Ah, yes! Romance and blissful FEELINGS! Are we not all searching for and longing for those sensations and to find someone with whom we can FEEL that our own FEELINGS are truly reciprocated. That is what is so very difficult to find with a male. I talked long and deep of this in my first book and of course, man-kind is our ENEMY NO.1, so, HE will certainly not be absent from any work that I ever do, though I could look forward to a day where that is not my case.

I am a long, long way from that vision though! I have to be realistic therefore and write of what I know and what I think. Hopefully engaging other people to want to think of the critically important issues in our human lives but sat peacefully in their own space and time.

This is a happy day for me although it cannot not be tinged with the sadness that comes with the failure to achieve any of your own objectives! I must learn to take the knocks and blows that come my way, must I not? That is the nature of the westernized world that I live in, so, what else could I reasonably expect? Heads stuck up backsides, as I have said many times already! Each to their own, I guess! It is a free society that we live in but as I have also said many times, freedom in the hands of the ignorant can only spell DANGER!

Far too few heads dedicating their time to resolving the issues of eight billion people, a least a third of whom have their heads stuck firmly up their own back sides. With somewhere near half of that eight billion total world population fighting daily to surive, you can see that the rest, the twenty percent, have got it all to do and with very little collaboration from the non-thinking eighty percent!

We have got to want to live better in order to do so. Our religious doctrines have been introduced at times exactly like these and for the same reasons. Far too many me, myself, I´s again! Three quarters of a nation´s wealth in the hands of one percent of the population again! Break down of teaching and learning structures. Zombified youth who play no active part in life anymore! The walking dead as I think of them and sadly, there are so many who do not make it home ever again.

We have male stalkers, predators, rapists and killers prowling the concrete jungles at all hours of the day and night. They have no purpose in their lives, they are the useless tools, the spare parts and there will be more on male spare parts through this book too. His inferiority must be revealed in all its ugly, pathetic truth!

Keeping your head firmly tucked up your own backside may seem like a prettier proposition to taking on man-kind but in reality, man-kind and HIS rule of law and living, is continuing to spread. The righteous and worthy in this world will always search for the truth. The ADVOCATES like myself, will be at the fore front of the learning and eye-opening process. Getting the veils of man-made ignorance off people´s eyes and guiding them into the light of the REAL world. That is what I was born to do and of course, given the current human climate, what else can I do but send out my message on the wavelengths and hope that someone will tune in.

I would so love to hear your thoughts and comments on the subjects talked upon, there is a comment space below the post. I also have a contact box and a follow tab in the right-hand panel. Thank you for reading my words, today I have viewers in the USA and Gran Bretaña looking my way. How do you find me? In the next post I will share the introduction of my second book, ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT with you, until then, happy learning INFJs.

My second book is now (26/08/2023) ready for reading, here are the links: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book

More INFJ bloggers can be found listed here: https://lifestyle.feedspot.com/infj_blogs

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