CINDERELLA´S ANTENNAE ARE SIZZLING! Hello to ALL of you who for some reason unbeknown to me, are looking at this particular post of mine, a very warm welcome to you. Would someone like to tell me how you have found this blog post please? (Added 28/02/2023 at 0.42am)
Having spent the best part of three years trying to chase the demons of out my brain and having done very well so far, it is now time to reconquer my castle, dust down the cobwebs, air all the closets and start silencing the demons within.
I FEEL that it is a time for shedding layers of old `whatevers´ and creating space, light and a fresher FEEL to what has become a stale, stagnating castle. Even as my fairy tale roles of Cinderella, Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty come into their last season (I hope), so do I make MY prescence FELT more each day.
I will banish my former selves to the past and I will take their place, or at least that is the mid-term plan. Rapunzel has already been banished and will be needed no more. HE has keys to the door, then so can he use them! The long golden locks, cut stylishly short last summer 2022, have long been forgotten it seems to me. One down, two to go!
Sleeping Beauty will be the last of the three that I know, so, for now I am concentrating on Cinderella. She who spent three days cleaning the bathroom from top to bottom!! Gold medal to you Cinders!! It is all sparkling in there now! But actually Cinderella has already transformed into Fiona (the ogre Shrek´s lovely, sometime princess, sometime green ogress). Yes, INFJs wonderful world of play!!! I can see the Shrek in my partner and his reflection does turn me green if I let it!
That is coming down from red, so, that must be seen as an advance, would you not say? So, it was Fiona who took over again this morning and got up the ladder polishing tiles and cleaning cupboards, etc. As a result, I have almost got a whole sparkling clean kitchen again! WOW!! One more session and she will be done in there. I will be able to use it better from then on and I intend to show Shrek a thing or two in there as well. He must lose his FEAR of the kitchen!!!
On purpose I have left the cooking area until tomorrow as yes, Shrek is going to do the dinner tonight which I have to take as a positive sign! If he is now retired or `pretty vacant´ as I will say, there is no reason why Shrek and Fiona should not share the home duties, is there? Fiona is getting us off to a clean start! Start as you mean to go on!
It is all psychology my friends, clearing out the old and unnecessary baggage, living lighter. My home needs to match my heart and my mind, both of which are living a lot lighter already. Well, like I have not had and got still, demons a plenty to chase out of every area of my mind and home, I have got an arsenal of music that will blast every one of them out of here, there and everywhere!
There will be good vibes only in this home. Yes, this is a transitional phase, I have to be patient. Rome was not built in a day, as they say! What could be classed as good progress though? No insults, no critisicms, no shouting and dictating! That is how each day will be judged and only at the end of the day.
I am INFJ type and I will only allow 100% days to be logged into my memory. The low percentage ones have taken some to break down and throw out, I can assure you. I have no space for mediocre anything, only prime, quality happenings and FEELINGS will be stored. I have `No Room In My Inn´ for any more ghosts, ghouls, demons, devils and dictators!
I will be narcissist free one day, that is my goal. But I am doing my own therapy and because I am often a few miles ahead of myself in planning, I just follow ME. Always the best person to follow I find!
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What about the book, you ALL ask? Yes, I have not forgotten. This is about severe diversion of energies and I am not one to write while seeing red! The loss of my time alone (11 hours per day), is coming as I expected it would, a shock to the system!! My thinking time and space has been seriously altered and I have to find the way to adjust in this sense.
It is a good evening I wish you all today and I must mention a new reader has looked my way from Japan. Welcome to you and thank you very much. The internet is a wonderful addition to our world, if only it were used purely positively!
Thank you to every reader for choosing to read my writing. I hope that something has given you reason for thought. Maybe if you became a follower you could follow my trains of thought? I would always love to hear all your comments. So, do not be afraid! I have no taboos!
Have you found your home dominated by a partner? Have you had to reconquer your home space again? Have you had to banish the demons from your home and life?
Until next time, when I will come to the final chapter of my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, which is titled CONCLUSIONS! Happy learning!
You can find my first book on Amazon: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback
INFJ blogs can be found here:
“If only you could be like her” resonates yet in my case said neighbour had a husband. A husband who acknowledged her as a treasured human being. There were ‘date nights’, weekly badminton matches, birthdays were celebrated and so on. I may well have been like her had my own husband not been a narcissist.
ReplyDeleteMaimónides’ wall phrase: ‘... the paralysis of indecision’ has spurred me into action this morning. I have booked a flight to visit my dear sick friend rather than wallow alone in another country, speculating on his grim situation. Thank you Gillian.
Mrs C
Hi Ms. C, thank you so much for your comments. I am saddened to know that you too have had to know a narcissist. You had the courage to make the most beneficial decision that you could have made. You put your freedom and your well-being before the well-being of a sick, low down, scum bag that all narcissists are!
DeleteYes, that Maimónides quote is SO very true. Our lives will be as good as the decisions that we make for ourselves and others. I trust that this decision of yours which is an INTUITIVE decision, will be a profitable decision for your long term well-being.
My best wishes to you, Gillian.