Hello again! We are officially into summertime here in Europe and the temperatures both indoors and out are rising accordingly. Indoors I have my thermometer staying at a steady 25ºC, which for my body, is ideal. Outdoors today, 32ºC and a UV level of 8! Hence I prefer to stay in the ideal cool of my indoor space than spend more time than necessary out in the heat of Almería.
It is my greatest wish and hope that, wherever you are in the world today reading my words, that you are able to cope with your current climatological condition. That those conditions are not now additions to your suffering. Fortunately we do have a government in position at this moment in time here, who are not altogether insensitive to the great physical difficulty of working outdoors in this tremendously intense Spanish sunshine!
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As such, the temperatures and UV levels are being taken into consideration and work schedules being modified accordingly. We can all visualize dark brown skinnned people labouring under the baking hot sun doing all the pale skinned peoples labour for them, simply because they themselves could not cope with the climatological conditions! The fields of Andalucía are still filled with dark skinned people labouring under this scorching Almerían sun, doing the labour for the pale skinned for them!
Onto today´s chapter nineteen, which is titled IT IS ALL ABOVE BOARD! I will begin by quoting myself from this chapter:
ALL ABOVE BOARD! A frequently used phrase in the English language! Signifying that actions/situations are honest and legal. The opposite actions/situations are considered, "UNDER THE TABLE!" Signifying out of sight, dishonest! Our own nation´s stability depends ever on the leaders of them.
More particularly, whether their actions are above board or generally done under the table! Time moves on and as generally so much was done `under the table´ and `all across the board´, by general agreement, have now become accepted as `ALL ABOVE BOARD´ actions!
Our leaders changing the parameters to excuse their abominable lack of thinking. Just say well, as we all do it, we might as well change the rules and make it legal. That way we will all be ABOVE BOARD! Even so, the UNDER TABLE activity continues unabated and is I believe, equal to that which is ALL ABOVE BOARD!
So, you can well believe that the established strategies and movement possibilities on the chess board, have been changed many times! It was ever a war game, two warring sides whose aim was to destroy the other side´s army and claim total control of the board (the territory)!
Men were playing war games in real life and making a board game inspired by battles and warring for entertainment and mental stimulation. Therefore, how was this started up. Well, going back in time, as we know, man-kind was ever trying to claim more territory as HIS own. Battle, death or usurpization were the name of the day! End of quote.
Having got myself on the black and white themes and having the Russia/Ukraine conflict picking up speed by day, I could just see how the political pieces of both sides were lining up as if on the opposing sides of a chess board.
I love origins and I had seen on my travels many males sat under the shade, playing at board games which to me seemed to have a familiarity with board games that I was aware of but did not maybe think at that time, what that actually meant. Of course, I was seeing males playing older version of this game called CHESS.
But that name CHESS, is a new name! This game has been around a long, long time. And I enjoy now following the route of this war strategy game from its origins in India, right into our modern times. It makes for very interesting reading and I also look at the changing name of the game and its changing rules!!
Getting back to the building tensions between Russia and the Ukraine and I quote myself again from this chapter:
No conflict starts overnight, there has to be a gradual gathering together of the supporting forces, you have got to put on a united front on the board and be absolutely sure of yourselves even before throwing down the gauntlet. But this is a game to some and so way before the gauntlet comes into action, we have to begin baiting!
Baiting can be done and usually is done, by many different parties, just to add some zing to the cocktail! So, hawk-eyed USA report the movement of large numbers of Russian troops near to the Ukrainian borders and by the end of the same month, November 2021, some 92,000 Russian troops were gathered there.
The pawns were being lined up on the Russian half of the board but the opposing half of the board still had no intention of lining up as yet! The baiters are there to stir people into action and the biggest baiter in this conflict is without doubt, Mr. USA!
He was the first to take the Russian bait and take note. He could see the SHATRANJ/CHESS board laid down and the Russian pawns lining up and male instinct being what it is, just longed to usurp the Ukrainian side of the board and take Team Russia on by himself!
Whilst it is not his conflict, he is ostensibly on the side of peace and so decides to stand as Europe´s `Big Brother´, realizing that the Ukranians were totally under equipped to defend themselves against a well planned Russian onslaught. That could be seen as a positive happening but sadly, diplomacy has not yet been taught to MAN-KIND! End of quote.
This kicked off a round of economic sanctions by some, refusal to buy Russian gas and oil. The disruption suffered by all and sundry was about to get much worse as we were to find out. I am looking at some of the manoevres that took place as the baiting continued and eventually, armed conflict kicked off.
And I will finish up today without a further quotation fron this chapter:
We draw close now to the end of May 2022 and also draw close to seven million women and children who have fled from the Ukraine. Seven million people who know not what tomorrow holds for them. Seven million people set back in time. They are the tip of the iceberg though!
Within the country, another eight million people are living away from their home regions for safety. Placing increased demands on other areas to provide for all of these displaced people. But even when one day they will be able to return, what will they find waiting to greet them?
The ruins of their former lives and all that they had ever known, all that they had ever worked for! A start right from scratch again, but that is where we must seize the positives and leave behind the negatives once and for all. Re-build for the future with better constructions that are properly insulated, double glazed and using renewable energies for heating and lighting!
It is those who are not actually players on the board that are suffering and the knock on effects run very far indeed! Here in Spain we have seen our gas and petrol prices jump to all time highs. The International Allied Team in their choices of moves, are choosing to block all financial movements of Mr. Russia!
To countersrike, Mr. Russia has prevented Ukrainian exports leaving the country and we in Europe and much further afield, are all learning just how dependent our nations are on both Russia and the Ukraine for so many of our basic commodities. We refuse to buy Russian and Mr. Russia prevents us from buying Ukrainian goods!
A kind of stale mate is setting in. The longer this game is drawn out, the heavier the suffering of the wider population. This is not about people though, war never is! It is always a game being played by MAN-KIND and the disruption or destruction of human lives, is the last thing on his mind!!! End of quote.
In the next post I will move on to chapter twenty which is titled IT IS ALL ABOUT POWER and I am exploring what has been to date, the female contribution world-wide in leadership terms. So, please check back again for that. Have yourselves a great day full of learning! Until next time, thank you for reading and any comments would be very welcome.
Just published, at long last (18/08/2023), so here are the links to Amazon for the e-book and the paperback versions. Paperback: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT and the e-book: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING IN
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