Good afternoon to you readers and it is my humble wish that you are ALL being able to cope with your current climatic conditions. I have 39ºC outdoors and 28ºC indoors today and yes, it is extremely hot out in the sun. I am staying out of this dramatically intense sunshine until 6.30pm, when I will venture out into the gardens of my urbanization and take a leisurely dip in our swimming pool!
To say that it is refreshing, envigorating or reviving, might be going too far but it does FEEL nicer to be wet with water for a while as opposed to your own sweat wet! At this time of year, my body asks for water replenishment at all hours. It is so very noticeable the increased consumption of drinking water, it really is!
My fridge is filled with bottles of chilled water and these are drained in very long swigs! Three litres a day, I would say is my current consumption. Plus the partner and his three litres, that is six litres per day, that is forty-two litres a week, totalling one hundred and sixty-eight litres per month required for two people who are relatively inactive, to remain fully hydrated!
Money being at a premium, we can be so very grateful that in our town we have a natural spring source of fresh water where we go and fill up our garafes for free each week! Every little helps. The town where I live, or at least the old part of the town where I live, was built by the Arab peoples in their time here. Water was always deeply valued by the Arab peoples and this natural supply of fresh spring water is channelled into multiple fountains in a pretty square, just as it always has been since then.
As the world temperatures continue to climb higher than ever before (at least in our recorded knowledge), so the earth under our feet becomes evermore deyhdrated. Desertification is spreading, we have been here before and we will sadly once again, witness the loss of many beautiful species of plants and animals and very likely human beings too.
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In spite of all the global meetings and agreements made with regards to solid, meaningful actions to be taken, what is really going on? Sure, in some areas people are taking this seriously but this requires everyone to take this seriously, does it not? But should we not start with the very wealthy and their private airplanes, yachts, limosines, etc.? The highest contaminaters must be held responsible for their enlarged share of carbon emissions, do you not think?
Having just reviewed chapter twenty-one It Is A Man´s World, well, there is our big problem, is it not? It is man-kind and his man-made world of contaminating trappings that are choking this world. All of his fast, fast vehicles, be they airplanes, speedboats, jet skis, snow skis, racing cars, space rockets, they are ALL high emission.
As only man-kind can have access to these kinds of vehicles, well, how many of you are using a private plane to ferry you about your business every day? No, me neither! Male leaders are absolutely failing in pressuring this collective, the `More Money Than Sense´ collective and enforce good common sense upon them by law. It is not happening that way though, no, it is little US who are being pressured and having our consciousness awoken.
I firmly believe that it does require females in leadership for any clean-up job to really happen. Each and every area that man-kind has trod, is in serious need of a great-big clean-up job. I can see that man-kind does not have it in his mind yet, to take on his own! No, that will not happen, hence we need females in leadership who are representative of the US community.
I have now published my second book (18/08/2023), so, it is available for sale!
Here is the link to the e-book version: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT
And the paperback version link: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT
Chapter twenty-two is called Balancing The Field Of Play and I am continuing with my profiles of ALL the females who have been able to reach the top position in their respective nations. I begin with this quote from the beginning of the chapter:
For the moment though, I really do want to look at this power board game and see how we are as two opposing sides because my point is, if you have got two dense lines of man-kind and man-kind´s tools (soldiers), is there not some inevitability to the outcomes?
The baseline strategy is of course, to blow the other side off the board until one king rules the whole board! You see why I mentioned the stupid `Hero/Villain´ modern film scripts? It is always the same strategy. Having females on the board, will needs must, break from that strategy.
This should not be about removing anybody from this board by death or destruction. No, it should be about redistribution of this board. Full recognition of the right of each of the players to have its square or squares and ALL be content with their own squares (multiple or singular) and peacefully acknowledging and working together with ALL the other square occupiers of the day!!
Is it not the whole strategy which is incorrect? But this was a simulated take over game! Could you outwit your rival and wrest from him all that he had? Conquering, that is what this game was about. I have conquered you, not in physical battle terms but oh, "Aren´t I a clever dick?"
The one-up-manship satisfaction but without soiling the hands and hopefully without the loss of too many lives! Is this not an unequal play set up though? I mean, ALL the Allied Internationals against one individual nation? That looks like down right ganging up together and I am sure that Mr. Russia will be able to recruit many disgruntled `Last Gangs In Town´. End of quote.
Putting the males aside for a while (a welcome relief to me the author), I continue with my profiles of ALL the females who have been elected leaders of their nations and show that they are ALL supremely educated women, who are absolutely qualified for their positions.
But female leadership is not just about women, is it? For me, it speaks of the males of a nation. Males who are also prepared to back female leadership and break away from the typical man-made dominatory, descriminatory, sexist form of leadership. To say nothing of the corruption that has always been suspected if not known for sure!
I will finish up with another quote from this chapter:
What remains to be seen is the effect that female leaders could have on both their national and international fronts. Whilst we still have a male president here in Spain, we do have three tremendously capable vice presidents who are female!! Spain is almost ready for female leadership!!
Not all females are born equal though and I, who lived through my teenage years with the first ever British female PM in charge, can testify to that! As teenagers we saw our aspirations of continuing forward progress ground into dust! Plan A´s, Plan B´s, Plan C´s, well, is it any surprise that we kicked butt?
To be a female wolf in sheep´s clothing is probably much more disappointing than the typical male kind. Surely we expected more and to side with a female who is a feminist, NO, I will not go there. I will side though, with any female who wants the right to be female!!!!
No, I do not FEEL the need to earn the right to play international rugby or football. No, I do not FEEL the need to have the right to live and work in a deceptive, illegal and immoral way! No, I do not FEEL the need to have the right to be equal to a male, I really do not!!
I do not want to be as the human male, of that I have no doubt! I want the right to live by human laws, made by human beings, which do not see gender at all, just human beings! I want the right to be a true female in every sense of the word. Not to have to act the part of the female that our male dominated world has said was ours (females)! I am not and have never been, `their female´.
Oh, no! I do not want the right to act and behave like man-kind and act and behave his way believing that I am exercising my female rights, oh, NO!! I just want to be free to live as a human being, not just as the other half of man-kind!
She, who breeds his spawn and cleans up behind him! Fortunately, there are evermore females who are exercising their equal rights although they still do not exist in law, to not marry and to not have children! It is in our own hands as females too, is it not? Do not play the part; be YOURSELF!
Rather than female equality, should we not be looking at male equality and trying, instead of lowering ourselves to HIS level, we worked more on trying to bring him UP to OUR level as females? Have HIM become a better person in other words! Have HIM become independent from females once and for all and have HIM stop dominating our every move!
That is where we will find equality, by educating our males world wide once and for all and finally introduce the FEMALE to them!! In ALL HER honesty, without any of man-kind´s taboos to hold HER as HIS shackle!! End of quote.
In the next post I will move on to chapter twenty-three titled, Winners and Losers, Are There Any? I now go on to look more closely at some of the key male leaders of that moment in time. Presidents Trump, Biden, Putin, Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Boris Johnson. How do they qualify for their roles as leader? What have their paths to leadership been about? More interesting reading therefore.
I thank you for reading today. It would be wonderful to hear some comments from you. How are you faring for heat extremes where you live? Do you have a female leader in your nation right now? Have you had a female leader before? Have you had a corrupt leader in your nation before? We can all say yes to that one!
Wishing you ALL a great afternoon. Keep learning as you keep living each new day.
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