The modern world has been built around our crossroads. Those points on the planet earth where individual routes cross paths. Individual people cross paths with others at crossroad points. My own home village had its crossroads point. Coming along the main road from the city towards my home village, the bus would stop at the crossroads.
There were those who would turn left at the crossroads point and those that would turn right at the crossroads, like myself and continue their walk towards their own Street, Close or Drive. The African crossroads were just the same at the time that I travelled to the African continent but the purpose of the African crossroads continued to be fundamentally the same.
Those small crossroads points, like my little village crossroads deep in the Norfolk countryside, did in times now long gone by, work in exactly the same way. Not so anymore and my village crossroads point is no longer a point of communal sharing and coming together but rather more has become a divisory point. We briefly cross paths at our crossroads and then we immediately go our separate ways!
It is sad because these pretty little villages like my birth village, had always relied on this exchanging of news that occurred between travellers to the local crossroads towns. Our transport terminals have become our new crossroads points for travellers from all continents. Just as at the African crossroads towns, it is the travel parks where you will see this fantastic array of peoples from so many different cultures and nationalities.
So yes, our airports, train stations, coach terminals and the like, are our modern points of crossing as travelling people. There are similarities of course between them. You can find somewhere to sit, use the toilet, buy food and drink and onward tickets. You can find advice too at the information desks!! The functionality is one and the same therefore! Those essential services provided for a fee!
We all know that the cost of food and drink in our transport hubs has always been significantly higher than a regular store. It used to be that we would take our own food and drink with us as a purely economical decision! The less we spent on the essentials, the more we would have to spend on the extras!!!!
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As I wrote in my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, at African travel crossroads points, the seating and sleeping is done on the ground. The food is being cooked in large pots and being sold by the portion. All is outdoors and all are respecting at all times, the space and privacy of others. Most verbal communication is done by daylight, once the sun goes down and the fires are lit, individual groups gather together for their evening meal and bed.
The Amazon links for this book: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
Is it not the length of time that we spend at these travel hubs/crossroads points which marks one of the clear differences in their usage. In the western world, what are travel hubs if not points of arrival or departure. No, we are wanting to spend as little time as possible in these travel hubs/crossroads points, are we not?
We arrive in our small bubbles and stay firmly in those bubbles and communicate with no one who is not wearing a uniform which tells you what their purpose is within this travel hub/crossroads. You would not dream of trying to speak to an unknown person and certainly not one who you could not physically identify with! I quote myself from this chapter:
They are referred to now as transport hubs as opposed to crossroads, which is a more accurate description. It seems that we can only comminucate `freely´ with others of the same ilk! A similar urban tribe whose uniforms tell you who is who, just as our nomadic people´s clothing is part of their identifying element. That is what I call playing safe!
I understand the reasoning! Find those who are speaking the same language seems a rational place to start possibly but does that not automatically limit you to just one view point! What if these urban tribe members go no further than the crossroads of their own neighbourhoods? I fear there may be a lot of circular activity going on there! Going over the same old ground!
No vision of anything that enters not into their tiny, little sphere. My urban tribe, Punk Rockers as we were known, were ALL about communication and very clear, concise language was used so as to leave no room, for misinterpretations! Oh, NO, we were not wrapped up in a hermetic bubble of our own, we were permanently trying to communicate.
Sadly, it was our own people who made us OUTCASTS and OUTLAWS, by their blatant lack of will to communicate. We were ostracized and labelled as ENEMY NO.1! Quite bizarre really, when we could clearly see that our governmental institutions and those members of man-kind who presided over them, were OUR ENEMY NO.1!!!!
Therein the fear you see! For the first time in many centuries there was a group of people with educated heads who could think for themselves and as such, were constructively building their case against `PUBLIC ENEMY NO.1´. They had been rumbled! Why could these young people not just join the flocks of deaf, dumb and blind sheep and follow their tinkling bell? End of quote.
I continue with the crossroads examination and see that my local supermarket is the only place where I have any communication outside of my partner. By regularly crossing paths with the same people in the same place, a certain familiarity grows and I speak of these exchanges as some of the very few other points of view that I am able to hear.
So very sadly though, is it not the mobile terminal that has become the predominant place of communication with strangers and unknown entities? The invisible paths which cross through a process of scanning, stalking and grooming. Every three hours here in Spain, a sexual assault is being presented to the police for investigation!!
Teenage males who have no purpose in life and have become full-time predators. The stalking and grooming has lost ground. It is now straight out predating or I could say PRE-DATING, making a date before hand. Because yes, there are many young girls who are walking straight into the monster male´s lair. Yes, they did arrange to meet that monster who was posing as a good-looking young male who was offering sexual sensations!
She had expected to be groomed and coaxed into sexual interaction by this male but instead found herself being beaten into a state of unconsciousness and then violated by the said male monster and his group of homosexual monsters. CASTRATION must be the penalty for sexual rape! That will ensure that these monsters do not do that again and it will ensure that these monsters never reproduce which is of great importance, it is!
I explore this loss of human characteristics amidst the falseness of the virtual real world that is the only life line that our youth have it seems. There is no senior generation alive, who can recognize these behavioural patterns of males. They do not even belong to any animal specie living, unless in crisis. But that I will explore in my next book.
COVID-19 had not gone away, far from it and as I was writing this chapter (12/01/2022), we had no less than 60,000 medical staff off sick with COVID-19! We were then into the SIXTH wave of mass infections and here, we were all talking about our third vaccines. I was able to receive my third vaccine and was very grateful for that too.
I was infuriated by the ANTI-VACCERS, those who refused to be vaccinated. Well, now the hospitals were filling up with those darned anti-vaccers. The fools, the brain-deads, who were now blocking the hospitals and preventing others receiving life-giving treatment for other conditions. It was sick. Man-kind has been able to spead his stupidity so far and wide, that as a world, we really have got as INFJs, it all to do!
Mr. K, who in spite of playing such an important part in my healing and strengthening process, was left out of my first book. I did dedicate a post to him in my review of my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, which was titled A CHANCE MEETING HELPS ME FIND MY PATH ANEW and that was Post No.26/Published 11/12/2022, here is a link to that post: A Chance Meeting Helps Me Find My Path Anew!
Having rambled my way to the supermarket crossroads, well, what do you know, here I met my new friend. I remember that actual moment in time and continue in the next chapter which is titled REBUILDING LINKS TO MOTHER AFRICA, to develop this new relationship. It was to become a very important relationship to me and helped me find my bearings again.
In our urban centres, have not our pubs/bars and nightclubs become our communication with strangers hot spots? What do you think? Why are we so loathe to speak face to face with those that we know and are always on the lookout for strangers? Can you see why virtual real communication is taking over?
Thank you All for reading today and I shall say as always, please do FEEL welcome to answer some of my questions or make your own comments on the subjects spoken off, I would love to hear from you. Try following my trains of thought, click the follow button and keep up to date. Or send me your e-mail via my contact box if you prefer.
I am on my second book here but just a reminder that my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, does have its full review and those are the Posts numbered 1 to 60 and can be found detailed on the ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN related Posts, Pages ONE, TWO, THREE and FOUR. Chapter six next post, so, come back for that please! Until then, happy learning.
Update on 26/08/2023 - My second book is now available on Amazon. Check out these links: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback
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