Considering the length of time that it took me to achieve a point of COMFORTABLY NUMB, almost three years all in, by total contrast it has taken just three weeks to become COMPLETELY NUMB! My greatest fear is becoming my new reality. Whilst the dark shadows and demons are banished from my mind and I am preventing the infiltration of a new crew, none the less, the crippling lack of space for thought has my mind suppressed and crowded by the prescence of my real life demon!
Good evening to you all, I can truly wish that your life and mental health are in a far more secure state of balance than mine are and that you are not having to work so hard to maintain your status quo. That would be my wish for every righteous and worthy human being but sad to say, I know already that my wish, as sincere as it is, is only me thinking wishfully!
Finally, I have completed Pages three and four, which can be now be found at the top of the left-hand panel along with Pages one and two. These four Pages are the listed summaries of the sixty posts written between November 2022 and March 2023 that were all related to my first book to be published, titled ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN! For want of someone to review my book, I took it upon myself, little INFJ-T, to review the book with the outside hope that maybe I could find someone somewhere, who could be interested in reading it!
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The link to the paperback: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN
And the e-book link: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN
And I did! No less than eleven hours of reading material, spread over sixty posts, which between them, have had two thousand, two hundred and thirteen views up to today 19/03/2023. My stats show a total of three thousand, two hundred and twenty-two views, where the one thousand and eight difference between views to the blog site and views to the posts, I cannot say!
To the best of my understanding of my stats charts and map, I have had viewers from forty-two countries across the five continents. That knowledge is for me, one of the most uplifting aspects of my decision to begin blogging. I am going to name all the countries from where I have been viewed by someone.
AFRICA! Well, I do so remember the day that Morocco was lit up on my stats map. I was overjoyed, I truly was. My deep love for Morocco and its people has stayed always in my heart and I have been dreaming of Fez el Bali in recent nights! South Africa has since joined my Africa list and I have had regular views from there. Whilst it was only my suitcase that went to Mauritius, I have been viewed over on that beautiful Indian Ocean island, neighbours to the Seychelles, as well. Egypt have also come on board my Trains of Thought blogsite and I am thrilled to know that. Close to the cradle of human-kind, in East Africa, viewers from Kenya have tuned into me too. You are ALL so welcome, I thank each and every one of you for giving me your consideration. I hope you will continue to find interest in my writing.
OCEANIA! The largest island in the world, Australia, has brought me some viewers regularly. I have made it all the way down under!! My thanks to you all. You are ALL very welcome and I hope that you will stay on board too!
THE AMERICAS! My very first viewers were from the USA and I have had views from there every day since I began my blog. To date there have been one thousand, nine hundred and twenty views from the USA, my largest audience by a long way. Thank you every one of you and I do wonder my friends if actually any of you have read more than one post! Canada too has also been very regularly lit on my map, I am so very happy to know that I am reaching so far and wide. Thank you and please keep tuning in!
SOUTH AMERICA! You may well believe my surprise when I saw Jamaica lit up on my map! Bob Marley territory and that gave me a smile! Nearby Bahamas have found me as well as Puerto Rico, thank you so very much for your interest. Across on the mainland, I have also had views from Belize. It really is quite remarkable to think that I am being read so far away. I would love you all to follow my Trains of Thought, come on board!
ASIA! India was the first Asian country lit on my stats map, that FELT beautiful and I have had regular interest from India. Thank you all for your time and consideration, please keep coming back. Next door Pakistan have found me too, wow!! I have been viewed on the island nations of South Korea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan. Also in Timor-Leste and nearer to me, Georgia and yes, I have got my eye on Georgia! Nine Asian nations have been able to find me. Thank you one and ALL! You are so WELCOME!
EUROPE! How have I fared closer to home? Spain is my highest viewer to date, followed by my birth nation of Gran Bretaña, who have been looking my way in recent weeks. No less than twenty-two European nations all told. Germany, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Malta, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Sweden, Austria, Gibraltar, Serbia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherlands, Czechia, Belgium and Hungary! Quite a lot of different nationalities of people who have found my blog site and decided to take a look!
Forty-two different countries, three thousand, two hundred and twenty-one views and just three comments on three posts! Eleven hours of reading and nothing to say, which I have to interpret as "NO COMMENT!" My goodness, what it is to try and get an opinion out of a person, either known or unknown! I really do not understand that!
My Post No.55 - `IT IS CINDERELLA´S LAST SEASON, FIONA IS TAKING OVER FOR NOW´!, published the 16th February 2023, aroused an interest which I cannot explain. One of my shortest posts of all (could that be why?), yet the views were flooding in and from all over the world quite literally as the countries named above show. That post has now been viewed one thousand, seven hundred and twenty-seven times but not one comment? NOT ONE!!
Communication Breakdown I have to believe but it shall not be my failure to communicate, or at least keep trying to communicate, that will ever be to blame! I shall keep trying! I am INFJ type, I know that I am very different from the average type. Patience had never been one of my virtues but it is increasing by force rather than by free will. I will keep hoping that I can cross paths with communicators though I cannot help but FEEL that my chances of that happening are about as good as my chances of bringing down the gods!!!! I will not stop planning accordingly though!
I was a SOLOIST and still am a SOLOIST, that is an inevitable status whilst you are surrounded by non-communicators. So, if one has to continue as a SOLOIST well, what is new? The hope remains though that there could be another human being somewhere who could choose to make contact with me and find something to say about my work.
So, it is GOODBYE and FAREWELL to my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN and the related posts. I shall update the stats at the end of each month on each of those four Pages. I can see that Pages one and two are being viewed but as yet have not encouraged anyone to look back! I will have to stop thinking about it and get moving forward in time and linger no longer!!
I will of course reply to any comments that come in to those posts and with great delight but I shall now put ALL the energies that I can muster into my second book ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT! Quite a different point of view this time! I told my life story and laid the foundations for my Trains of Thought series with my first book, so, now onto the second ride!
I thank you ALL for finding me (how I do not know) and giving me some of your time and thought! I shall look forward to your continued interest in my work. Why not sign up now and become a FOLLOWER of this next phase of posts in which I will review my second book and of course, talk about ongoing struggles for survival and other topics of prime importance!
Your comments will be most welcome, how can a writer ever know how they are doing if no one ever gives an opinion about their work? There is a comment space under each post and a contact box in the right-hand panel of the blog page. Make yourselves heard!!! Until the next post, happy learning!!
More INFJ reading can be found here:
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