Ploughing straight into my book review and on with chapter seventeen titled, THE CONDITIONALITY OF DEPENDENCY. There is so much within that particular title that it is really rather frightening. I begin today with the opening paragraphs of this chapter. I quote myself:
Well, in spite of having the bit between the teeth, I have been offered a number of distractions to interrupt my trains of thought and while I am not speaking much of COVID-19 for the moment, it is still very ON-GOING! Just as I have not mentioned the armed conflict in Europe as yet!
If one has access to news and is interested enough to listen to it or read it, then one´s eyes and ears are aware of what is actually happening around them. Sad to say, each day´s news bolletins seem to carry a greater weight of negative information than the previous one!
So, I am aware of much negativity around me, both close to home as well as further afield. When the proverbial "Shit hits the fan", well, depending on how much "Shit hits the fan" and how far away from that fan you are, will depend how you fare!! Close up............ you get well splattered!!
MAN-KIND´S kind of "Shit" always seems to come in very large proportions, meaning that the physical effects are felt directly by many and the secondary effects are felt, in one way or another, by all the rest! Human being´s lives being destroyed or devastated by a couple of members of variant MAN-KIND and HOMO ERECTUS!
This is a cycle that needs breaking once and for all. The COVID-19 pandemic provoked all the world´s leaders into action of some sort but the vast array of decisions taken displayed oh, so, clearly where many of our world leaders set their priorities. MONEY in far too many cases overrode HUMAN LIFE! End of quote.
All through this chapter I am exploring this dramatic conditionality of dependency that we are all subject to. Firstly, as in this example, we are dependent upon our governmental leaders to make decisions on our behalf. That is the Roman Imperialist system that we have in place, now known as democracy.
We have a vote and the person with the most votes is the elected leader. Therefore, we are then conditioned by the decisions that any one leader should decide to make on our communal behalf. I am getting rather tired of talking of and hearing of, this eternal chain of leadership, leading for its ownself only. The THEM and US system still survives and with a certain degree of strength also! I quote myself again from this chapter:
Provoked by the accumulated actions of Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens without doubt but unstoppable when it lets loose. (Referring to volcanic erruptions) More people now homeless and without possessions. Lives to rebuild again. The fittest of the fit shall survive but in what conditions and under what conditions; as I questioned in my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN.
Always having to pick up the pieces, draw the threads together and try to begin a new chapter of your life, adapting to these new changes foistered upon you that you had not planned. All of our lives, so sadly, are intrinsically linked with all those would be "Masters of the Planet Earth!"
Whilst the conflict and killing (Ukraine/Russia) has been ongoing for two months now, I have not mentioned it as yet. Being the very HUMAN, human being that I am, you can well believe that my heart is pained for the people of the Ukraine as well as the Russian people. What have they all got to do with it? They are all caught up in the crossfire, are they not?
Having to make life or death decisions with bombs exploding around them and showers of bullets raining down upon them. All the young men of the Ukraine, as well as the older men, had their decisions made for them, did they not? If you can take up a rifle, we NEED you to help defend the nation!
War leaves only death and destruction behind it. How sick then, that the perpetrators of all this death and destruction through time, should be our heroes, our leaders, they who write and then re-write the HIS-STORY books. Destroying all evidence of the previous HIM and now stamping HIS mark of domination on everyone´s butts!! End of quote.
You can find my first book with these links to Amazon: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
Education as I am always saying is the key to maybe having a conscientuous leader in the first instance. Integrity has yet to become prevalent in leadership. That is what the world is still waiting for. The laws that are made, will all condition how we go about our daily lives. Those same law makers will also condition how we fare in the work place too.
Another zone of conditional dependency; your boss! HE who employs you! Has he got any integrity? Those employer´s who do have integrity are in the minority, though some do exist! You are dependent on your employer for your employment, your source of income! But what conditions are you expected to tolerate whilst doing this employer´s bidding? There is the crunch!
There is nothing quite as unrewarding as being obliged to take on a job and then be treated so miserably within that position, to make you want to walk away from it. Those conditions again, what conditions are we expected to tolerate for the privilege of being employed by someone? Lousy condition are still the most prevalent in the Spanish work arena.
Such dire conditions that the local workers will not accept them. No, those necessary but so poorly paid employments, are filled almost exclusively by foreign workers. Arab and African predominantly, for whom an income is essential having embarked on a perilous journey to reach Europe. This really does condition the employment that is available to them; only the undesirable and low-paid. Anything is better than nothing, we often say?
Tragically, even in the hideously underpaid conditions of labour that the African workers find here, they still earn above what they are able to earn in their home countries. Therein the real tragedy of this world. Slave labour is a reality. It is the only opportunity that these dear people will ever have here. No accompanying accommodation or transport, no, job only and only for these few weeks/months!
Sleeping outdoors in home-made shacks and tents, as the monies do not go as far as standard living conditions! But having come this far, their families are dependent on their success. The chain of dependency can be long and heavy to bear. As these men are finding with wives and many children all dependent on they themselves.
So, in no situation to argue about labour conditions and unfair rates of pay!
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YET ANOTHER WRECK! HOW MANY MADE IT TO SHORE ALIVE? Photo by Christopher Eden on Unsplash. |
But if as women world wide, we are also by law required to be a dependent of our father and later our husband, then we as women, are totally dependent at all times and therein the conditioned living that we all have to suffer as married women. Unable to make any difference to our own situation or our family´s situation, economically speaking.
All of us as women, 50% of the world all dependent on the other 50%, the world´s males. Amongst that 50% of males, only 5% are their own leader or the leader of others. So, 45% of the world´s males are dependent on the other 5% of males for their employment.
Directly or indirectly, we are all conditioned to be dependent on MAN-KIND. 5% of the world population holds the other 95% in permanent dependency by conditioning how we can live our lives as males and females. The Boss; the male Puppet Master. The Puppet; the female Puppet Master. All of us conditioned into dependency upon our respective Puppet Masters.
In reality we are just adapting to our man-made environment, we are not evolving, no, just adapting to the conditions that our respective Puppet Master´s make our own. We all need to become independent of man-kind. We must make our own fortunes by making our own work but how fair are the conditions in the man-made world? What share must man-kind take from your hard labour if you are not doing HIS bidding?
I leave you today with another quote from this chapter:
The citizens of this entire world are victims and occasionally (very sparingly), beneficiaries of their leaders. That in itself, as human beings, should make us all equals on that point at least! This world is running in two opposing directions, the negative forces versus the positive forces!
Always the same battle, black and white, life or death, round in another circle of building, believing in a better life and then seeing it all disintegrate by the hands of an uptight leader! Hopes destroyed along with everything else!
The man-made cycles of life! He will not let us break these cycles of destruction, they are all HE knows obviously, which is why HE is not fit to make decisions for all of us to live by. Great humanity versus great cruelty! End of quote.
But at the time of writing, as a world, we were then discovering our levels of dependency upon the Russian and Ukrainian nations!!! Nations dependent upon others for food supplies and fuel supplies. It all forebodes ill.
Thank you for reading and in the next post I will review ALL OUR OWN KALEIDOSCOPES, chapter eighteen so, look back for that.
I am happy to announce that my second book is now live and ready for reading (18/08/2023), here are the Amazon links. The paperback: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT and the e-book: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT
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