Moving into chapter eight of my second book titled ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT and I am stunned by the decision of the leaders of my birth nation Gran Bretaña and my adpoted nation of Spain, to both decide that they could not cope with our COVID-19 pandemic and so were now going to stop counting up the active cases.
They were going to stop supplying us with daily information regarding this lethal virus that was rip roaring through the whole world. We were heading towards the end of January 2022 when I wrote this chapter and on the 26th January 2022, the numbers of newly infected people world wide, reached their highest levels thus far in two years of this nightmare!
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I quote myself from this chapter:
This month (Jan 2022), has seen many nations record their highest levels of infection to date and believe it or not, Mr. UK, says that there will be no more restrictions, no more counting up the daily infection numbers or the daily death statistics from COVID-19 either!
Here in Spain, they talk the same way! With two hundred and fifty thousand new infections today between these two countries, who to and fro between each other every day of the year; we are now going to turn a blind eye to this pandemic?
Do we as the general public, citizens of every nation, not have the right to know all about this lethal killer, its movements and prevalence? Will we not be condemming the rest of the world to have to live with this virus too? What madness! End of quote.
So, I decided to do a statistical round up of the COVID-19 statistics as they stood at that point in time. They were only estimations in the first instance. I think we all knew that. Were there not many thousands of people who did not even know that they had been infected with the virus as they had suffered no ill symptoms.
We knew that all the positive PCR tests done at home were not being included in the stats. We knew that many deaths provocated by covid-19 infection, were being attributed to other causes. They were not COVID-19 deaths!!!! The excess death toll, vulnerable people yes, but without this viral infection they could maybe still be alive.
Oh, no! There had been much tampering with the actual data, that we know for sure now! Our leaders really did not want us to know the full human impact of this virus and neither did they wish to expose their own deficits at the hour of decision making on our behalf!
Did we not all of us, the human civilians on the ground, have the basic human right to be told the TRUTH? Or is that such an absurd idea? You know, our leaders actually treat us as the intelligent beings that many of us are? It would seem not my friends, sad to say! No, it seems that our leadership has the right to withhold or share information from/with their citizens, only as and how they decide to do so!
On that very day 26th January 2022, there were 3,631,591 new cases globally! And we can forget about this danger??? At that stage of the pandemic Europe as a continent, made up 33% of the world total of infected people. The Asian continent was second with a 27% share, that is 60% between Europe and Asia!
The North American continent was third with a 22.50% share. The South American nations were fourth with a 13% share. My beloved African continent had just a 3.5% share and the nations of Oceania made up the 1% remaining.
You may remember as I do so well, all the verbal concern for the poor African nations and the death toll that would surely ensue if we, the westerized nations did not step up and help them. We had to get vaccines to them too and FREE VACCINES at that. But those vaccines did not materialize in the quantities required. Hypocrisy, the typical western hypocrisy. They want to call themselves humanitarian and speak as humanitarian but have as yet, to behave as humanitarians!
I had recently received my third shot of vaccine and I was most grateful for the opportunity to have those vaccines at no cost to me. Sadly though, there had been more third doses injected into pale-skinned arms than first doses into beautiful brown-skinned arms! HYPOCRISY! If you want to be called humanitarian, well, maybe the starting point is to begin to think as a human being, would you not say?
But in spite of all of us in the westernized world having the availibility of coivd vaccines, like there were not many hundreds of thousands of fools who refused to have them?! The knock-on effects of their stupidity was seeing hospitals filling out again with very sick people. Blocking the path again for those with other health issues. Those excess deaths again! Those who could not get treated in time because of covid mis-management!
So, how were the death tolls at this point of the viral outbreak? There were 5,645,114 deaths world wide with covid-19 written on the death certificate and as I said earlier, many died from covid-19 but something else was put on their death certificates! Three million of those deaths were recorded in Europe and North America, together they made up 53% of the dead.
Asia had suffered badly too, they had a 22% share of the death toll. The South American continent had a 21.5% share. Mother Africa just a 4% share and Oceania 0.10% of the overall total of deaths. This screams out about our poor life styles and how unhealthy we are really in the westernized world in spite of our nutritional knowledge and understanding.
It is the more is less and less is more philosophy which has determined life or death when contracting COVID-19. There was a lot of sorting of the chaff from the wheat and we certainly did have a great big clear up of many, many people who were in poor health. Not that our hospitals have noticed a drop in patient levels, no, not at all!
The first solid guide lines to come from the World Health Organization were, TEST, TEST, TEST. Test and isolate and trace the contacts too and isolate them as well. Stop the spread by breaking the chains of transmission. Like the African, Asian and South American nations were going to be able to buy in billions of test kits????!!!!
None the less, the African nations did use their testing strategy better than here in Europe. They were working on targeted testing, which I always believed was the best strategy. Forget the idea of being feverish and gagging for breath, there are many more who do not know that they are infected but they are in a contagious condition, therein the need to isolate them from circulation for two weeks.
I have taken the top three testing nations in Europe and the top three nations in Africa to see how they compare by volume of tests taken. At that moment it was my birth nation Gran Bretaña who had used most tests followed by France and Russia. Between them they had carried out 917,739,158 tests. The top three in Africa were South Africa, my beloved Morocco and my beloved Tunisia. They had used 37,265,600 test between them.
A mere fraction by comparison. But Africa is a very large continent and the distances that have to be travelled between different points around a country, are long and usually, slow-going too. That gives time for the contagious spell to wane and the open air life-style which is so African, does mean that breathing in this virus was not going to be so very easy.
The grand nation of China had worked so spectacularly well to protect their human right to live in a safe environment. I quote myself from this chapter:
No doubt this procedure is costing the Chinese nation a fortune but the death toll of this nation of 1,439,323,776 people, have had just 105,749 cases, 0.10% of the world total and have lost just 4,636 lives, 0.36% of the world total.
At this moment in time (27th January 2022), they have just 2,487 active cases. Each time an internal case is discovered, instant stalling of movement is put into place. No comings and goings, no ins and outs! Let us nip this in the bud before it starts getting spead around!
The sensible thing to do, but this requires the hundred percent co-operation of your citizens too. I can well believe that as a Chinese national, watching on at the tragic and completely avoidable loss of life, that whilst it must be annoying and frustrating to keep having your regular daily schedule interrupted, are not the human rights of all the priority? Not me, myself, I. No, the greater good; all of us! We are all in this together! End of quote.
Today, COVID-19 is barely mentioned by anyone, unless they are infected with it. We no longer talk of vaccines, new variants, the full hospitals, the overwrought medical staff who are getting ever closer to throwing in the job! Such a high risk job that it has become and still without any appreciation factor. The hypocrisy of the applause for our medical teams at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic really sickened me.
I could see this hypocrisy and knew that when the shit really hit the fan and those medical teams were struggling with their own sickness as well as some very sick patients, it would stop altogether. The FEAR would begin to set in and it did. The awakening to the truth took around three weeks here and from that point onwards, we have been longing to turn a blind eye to the whole ugly situation!
That is man-kind for you. It is the cowardice that marks man-kind apart from human-kind! Oh, it is REAL, what do I do? How do I cope with something that I did not instigate? Like you always do man-kind! By pretending that it does not exist, look the other way, play it down! Reasons why we should not have man-kind leading us anywhere! It will always lead us to a dead-end!
I quote myself from this chapter:
It has all got out of hand, the people do not care, they want to stop thinking about it all and so they will; with the permission of the governments who lead them. No bollocks at all! We cannot deal with it efficiently so, we will just have to give up and get on with life as best as we can!
Well, a government leader may be able to shrug off a catastrophe like this with relative ease. MAN-KIND ever lacked courage, one of his trademarks! Lack of sticking power/stamina, another of his failings! Add to that, his total indifference at the loss of human life. "Let the bodies pile high!" Said Mr.UK (Boris Johnson PM).
I called him a terrorist two years ago and he is one! One rule for them and one for the rest of us! This variant man-kind has been partying in private along with many others whilst the rest of the nation were obliged to follow restrictive measures and fined if they were found not doing so!
How can one expect their human rights to even be given a moments consideration when you have a leader such as this b*****d terrorist? But what is so worrying to me, is just what that says about the majority of the population who freely voted he and his party into leadership! End of quote.
Fortunately the law of nature does state that, "The fittest of the fit shall survive!" Never has a truer phrase been pronounced. But mental fitness is as equally important as our physical fitness. So, you see, we have a human right to refuse a vaccine but not to know the truth with which we, the human beings, could make better decisions for ourselves.
Have you forgotten about COVID-19? Have you had the virus yourself? Have you suffered a loss through covid infection? Or are you maybe suffering from long-covid symptoms?
Thank for reading and FEEL free to air your views, there is a space below or sign up to follow and I will let you know of my new posts. I have been delighted to see Russia and Romania lit up on my stats map for the first time, thank you very much. The USA and Germany have also been on board this week, it is great to know that I am being found, somehow!
Next post I will get into chapter nine where I am wallowing in my chilly, wintery hibernation mode! Check back for that. Have a great day all of you.
Update 25/08/2023: My second book is out live, here are the links: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback
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