A NEW BOOK, ANOTHER STEP FORWARD FOR ME! Post No.1/IN (A 11 minute read)
Hello and a very good afternoon to ALL of you who are checking out my blog site today. I have had a viewer from Singapore joining my wavelength for the first time. You are so very WELCOME and today, as I begin this new stage of my blog, I have been viewed from the USA, Belize and Singapore. That is such comforting news to me, though I am still longing for some feedback!
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Last night I spent some time trying to understand the ins and outs of SEO optimization and I have to admit that I am totally baffled by most of what I read. I understand in principle the general logic factor but what I do so sorely lack, is computer usage knowledge. As any who read my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN will find out, by year born, computer science was not part of my school curriculum.
These are the Amazon links to my first book: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback
Computer science as it was then called (in 1980), was being introduced into the secondary school education system around the time that I was beginning my fourth year and so, dropping subjects and choosing other subjects to concentrate on more, which would then lead on to final qualifications on paper! It was therefore, the first year students of that time, who were the first full-time receivers of the teaching of computer science!
As fourth years, we could not come in as though we had three previous years knowledge accumulated and continue adding to that for another two years and so being able to take an examination and qualify in computer science. At the same time, this is where a cut off point came between the generations. Those who were educated prior to computer technology and the teaching of it and those who from eleven years of age, were being given school classes in computer science!!
My father bought a Home PC when they first became available to the public. As an intellectual, working male, he FELT that it was necessary to his continuing growth as an intelligent person. This was new technology but it was clearly so very beneficial in so many ways, that it was absolutely going to become part of our every day lives and therefore, he needed to keep up with the changing times too!
I was at that particular moment in time, giving the majority of my energies to learning of what I FELT I needed to know right then and was very busy socializing with my peers and indulging in music and music gigs. We had been subjected as children, to a wave of science-fiction on our screens both in the form of films and TV series, British and American.
We had all sorts of novelties happening with regards to space travel and this machine driven, metallic, robotic, science-fiction of the screen script-writers, directors and producers, was becoming ever more like to our reality. Which came first, I ask myself? The fictional script-writers and then the experts trying to make science-fiction (make-believe), actually become REAL!! Was that the plot? Actually turn all of that man-made fiction into REALITY?
Punk Rock and all of the YOUNG PUNKS like myself, had all been kicking butt for two or three years by then but we had our feet so firmly planted on the ground, that it was our current reality that we were wanting to change. Our own reality was so lamentable, with our Roman Imperialist them and us societies. Corrupt kings and leaders, piling the riches in their own coffers whilst the rest struggled to keep warm and fed!
I do not think that we had any room in our lives for science-fiction, NONE at all. As such, we knew very little about computer technology and neither did we want to embrace it. We could see like my father, that this was going to be a new wave of? A new wave of WHAT? More evolved brains? I think that was the general idea but of course, from the little that we did glean from other family members or friends, we could see that this apparatus in effect, was doing much of the thinking for you and that could only forbode ILL!
Post Second World War, in my birth nation of Gran Bretaña, we saw the greatest leap forward as a whole society, that had ever been seen. The destruction of buildings up and down the country from the long years of Nazi bombing, meant that whole towns and whole city neighbourhoods had to be rebuilt from scratch. It was a clearing up of much that was old and degraded and a new look country was being set up.
Water pipes and electric cables were installed anew, drainage systems and roads re-planned and resurfaced. It was a new beginning phase. The nation had lost 6% of its male population, some 12.5% of all the males who were in active military service during that war, lost their lives. There were crippling injuries sustained by many of the surviving soldiers and as such, they were never able to return to a working life!
Step up ladies!!!! Yes, it was by national necessity not by any national consensus regarding the female right to receive education and take up employment. This large loss of males, in my opinion, is what gave us in the UK, our head start over all of this world´s females! We were needed and we stepped up to the task immediately. State education was made available to all children and from there, literacy began to increase full-scale.
Rock and Roll was the let off steam valve of those war children who had known this misery and fear of death. Brought up on rationed food, their physical development was stunted, they missed out on years of early education owing to the systematic disruption caused by air strikes from an enemy attacker. Rock and Roll was made for them. Get out all of those pent up emotions and begin to FEEL alive and be grateful to be alive!
These Rock and Rollers paired off and gave birth to the 70s teenagers like myself. But the younger brothers and sisters of this Rock and Roll generation, were the sixties teenagers and early seventies teens. These were all young people wanting to leave the jaded stereotyped lives of males and females behind and actually enjoy life, FEEL what it is to be alive. Our music through those decades of the 50s, 60s and 70s, was our guide to FEELING life.
Socializing with like-minded people became a popular past-time, people had many thoughts and aspirations coming on, borne off the back of change comes the dream to make the REAL changes that will REALLY make all the difference. Having witnessed war with new technological capabilities, seeing men walk on the moon and many other unexpected novelties, each generation has been more inclined towards PEACE building and looking to breakdown barriers erected by past leaders.
The mind set my friends, the mind set! We as generations, will still go to our own mind as our first recourse! Not so the computer generations, oh, no! Give any member of the computer generations a memory test and you will see what I mean! NONE! The absorbancy of reality is not occurring. The human connections are becoming the rarity.
The dangers of this communication breakdown are now being revealed in ALL of their ugliness. We have bred generations of brain dead people who can only react to the established command pattern of another brain (mother board of PC). Muscle memory occurs as opposed to memorial retention of the facts. There are no longer the social contacts occurring in spite of all of these insane social networks.
Get busy on social networks if you want to bring viewers to your blog! No, I do not FEEL the need or have the desire to play ping-pong with anyone. I do not wish to slug it out with anyone tennis style either! As I said to Ms. C one day when we met, "I do not want to play a game with another person. I want to converse with another person reciprocally. I would say, "Shall we leave the ball and raquets on the sidelines, take the net down and pull up a chair in the middle together?""
From there, we both have the same vantage point of view and we can see all around us too! Being pre-computer age like myself, Ms. C is as equally capable as me, of sitting for a good number of hours without having to keep looking at their mobile phone! Working in a beach-side restaurant as I did in my first summer here, I was horrified to see families, mum, dad, kids of various ages, all on a family holiday, yet each and every one of them, looking down at their mobile phones. Why did they spend the money going away?
Back home and my Dad´s new PC, well, highly INTUITIVE as my father was, just like I, we could not see what the heck one was supposed to do with this new apparatus. Step up my younger sister, just ten years of age at that time and it seemed like child´s play to her, 99% OBSERVANT as she is! I think that says it all.
The screen has created an invisible link of communication and connection, that is altogether superficial if real at all. Our screens, whether the cinema screen or TV screen, both had already become entertaining windows on life, depending on the programme choice and there I come back again to the Americanization of our screen material. Seeing our differences and wishing to keep up with the Americans.
What a turn around! Had it not been the whole world looking towards Gran Bretaña as their point of reference per excellence? Now everything British was not good enough and we had to become more like the brash, tasteless American culture? Well, as the vast majority of my viewers are from the USA, I will speak to you ALL directly here. No culture has been perfect, none of them. But the violence portrayed on our screens, made in America, has had a dramatic effect on Europe and its computer generations who can only communicate with screen displayed images!
This infiltration of images all sick and violent, from all over this world not just the USA, has seen these generations really have no contact with the real world as my generation knew it and thought of it. We were always thinking of making human contact. I am writing this blog now on my home PC because it has now become impossible to find a human being who can converse about anything that is of importance!
If they did not see it on a screen, it did not exist! The brain feeding has saturated our young people with hideous man-made images and they are now walking completely blind to the ACTUAL world that they are living in. The ZOMBIE generations now walk in our midst and these males have little to do with any other generation of males that we have recorded in HIS-STORY!
The pressure is so great upon the male of the human specie to come out of the shadow of male stereo-typed life. Be homosexual if that is his need or learn about females if he wishes to have heterosexual partners. The same for the female population, we must now assert ourselves sexually and no longer be used as personal whores.
I am 83% Intuitive and these Observant contraptions give me a really tough time!! But there are ALL those people in now forty-three countries who have been able to find my blog! Like I am not puzzled as to how I have been found but delighted too, maybe there are some INTUITIVE types whose search criteria gets them sent my way! I will keep trying to see the light, I will!
Oh, that beautiful FEEL of enlightenment that comes upon me when I finally see the light flickering in the depth of my dark computer ignorance zone!! I had hoped that my second book would give me much less difficulty than the first but oh, no! I have made exactly the same blunders this time around as last! I cannot credit it myself! My rage was so great but that was balanced by my own sense of uselessness and failure, that I had only two options! I give up altogether or I switch off altogether and come back to it another day!
When you live in secret and you cannot give voice to, or share any of the thoughts going through your mind or the FEELINGS that are overwhelming you, there is a real fear of something giving way and this knowledge that there will be no coming back from that `giving way´. It FEELS as though something is clinging on by a hair´s width and being a hairdresser, I know just how strong healthy hair can be but how easily brittle hair will snap!
I have learnt to let go and fall! Free fall wherever I have to fall to! Once I stop falling, then I can think about trying to pick up my thread (my strand of hair/hope) again and try to move towards the light of tomorrow once more. That hair/strand will strengthen if the burning heat of my rage does not get to frazzle it, which is why I must just let go and disappear into myself for the days that it takes to over ride my own sense of incompetence, my own resentment at having none to ask for assistance and having none to even empathize or sympathize with me.
I lament my solitude and then realize that no, I am not alone, I am very well accompanied, supremely well accompanied in truth! I have my music and my troubadours who catch me when I fall. Who then cradle me and soothe my injured FEELINGS. They caress me with their passion and care and then they arouse me and the fighter comes back!
NO, you will not break my will, I will break through the barriers that block my path towards the light of my tomorrow!
Not withstanding, being of pre-computer age, I do of course, have my handwritten manuscript of ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT and in my next post I will launch into this second book of mine.
I thank you ALL so very much for reading me today. Please do FEEL welcome to comment in the space below the post, how about you let me know how you found my blog and give me a boost? If you prefer to communicate more discreetly by e-mail, great, send me your address via the contact box in the right-hand panel. And now as I begin this second phase of my blogging and reviewing my second book, why not become a follower and be notified of each new post as they are published, the follow tab is under the contact box? I would love to check back and find some words from someone, somewhere in this world.
Have anyone of you readers, read more than one post? That is a question that I have burning in my mind, if I let it!!! Are you pre-computer generation? Are you still a face to face communicator? Or are you computer generation and have little experience with your real, face-to-face human communication skills?
An update to this post (26/08/2023), my second book is available on Amazon. These are the links: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback
More INFJ reading can be found here: https://blog.feedspot.com/infj_blogs
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