LIKE THEY SAY, WHEN IN ROME, DO AS THE ROMANS DO! Post No.18 (An 11 minute read)
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It was ever our archaic Roman Empire and its institutions that needed completely breaking down and be rebuilt on truth, justice, fairness and equality! Values that even today are still very noticeable by their absence in politics!
Many of our European towns and cities are in fact built on Roman foundations! From the bird´s eye view, we can see that so many of these towns and cities, now in their modern forms, lay along the very same layout of the Roman´s original conception, making use of what are still some of the most brilliant works of architecture ever constructed.
So, whilst I always thought that we had to get right down to the foundations of our Roman Empire´s twenty-first century laws and lives and then completely build from scratch again, time has seen my thoughts change. I will always give credit where credit is due!
The Roman conquerors built much of the foundations of Spain and there are many, many wonderful examples of Roman architecture all over the country. The simple fact that so many of these structures still stand solidly in place today, is absolute proof of great jobs done! I often think how I would like to tell those building at the time, the engineers whose ideas were being turned into reality, just how brilliant so much of their thinking was and would prove to be from there ever onwards.
They did in fact cause the ultimate civilization of the western European continent during their conquests for more territory. So, if the actual building foundations are not rotten, the problem then, is from ground level upwards! That is to say, the males who run the show!
The rot that needs to be stopped is within us as human beings. We have never been perfect as a specie. As one of the last to evolve on planet Earth, we are supposedly still evolving, but are we? Are we learning anything at all as we go careering through modern life as though we were up against the clock? No, we are not even bothering to look behind us! THAT is our biggest mistake, not learning from the past!
We can keep large proportions of the world indoctrinated, brain fed and blinkered indefinitely, but I say it is time to get some good quality washing powder and a sweet smelling washing conditioner and good washer women that we have become, let us start the BRAIN WASHING, or maybe I should say the BRAIN CLEANING! And get cleaning out all the filth, anger, hatred, bitterness and all of the unproductive elements that only serve to cloud our ability to judge properly!
That of course, is what our governments have sought to do! Keep the multitudes ignorant but give them enough to keep them quiet and that, so that they do not question what the TOP DOG is up to! So far it has worked, has it not? For the same reason women have been held back, simply because we would never or very rarely, be in agreement with our male´s ethics and motivations! Enough is enough, male evolution must BEGIN to happen! End of quote.
Hello to you readers, I just launched straight in today. No, I am not on song today but I am going to keep trying. Try and stay assertive in the hours that I have that possibility. Man-kind!!! The bane of this world. We as a world full of goodly people, are still held subjugate to the iron fist of man-kind and his archaic laws which empower HIM to sit above all other males and for their obedience in HIS service during the day, they may let off steam however they wish later with no questions asked!
Sadly, ignorance of all matters of import, has left two thirds of this world with very few notions of living. Survival and existence are not living as such. Living, or following the man-made definition of living at least, is a western phenomenon! Man-made guides for each and every moment of the day. How to work, how to rest and how to play! That would not be such a bad thing were man-kind not who they are!
The LEAST evolved of the human species alive in today´s world! Ancient Homo Erectus still exists, in all his `PRIMITIVE´ - NESS! HIS thinking is still fundamentally PRIMITIVE just like the PRIMATE that HE still is! It is the civilization of the human male that is pending! We literally need to teach males how to be males! Their own man-made guides are so totally defective and we must stop breeding and indoctrinating each new generation of males to continue their monstruous behavioural patterns.
Man-kind is the monster that ENDANGERS all life on this planet and beyond it too! The animal that left his homeland, tracking the females and their young, who had fled, leaving the males behind. Without female nurturing and teaching at an early age, no young female or young male will be equipped for independency.
We are breeding male BOYS who look like adult males but who have a thinking capacity of a pubescent boy! This sadly, is where a mother loses her son and he goes over to man-kind. From thereon, he learns nothing positive. He becomes another person, you really do lose a son at this stage, it is painful. You watch ten, eleven years of teaching all being undermined in the space of one year. Man-kind has caught another victim, another tool to do HIS bidding!
EDUCATION, it speaks for itself, but what is the content of our education in our state run centres? Ah yes, is anything of any relevance being taught? The competition from online guides of every ilk, will surely now be banishing our school teacher´s efforts to virtually wasting their time! We are not getting the right angles of focusing in the educational sense, we never did really in secondary schools. Man-made knowledge for man-made jobs!
Tragically, very young children are being exposed to the kind of material that cannot even be described as `adult´ material, more like inhuman material. Online indoctrination, video guides as to how to do one thing after another and for the most part, none of them about anything positive. How do you combat that, teachers of the world? This is what it is to have man-kind laying down the foundations for our societies, that we all have to build upon and live by.
Pretty reasonable therefore that it is very shaky ground that we tread always and as a consequence, there will never be any stability! Human change is climate change! We have got to train males to become as human males once and for all.
The enforced period of confinement in the spring of 2020 was going to spell DANGER for so many females, that we knew. Your own worst enemy trapped in with you! No respite from him! Twenty-four hours a day! Writing this chapter, we were already eight weeks into our lockdown and a help line was set up here. I had never spent so long with my partner and after eight weeks of the television fourteen hours a day, I thought I would go mad!
I wonder how many found like me, that they had absolutely nothing to say to their partner. That he had absolutely nothing to say to you either, unless he was hungry! What miserable days they were indeed. I was shut in my bedroom like a teenager, writing to keep my mental sanity! And yes, the divorces that were requested when we came out of lockdown proved my point. Even a summer holiday is difficult to bear! Any wonder then that we are all into virtually real living?
I quote myself again:
So, I cannot blame anyone for wanting to escape from what is our own twenty-first century man-made reality, so do I! But that is exactly what the governments are doing in truth, giving us more and more options for escaping from our reality. Why should they want to do that? It is simple really, it is because the reality of our man-made twenty-first century, is nothing short of a living horror film!
It is time for HER-STORY! It needs long term thinking, as women have a natural ability to do. We need to make the right long term decisions for the future of our planet. No more piling on the agony on a daily basis. Man-kind is throttling the seas, skies and earth and all the good women and men who live today. Man-kind has proved all through time, that leadership is not their forte, but because they have never dared to let women lead, they blunder on, making more and more disastrous decisions for us all to live by.
It has been a male dominated, man-made world for far too long. It is time to get in touch with our Mother of Creation and get back in tune with her and the wonderful world that she created. And get in touch with the males that were put on this planet to inseminate females and add their physical strength to our creative instincts! Something akin to the pantomime horse scenario! If you are a married woman, well, you will understand how unrewarding, frustrating, dark and dreary it is, being the back end of the pantomime horse that is your partnership!
Being dragged this way and that blindly, but it seems to me that there is always a certain whiff up the nostrils that does absolutely nothing to attract one to the front part! You can see though, that he has no intention of letting you out from under your disguise. Like so with all of us, following these male leaders and permanently breathing in their stench, that they each in their turn as front male, let off!
What we as women all want, is to be a real couple who think as US. Taking it in turns to lead in every sense! I have spent twenty-five years in the dark, in disguise. I feel that I have lost my own identity and I want myself back! End of quote.
That is what I want! To be myself twenty four hours a day but of course, when in Rome you do as the Romans do! You act, you pretend, you play your part well and no problem! When you live with the director of your very own nightmare, the real you will never be given any consideration. They only want someone to play the parts in their script. Acting was definitely a forte of this INFJ-T and I enjoyed amateur dramatics in my youth.
Quite the natural you might say! So used to being who people need you to be, that you can slip into roles with consummate ease. You do need a break though otherwise you can truly forget who you really are. Just like me, I had been banished and am still banished! Just I could not see that until recently. I have not been killed off though, simply banished!
The shadow of the director in the wings, causes every scene to lack lustre and panache. When your audience is just the ONE and that same ONE is your ONLY critic, you give as little as you can get away with. There will never be an applause from these types, never.
Hence we are all reaching out to complete strangers with whom we can be ourselves for a change and be honest! Speak with our own voice and not read off HIS script because HE can only evaluate HIS own words!
I thank you for reading. Please FEEL welcome to comment in the space below or make communication via the contact box in the right-hand panel. There is a follow tab for any who should care to come on board my Trains of Thought. I could so do with a kind word from someone somewhere!
Do you know the pantomime horse scenario? Do you act with your partner as the only way to keep the peace? Have you had yourself banished from your relationship? NARCISSISTIC behaviour from your male is the reason why you act! Fear, fear, fear and more fear. Get away from them, if you possibly can! It is so hard I know, they make a point of distancing you from everything that means anything to you until they are all that you have and you are supposed to feel grateful for that!
You would not be isolated if you were not in this relationship, you would have contacts still! You would not be needing to make contact with total strangers! That is their plan! Terrify all of your family and friends so that they keep their distance! That way you have no one to turn to for help! How tragic that the help line for abused women here in Spain, has a call every five minutes from a female needing help in leaving a NARCISSIST. Each death of a female caused by her partner/husband, is as a result of her attempt to leave him!
THE DEATH PENALTY must be reintroduced. Why should the taxpayers support a killer of women for seventy years in jail when that young woman is forgotten about over night? Shoot them, each and every one of them and in public, that other women haters can see what awaits them and the victim´s families can enjoy seeing the archaic (why not this archaic law?) eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! It will not stop them, none of them know how to live without a female but at least we will not have to suffer them any longer!
Would you like to have the book to read? It is available on Amazon and you can find it through these links: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
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