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A job was a job I figured at that time in life. One needed money with which to make plans. No money, no plans!! Nothing has changed there; has it? If you have no access to money, then neither do you make any plans! My exact situation today of course, hence my dreaming of my future rather than actually planning my future!
The Indian restaurant job was a crack, it was. One thing for sure was that I was absolutely safe from sexual molestation in that job. They really were a friendly crew who I worked with and myself and the other female waitress, would often go clubbing with the younger, unmarried ones after work at the weekends. I became very friendly with the cook who was quite a zany type of guy, but we shared any number of picnics around my beautiful home city between lunch and evening shifts.
It was all about money. I had left my first job because of the continual sexual molestation and harassment by the boss and his loopy son. They were strapping great men both of them and it took a lot of force to get them off you. It was not just me, oh, no! It was every girl, each and every one of us. We were ALL FAIR GAME, as the boss saw it. The tussle that we had to endure in his office just to get the weekly wage pack!!
Eventually you back out, you hope that they will get the message that you are not interested but no! To these types, your interest is immaterial, it is exclusively about their own interest. There was such a long waiting list of people ready to work in his pub, that he really did not care who left and when, there was always someone else to replace them. Awful man indeed. And his far too public humiliation of his wife and daughters was so embarrassing for all of us as staff.
So, I missed the job and the good vibes but I really did not miss that continual molestation. I was saving for my next trip. The plan was Morocco with my guy. Big sister had free flights but not a lot of cash. Did I fancy Tunisia? You bet I did! We enjoyed another trip to Tunisia and were able to explore more in depth this time. We both felt perfectly safe here just as we did in Morocco. It was so nice to not be sexually harassed and molested as was par for course in the UK.
Not long after returning, my sister suffered a break up which threw her badly. She needed space and distance, so got a job transfer and moved to Cambridge. We drove across the region with our uncle in his van and I stayed a few days to help big sis´ get settled in and back home again myself. It was surprisingly costly living independently I was finding, so, back home again!
Once again, I have ploughed straight into my trains of thought without thinking to say Hello and good afternoon to ALL readers wherever you are in the world today. As I said in my last post, I cannot do order, established order that is. It FEELS like the right moment to say "Hello". There is a short review of chapter twenty-four, entitled FINDING FINANCES ALL THE WAY TO BOMBAY!
Now chapter twenty-five, which is entitled WINTER OF DISCONTENT. I was just thinking that as far as winter goes, I am not suffering too much as yet but of course, winter has not officially begun, has it? This last week of autumn then, is being very mild, which is fortunate as I can have the windows wide open to try and exchange our stale COVID-19 laden air indoors!
Typical of my `follow my trains of thought style´, I come back to the actual moment and begin my suffering of that very cold winter 2020/21. We were many of us, now ten months with no income at all. Savings all used up and winter was looking painfully full of suffering. It is the cold that is the killer, not the heat! 2020 was COVID-19 year, as I began to think about it. A no money year!
A living the same day every day existence. (My typical but now many others who had previously had a purpose in life, also no longer had!) It was a wasted year and all because of the man-made money- making machine, they could not lose any money, now could they? Unbelievably to me, after the massive increases in transmission after the summer holidays and the beginning of the school term, now we were all hell bent on "GOING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS", we had to SAVE Christmas.
Well, it was inevitable was it not? People criss crossing the world and taking COVID-19 to their loved ones. There was nowhere near enough solid testing being done and nothing now was preventing the spreading of the virus. The situation was officially out of control and all hopes were now on the vaccine!
The vaccine was to me, the sticking plaster again! We failed to prevent this virus become main stream. It is here to stay because as a general public in the westernized world, we could not care beyond our own vices! What hope was there for 2021? NONE! NONE AT ALL! We had now had 110,000 medical staff infected.
Post Christmas and massive hospital numbers, deaths and guess what? We are talking about SAVING EASTER!!!! A target was set of no less than 50 million vaccines to be delivered by the Easter time. What, when we could not do more than a handful of tests per day?
CHINA were the only country who worked flat out to eradicate this virus. They could never succeed without the collaboration of the rest of the world, none of us could. Even now, the Chinese leader is being cajoled by the loud mouths to let COVID-19 run amok in China. There will be millions of deaths, that is the sadness. All avoidable of course but if the people no longer care about life, what can a leader do? You can force someone to abide by rules but you cannot force them to care about life!
As long as they do not hold their leader responsible for these avoidable deaths, then no problem. If they dare to pass the buck to their leader, then they deserve to be permanently shut up! They have not wanted to listen to and follow good guidance; transmission and death will be the result! The experts were right about the death tolls, I hope their one million Chinese losses by the end of the year does not transpire but I fear that number could turn out to be conservative!!
Thank you for reading. I have a new reader known to me who has given me a read. Thank you my fellow INFJ-T for considering me. I shall look forward to much more contact with you. Please FEEL welcome to comment in the space below or make communication via the contact box in the right-hand panel or become a Follower by clicking the follow button under the contact box.
Until the next time, happy learning! My seond book is live and available on most of the Amazon sites. These are the links to for you: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
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