Exactly how many gods are in service at this moment in time, I cannot know! They come and go with time. We are seeing that in my birth country of Gran Bretaña, where the British folk are by vast majority, 80% of them, non-religious believers! It has taken over four hundred and fifty years to get this far.
A female leader it will have to be, who gets the ball rolling on changing all that has become associated with our respective faiths, beliefs and realms of hope! But of course, we can see evermore clearly that it is MAN-KIND who is every living organism´s enemy no.1.
Even though we were in the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, we still had enormous numbers of people world wide, who just had to travel to their homes for religious festivals. HEADS and RUMPS, as I say! We had seen madness and the resulting deaths which were a consequence of our summer holiday travel all over the world.
Now it was the turn of the one and a half billion Indian folk to come out and celebrate their biggest festival of the year, Diwali. Where had that former Hindu wisdom gone? Why could the leaders of the faiths not speak to their SHEEP and tell them, "FOLKS, we have got a lethal virus in circulation and we are at serious risk of infection and possible death! We must STAY at home and we must observe the restrictions for the GREATER GOOD!"
It was horrifying. The multitudes came out in force and the funeral pyres were burning for weeks and weeks. Education and being able to make good decisions for yourself and your family, that is what is so sadly lacking! The COVID-19 pandemic did not mean that we could not observe all of these long-standing calls to come together and give praises to an invisible being!
It just meant that we needed to do it in a more responsible way and not cluster in big crowds where the virus could be so easily spread. Sadly though, there are those for whom life rotates around these religious dates. They RELIGIOUSLY have to go through the same established protocol each and every year without fail!
These events are the high points in an otherwise miserably, unsatisfactory year. So many people absolutely live for these particular days of the year. I was horrified to see that in Europe, with all of our pretensions to intelligence, well, we were the worst of all. Christmas just had to go ahead. Of course it did! Jesus of Nazareth was born on the 25th December, so they say!
No one was talking about erasing his birthday from the calendar, were they? No, just cut out the christmas parties! Cut out the christmas travel! Cut out the big family get togethers! Nothing was said about christmas trees, fairy lights, christmas pudding and roast turkey, now was it? No, all the commercial MAN-MADE extras were filling out the shops as of November!!!!
Was it not that having spent many months preparing all our commercial traditional christmas fare, we had to buy and consume it all!!! We have picked and mixed our national traditions and have added many layers now to those established protocols! The traditions of other nations have been usurped and added to the local existing ones.
All of that could still go ahead, you just had to do it all with very limited company and not travel all over the world!!! There are those who live for their religious festivals but are they worth dying for? For many, the answer was obviously YES! The Indian variant reared its ugly head and was named Delta. This turned out to be the most lethal of the COVID-19 variants to date! And our religious festivals and the desire to spend them with our families and loved ones, saw the Delta variant very quickly spread to all corners of the world!
Could no one put human life before the invisible gods? Can you not pay thanks to a god in your home? Or is it necessary to make a visible display of, "Look at me! I am a good christian, catholic, jew, Hindu, Muslim etc. I am worthy of god´s consideration!" The number of people who died because of religious festival get togethers was dramatic.
Your last act in life was giving thanks to a non-existant entity! Those who took COVID-19 home to the older members of the family and then watched them die, must have been mortified. This could all have been prevented by using just a tiny, little bit of common sense! And of course, putting life before death! But when the life after this one is the one that you are focusing on every day, well, you need to make sure that you book your place, do you not?
I understood, I really did! We had been seriously restricted in our movements nationally and internationally for the greater part of a year, of course everyone wanted to go home and see their loved ones, I did! But I did not go though! I was not going to take the risk of travelling and having contact with so many people, to then go and see my 80 year old mother!!!!
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My book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN is winding down now and this chapter forty-nine, is called SO MANY GODS! And I have forgotten to say Hello to all of you who are looking my way. As no one makes communication, I do not know who you are as yet. I am talking to myself for now. Coming up to today and I bale out of my sinking ship that was headed for the rocks!
The beginning of today and I found myself with 70 euros in the world, my music collection and a few household goods and started again. After twenty years living up in Barcelona, I was so ready to leave. It had become such an ugly place to be. The demons were crowding me bitterly and so miserably. My beloved Puppy left home, it had become a volatile place as every place that has a NARCISSIST in will be!
I am now eight years on from that date and the fortunes have been mixed since then. It was an eight month phase of learning to start from scratch again and there were many novelties on the way. I managed to get my first COVID-19 vaccine done in this chapter, which was something of a relief at that time!
My first book was titled ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN and the second book is titled ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT. They were this female INFJs preparation work for her right now, right this moment, here and now, TODAY! What may the third book be titled? I am not ready to begin writing as yet. I have to adjust to 24 hours a day with my NARCISSIST first!
Here are the amazon links to the paperback version: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN - Paperback and the e-book version: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN - e-book
There are still two more chapters left, COMING FULL CIRCLE is the next one for review, so check back for that. Thank you for reading and please FEEL welcome to comment below or make contact via the contact box. I have a follow tab too should you wish to keep up to date.
Do you know anyone who died because of religious festival attendance and travel? Did you go travelling for religious festivals and become infected? Were you able to think of the GREATER GOOD or just your own desire to eat, drink and be merry?
More INFJ bloggers can be found here: https://lifestyle.feedspot.com/infj_blogs
I have plenty of thoughts but only one serious question for you. Do you really believe there is no God or creator? The whole staying home to keep others safe I can somewhat agree with, but we are all going to die and not so many of us get to choose how that will happen anyway. Why chain yourself to one spot for any reason?
ReplyDeleteHello to you and many thanks for taking the time to comment. No, I do NOT believe that there ARE or have ever BEEN, any gods other than those MADE by MAN-KIND. Just as MAN-KIND is the creator of the modern world in which we live now (concrete jungle) and try to survive today!
ReplyDeleteI believe in the truth and what can be proven to be true. NO god can be proven to be true but human ignorance CAN be proven to be true.
One example I will give you! Did you know that HUMAN-KIND has just perfected a vaccine for the BEE, which is in serious danger of extinction? That is a truth. I am English by birth but have lived in Spain as of twenty-nine years.
They are a team of Spanish HUMAN truth seekers (aka SCIENTISTS) who have worked on this project for a decade, it is now a LIVING REALITY.
We have veils and blinkers of ignorance cast over our eyes, so that we as INFJs (HUMAN BEINGS), do not see all the possibilities of the REAL world for HAPPY, HEALTHY, HARMONIOUS living.
I am a firm believer in the theory of EVOLUTION, though I can see many flaws in the existing science with regards to the planet earth and all of its living organisms and the EVOLUTION of the hominid species!
Truth seeking is an ongoing process and the more we seek, the more knowledge we will acrue. If we actually try to understand that knowledge in its correct context (nature´s concept) and not MAN-KIND´s concept, it could become WISDOM.
What good is WISDOM if not applied? There have ever been many knowledgeable people and many who understand much but there have ever been very few people who have had both knowledge and the understanding of that knowledge, which equals WISDOM.
But if we are ever to apply that WISDOM, do we not need all the people to see the WISDOM of that WISDOM? Low minds that are surviving existentially only, will only seek the knowledge that enables them to survive through every hardship that comes their way.
Clinging on to the hope that the life after this one will be much happier!
Our climatologists, geologists, volcanologists, oceanologists, etc., can tell us now with a certain degree of certitude why tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, etc., occur!
NO gods, just people who did not have all the answers and believed that there was a being above who was sending all this meterological phenomena their way as a response to their actions!
INFJ type as I am, well, life is all about reflections and our weather patterns are a reflection of what is happening down below on earth! The forces of nature are those that are infuriated with MAN-KIND´s filthy, polluting concrete world of excess of all that is unnecessary!
As INFJ type well, chained to one spot, yes, sadly I am chained to one spot right now. But it is so clear to me, we need to REALLY EVOLVE not just pride ourselves with being EVOLVED beings when we cannot apply centuries worth of WISDOM to our lives!
This is post no.53 of a continuous train of thought and yes, this as an INFJ type, is my fear. If you do not start at the beginning, you will be hard pushed to follow the flow!
I am reviewing my first book here, there is a second one and as my trains of thought are travelling through time and going ever further back in time, I will be writing until I am able to free myself from my captive position as a wife of MAN-KIND!
It has helped me see why all is wrong. Please if you have the time and/or interest, start at the beginning of the book and work through. I am only just touching the surface of one of the biggest issues pending!
HOMOSEXUALITY, RELIGION and FEMALE FREEDOM, are the major issues that need resolving. But whilst we have archaic MAN-KIND who refuses to become humanized, we will continue to suffer HIS DOMINATION. Thank you again for your reply.