It was the 15th June 2022 as I began to write chapter twenty-three of my second book, ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT. The armed conflict between Russia and the Ukraine was getting more fraught and threatening. But what were the motives behind this conflict, that is what no one has ever really understood and always felt that Mr. Russia, who is no fool, did have somewhere along the lines, a clear motivation for this conflict.
At the same time, I do not think that he expected the international backing that was provided and continues to be provided to the Ukraine. He surely could not have expected the international allies to keep supplying the Ukraine with weapons far beyond any stocks that they had previously held for such a length of time. This will surely have changed the whole outcome of this conflict.
This is what turns conflict into war! That was now a year and one month ago and as yet, there has been no let up in the destruction of parts of these two nations. It is OK for the allied team to gang together and destroy the Russian lands and peoples but not OK for the Russian team to `solo´ destroy part of the Ukrainian lands and people.
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ARE THERE EVER ANY WINNERS IN WAR? Photo by Hassan Pasha on Unsplash. |
Therefore, the original motives may now have been forceably changed as a result of the seeming accumulative will to destroy the Russian nation!! I quote myself from that chapter titled Winners or Losers, Are There Any? Which as I mentioned was written 15th June 2022. I quote:
Have we ever really known the strategy of Mr. Russia and Mr. USA though? Ulterior motives being what they are, well, I have long suspected that Mr. Russia had ulterior motives. What he is gaining for his nation is immense! Without even asking, many, many international buisnesses and companies have pulled the plug on their Russian operations!
They have played into his hands, he wanted them all out, he wants to reconquer his country and in that, I support him! To have seen the withdrawal of the largest American hamburger restaurant chain from Russia, must have been like a dream come true. Magic wands do not exist but oh, strategy, now that is a reality!!
Just as the re-stocking of the pawns on the front lines is part of consolidatory strategy, so too did they need to have a consolidatory plan for the removal of these cheap American junk-food outlets. Let us face it, junk-food can be made by anyone and if the people have developed a taste for it, you can feasibly replace it with ease!
There were some sixty-two thousand employees distributed amongst eight hundred and forty-seven of these hamburger restaurants but the Russian buyer of all of these newly vacated outlets, is keeping on all of those staff under the same conditions for the next two years.
Their experience will of course, be invaluable to his success. A business fully usurped but it is no longer an American concern, it is now a Russian owned restaurant chain, employing Russian workers and I can imagine also now, using Russian production too.
That will surely cut out straight away much of their importation, solely from the supplies for this restaurant chain! In the same way, many other big named businesses have decided to close down. That will leave prime retail space for Russian business again! End of quote.
Did Mr. Russia want to trim down the gas supplies anyway? I carry on with the gas wars and have an indepth look at where we are all getting our gas supplies from. Why when we are all supposed to be coming off fossil fuels? My neighbours down here in southern Spain are Morocco, Algeria and Portugal. Gas pipes come all the way across the Algerian Sahara, under the Mediterranean Sea and into the Almerían coast line, where I am!
Other gas pipes run across the Algerian Sahara into Morocco from where they go under the Gibraltar Straits, up into Spain as far as Córdoba and then westwards from there into Portugal. There is a third link between Algeria and Italy. Political relations have always held the key to the gas taps down Algeria way too! Quoting myself again:
Mr. Russia knows that he has the support of Mr. China and Mr. Algeria for that fact! King Mohammed VI of Morocco, who has contracted COVID-19 in the last few days, is wanting to stay as neutral as possible on this one, he is no hypocrite anymore than Mr. China is. They know that in leadership, there are no good guys and bad guys. They are able to admit that at least!
Already the Allied International team are advising Mr. Ukraine to cut his losses now and negotiate a ceasure of combat! "NO WAY!" says Mr. Ukraine, "After all we have gone through and all that we have lost?" Bullying is what it is! Bullying has ever been man-kind´s way to get what he wants!!
He will put on his parts, swear and curse, rant and rave at his own impotency! At his complete failure to get his needs across to others. It is THEY who force him to take action because THEY are not meeting his needs and we must all comply, must we not? Pure brut force and the will to kill rather than cede a millimetre!!
Europe and the USA, have I believe, been unwise to keep supplying the Ukraine with weaponry. It has seen excess death and destruction. If the answer to the problem according to the two sides, is the total destruction of the other peoples and their lands, are either of those two sides acting as they should? End of quote.
Getting back up north again, I have an indepth look at the man who is currently Mr. Russia, Vladimir Putin. He certainly has had quite a colourful career to date and has a depth of military and political experience built upon long years of national service. It makes for very interesting reading and he has shown himself to be a very resilient person who is able to bounce back from adverse situations and circumstances.
I also have a look back at the sunken submarine, the KURSK which went down on Vladimir Putin´s watch. Intriguing indeed!! I round of this post today with the last paragraphs of the chapter still talking of Mr. Russia. I quote:
In between elections, a presidential term has now become six years as opposed to the four years of previous leaders. So, Vladimir´s third term as Russian president did not come to its revision date until Spring 2018. Once again, he won with a large majority, this time seventy-six percent of the vote!
Since then, well, all sorts have been going on all over this world and Mr. Russia will have been more or less involved depending on whether those happenings were in friendly nations or non-friendly nations. But make no mistake, this man has all the classical leadership training behind him!
Try taking some of his share of the board at your peril! He might be a `BLONDE´, but this man´s mind is a thinking mind. He will not be a loser; he is not the type!! End of quote.
Just to finish up I will give you an update on the new Russian burger outlet which replaced the largest American burger chain, which is called VKUSNO I TOCHKA, when translated into English means, TASTY AND THAT´S IT! How have they been able to consolidate their new venture? Having found just the article that I was looking for, I can tell you.
Using data compiled by the BNN Breaking news network journalist EBENEZER MENSAH, I can tell you that owner Aleksander Govor, has got off to a flying start and currently has 58% of the fast-food market in Russia! Not bad for year one in business, hey?
He has managed to refit and reform no less than 860 outlets so far and has plans for another 50 more. His restaurant chain is seeing an average daily movement of customers of some 1, 800,000 per day. In the first twelve months of operations, a massive 500 million customers have passed through his doors and have consumed an estimated 400 million burgers and 200 million portions of fries.
Back-up plans!!! Yes, Vladimir did seem to have many back-up plans which have prevented economic collapse by the withdrawal of so many big named businesses. More for the local/national income!!!
Mr. Russia is of course, defending his side of the board, but it takes two to get a game going and in the next chapter titled Where Are Those Good Men, I take an indepth look at Mr. UK Boris Johnson and Mr. USA Joe Biden, two more `BLONDES´???!! Come back for that and in the meantime, thank you for reading. I would love to hear your thoughts and views. Until next time, have a great afternoon wherever you may be reading from!
This book is now ready for purchase (18/08/2023), so here are the links for you!
My Amazon link to my paperback: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT
And the Amazon link to the e-book: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT
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