Stuck in a rut my friends? I am in and out of a self-made rut that seems to me impossible to get out of and move beyond. I drag myself out of it, only to be wrenched back into it. The monotony is soul destroying, mind destroying and totally draining. So much positive energy being diverted to neutralizing all of the negatives created by another.
Hello and good morning to all my fellow INFJs out there in the world somewhere, I really would appreciate a word or two from one of you! I see that I have had a good number of reads but as yet no one has made a comment. I try not to think about that. What is a blog for an INFJ whether A or T, than a space to talk to ever open ears? Our words fall on deaf ears always and so we try to find a pair of ears that will listen.
Having spent the last four days `rutted´, my frustration has been the sensation to over ride. Biding time! Like that is not what I am doing each and every day but there are definitely more satisfying ways of biding time than being `rutted´ by another! I am alone again and so, in principle, able to navigate my needle over my vinyl this morning. I must take advantage of that as these days are running out for me!
I am on countdown to big changes in my life, none of which will be chosen by me and yet I will have to adapt somehow to them. I must try and keep my focus on MY future, should I get to have one. For the moment I will use each day as best as I can and focus on what matters to the world.
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Moving on with my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN and chapter eleven, NEW GROOVES. Wow! I would like to be digging some new grooves and I am. I am blogging, that is a new groove for me. Trying to make invisible contact, that is a new groove for me. Spending my days sat typing online, that is a new groove for me. Trying to work out all of this new (for me at least) technology, another new groove!
I am happy to say that you can now find my book on most of the Amazon stores, these are links to the .com store: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
Well of course, it is those new high-tech gadgets that I talk of in this chapter. The turn over of these new `TOYS´, which has become so immense that the old ones are piling up in our homes. Once again I am off on the recycling trail of my team, who will be collecting up all of our techno gadgets, dismantling them all and using the recycled materials for our new simple phone.
I quote myself:
In a nutshell, I would like to see the mobile phone go back to being just that, a mobile phone! Used to make phone calls and send text messages and maybe a few useful apps using internet! The built in camera was one of the biggest selling points of the mobile phone but when the selfie camera came into being, everyone suddenly became their own model and photographer. That in itself is not my big issue. My issue is more with being able to film and send live! There should of course, be a vetting and filtering process before any public images are posted!
How and why no one ever considered that, I really cannot understand? Did those who brought all these new inventions to us, live on another planet? Did they really think that all in this world had their brains working coherently? I think time and time again, just how much worse Hitler´s dreams could have become, had he had internet at his disposal! It is as much about the instantaneous real time relaying of people´s words and images, which makes them all so potentially dangerous. Once out and seen, the damage has been done! The locking of the stable door after the horse has bolted serves no purpose! End of quote.
The early onset of deteriorating eye sight is a direct consequence of bright colours, fast moving images, focusing on a small scale and all of that for many hours a day! The arthritis in the fingers will come further down the line, I expect!
That said, I have just absented myself for two hours from the keyboards. I long to get back to writing, pen and paper I mean. But I know that I have not done enough for this BABY (book one) of mine and I need to pave the way for my second BABY (book two), who is already weaned and ready to leave home. Both of them seem to be dragging their feet and causing me so much pain in the process, that I almost wish I had never written them!
No, that is not true! I could be so proud that I have written them, if maybe someone somewhere would want to read them. What a battle to become visible! People are generally so opinionated and yet, hard as I try, I cannot seem to extract a word from anyone. I am torturing myself I know with my own sense of invisibility but I do want to leave a trail behind me for others to follow.
I am doing something that I have never done before! I am listening to music at the same time as I write. I am being seriously distracted though but that is what I am looking for. I am so wound up today that I am not flowing well. I have got a live concert of Dire Straits from 1986 going down. Thirty-six years ago, wow! I read through my 1986 yesterday in my chapter GOING SOLO. They were the days!!! I am all over the place today. I had a message from my mother too asking if we would ever meet again. I replied as always, "I will never lose hope that we will."
I will be able to find the way! I could find my way back to my Wodaabe ladies too! There the tug of loyalties! How much time may I have? A group of Buddhists monks were edged out of their temple in Thailand for failing a drugs test!!!!!! What is going on here? We are getting our wires crossed all over. Sorry, I know I am not making sense to any but maybe myself, I just know that I do not want to be where I am right now!
New grooves, well, I have added some photos to some of my earlier blog posts. Poodling around instead of concentrating on what I had set myself to do, I managed to work that out. I am messing around today, I cannot seem to get out of this bad groove for the moment. Let me quote myself from my book in the meantime!
Women are continuing to evolve and demand equality and we shall have it, eventually! It is what the world needs, females involved in all decision making, regardless of the situation or environment. Good men of this world, are you really going to carry on watching females being gang-raped by young males and filmed for anyone to watch on a social network? Are you really going to carry on watching cowardly males beating and killing women? By letting this all continue to escalate (because the truth is that rape and violence towards women is on the increase), you are condoning this behaviour in your fellow males!!!
You must all join with the females of this world and stand together with us against this chauvinistic, Roman catholic, dominancy of man-kind´s, that has seen man-kind getting away absolutely free with these violent crimes for centuries. It must stop! I feel that maybe we have arrived at a point in time, where we are in very different stages of evolution as females and males!
Just like there are many decent males out there perfectly happy to see our archaic stereo types die a definitive death, so are there many decent females too! Though sadly, whereas men will support men, only good women will support good women! Of course, those of us females who wish for our equal status in every way, also have some of our fellow females as our stumbling block too! End of quote.
The violence being metered out on women here in Spain is dramatic. As I discuss in this chapter, the uprising of the female is one of the key causes behind this violence, I believe. "GET DOWN WHERE YOU BELONG!" Another key factor is the changes to same sex laws. The freedom to be same sex is now a reality. There is no longer a need to pretend that you are a heterosexual male but it takes courage to break away from man-kind, does it not, particularly if you are male?
Gang rape is a homosexual crime! These males need to see each other´s genitals for their stimulation, the unconscious female is their accessory! They are trying to demonstrate their masculinity through the violent attack of a female (look at us, we are real MEN, we hate women, LOOK) and raping her against her will (look at us and how we hate women and have no respect for them, we all use them which is all they are worth, we are real MEN.)
Since when do REAL MEN need a pack of males to track down a female, knock her unconscious and then film their multiple violation of this poor female, as proof that they have ejaculated in a female vagina?
Psychologists, can you hear this? These males are impotent when in the company of females because yes, they do hate females. Why? Simple really! The more sex seeking women are, the easier it is for a heterosexual male to find sexual relations. Women are sexually assertive and as such, are seeking their sexual partners. Making it ever more difficult from a homosexual male who is hiding under heterosexuality, to exist. "These women are molesting me, leave me alone please! Or I will have to act or everyone will think that I am homosexual because I keep turning all of these girls down!"
Look online! How do I prove that I am heterosexual? I think that might be his search! The guidelines are all there! Get that female unconscious, that is the key. Then she will not speak and break your homosexual fantasy! "Come on mates, get you c***s out!" One of the first gang rape cases to come to light, consisted of ten ejaculations in 75 seconds! The female was of course, semi conscious! The speed of ejaculation is dramatic.
You are in the street, you have an unknown and semi conscious female dumped into a doorway by all of you. Five young, attractive looking males get their penis´out and in front of each other, become erect and ejaculate in front of their `mates´, various times in just over a minute. The sight of all those male penis´ was total stimulation. The female had nothing to do with their stimulation. She was the heterosexual accessory, no more no less! Tragic indeed!
Make no mistake, there are some very sick heterosexual rapists in our midst too! Man-kind is a rapist, he is so primitive still! He has not evolved in any way! This is predatory behaviour but not for reproduction! These males are not fighting between themselves for the right to impregnate the female on heat, are they? The female in question is anything but on heat! She has not chosen any of these males. There is nothing natural about this behaviour make no mistake!
I speak in this chapter of the guides that are available to all of these spare parts that are frustrated homosexuals hiding under the cloak of man-kind. Following the video examples that are flying around the world free, for want of real guides. Women are leading the way for themselves and homosexuals, we would lead for decent males too but they have got to make some bold decisions and leave man-kind behind and become their own REAL MAN at last. Whether that be heterosexual or homosexual is irrelevant, as long as they turn their backs on the stereotype of male that is man-kind.
Do you know any males who hide still under heterosexuality? Do you know any males who have come out from under the shadow of heterosexuality? Why is it so difficult for males to accept homosexuality? Do you have any issues with homosexuality?
I thank you as always for reading. Please FEEL free to comment in the space below, I would love to hear from you! Or send me your e-mail address via the contact box in the right-hand panel, where there is also a follow tab if you would like to keep up to date! For any of you who may like to check out other INFJ blogs.
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