It is with great sadness that as I said in my first book somewhere, I only seem to see or hear about places that I have travelled to on the news bulletins. Once again I am hearing oh, so, familiar place names and my heart is heavy with pain today. Heavy with the knowledge of the so, untimely deaths of thousands of goodly Moroccan people in their own homes!
There has been a major earthquake in south west Morocco which has caused tremendous damage and the death tolls will surely be growing daily as the rubble is cleared away. Earthquakes are a reality all over this planet Earth. I did a little preliminary research yesterday and found the following information.
Morocco had suffered one major earthquake in the 16th C, one in the 17th C, three in the 18th C, another three in the 20th C and with just twenty-three years of the 21st C lived so far, they have already had five major earthquakes! The frequency is definitely increasing!
But as you may well imagine from the proximity of Spain and Portugal to Morocco, the effects of all those major earthquakes have been felt on the Iberian Peninsula. Spain, in particular Andalucía, also has quite a record of major earthquakes. This recent one was felt in southern Spain too.
In fact, if we look at the same period as the Moroccans (16th C onwards), we can see that Spain had five major earthquakes in the 16th C, three in the 17th C, two in the 18th C, six in the 19th C, 5 in the 20th C and seven in just these twenty-three years of the 21st C! The frequency is increasing, is it not?
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THE KOUTOUBIA MOSQUE, MARRAKECH ON A GOOD DAY! Photo by Mehdi El Marouazi on Unsplash. |
And whilst we may FEEL that we sit pretty safe and secure down here in southern Spain, I can see that we can only FEEL that way because of our ignorance of our regional facts! Granada has seen half of all the earthquakes registered in Spain. The coastlines of Almería, Malaga and Cadíz have all suffered heavily at a time.
The Tsunami factor in this zone has been very active his-storically, I was very surprised. Ignorant of the real facts as they have been written down over time by the scientists and researchers. The real evidence of the effects of a major natural happening that was completely out of human control.
I have actually got into thinking about my own safety levels should there be a tsunami on my coastline! Because as I found out yesterday, the height of tsunami waves can be quite terrifying, up to 30 metres and so are capable of making a long, long, original reach inland. It would be as a gigantic, wet hammer that slammed down upon you/your buiding!
Then that magnetic force would drag all that quantity of water back to the sea, pulling with it surely, anything that was not bolted to the ground. The force being such, that even that which is bolted to the ground, can be ripped from its foundations.
What happens in each and every one of these natural releases of angry energy, is that many more millions of people world wide, return to the state of destitution and poverty. Many will suffer the loss of key family members, be left without parents and family. Many others will have suffered serious injuries that may now compromize their ability to live, work and breath.
And this is what we are seeing so painfully played out on our news bulletins now. Many whole families who lay asleep in their beds and will have been crushed by their own home collapsing upon them. Thousands of homeless people, who did have a shelter at least, they now do not!
Livelihoods disrupted, not enough of anything to go round, hunger, poverty and sickness becoming the new lot of those who had been able to survive in some stable capacity. It is that total loss of stability that is so damaging! I saw that occurring in Tenerife with the volcanic eruption there. People who had stability, had their own homes and plots of land, were witnessing their own destitution.
This causes people to move to other areas and the demands on those areas become more stressed. At at time when all things are stressed by the heat and dehydration. We are shrivelling as a world and we are all moving towards the supposedly more stable areas of the world, the west Mediterranean area.
The arrivals of young Africans on the shores here continue on their daily basis, as do the arrivals in the Canary Islands, as they do in the Greek Islands, Italy and their islands. The Eastern European folk are moving westwards too. We are all beginning to congregate in one area again. The Iberian Peninsula, home of major earthquakes and Tsunamis!!!
We have long since had the problem of illegal immigration to my birth island of Gran Bretaña. But prior to the opening of the Channel Tunnel, the typical route was as a stowaway on/in any vehicle that could provide a solid hiding place until arriving on new found land!! Where of course, the new cloak and dagger life as an illegal immigrant began.
The Channel Tunnel offered new opportunities as there were now trains running from France under the English Channel and onto the island of Gran Bretaña. I was in my early twenties when the construction of the Channel Tunnel got underway and there was much opposition to the whole project. The main concern was just this; another route for illegal immigration to the island!
I personally, was so annoyed as living in Paris for two and a half years, I had taken the train to Calais and got the ferry to Dover, then the train to central London, to then cross London for my Eastbound train home. I was never able to use that central Paris to central London route as it was designed to be used. An enormous time and energy saver for the traveller between London and Paris.
That said, on my first visit to Gran Bretaña with my then (as I believed) Prince Charming and my five year old Puppy, we drove across Spain from Barcelona to the west coast and then drove up the west coast of France to Cherbourg, where we took the ferry across to Poole, on the Dorset coast in southern England.
On the return journey though, we did drive down to Folkestone in Kent and took the car on the train through the Channel Tunnel. I remember it well and it was quite an experience at that time. Realizing that we had driven a car on board a train and that the same train was now driving us all through a tunnel under the rough, brown North Sea and we would drive off the train and onto French soil!!
Security has seen that option become evermore difficult for the stowaway but the stretch of water known as the English Channel is just 33km or 20 miles in length. That is roughly half the distance between Tangiers, northern Morocco and Gibraltar at the southernmost tip of Spain.
The illegal boat traffic across the English Channel is now rivalling that of the Mediterranean area. The origins of the folk are different though. These are coming overland from the Middle Eastern nations of Lebanon, Syria and the Albanians and Armenians of the Europe/Asia overlap areas.
The human world is on the move. The EXODUS is occurring but unlike Bob Marley´s EXODUS whereby all people returned to their fatherlands (though I would think it more correct and probably more positive, if all were to return to their mother´s lands), the EXODUS is out of the lands of our birth and onto where we perceive a better opportunity!
IGNORANCE is so wide spread, that the most dramatic decisions are made with very little real information with which to make these dramatically life-changing decisions. There will be no red carpet, there will be no helping hands, there will be no humanity at all. You will be an illegal immigrant, full stop!
And if your face does not fit, then you will be in for a very rough ride for certain. You will not be knowing happiness at any moment of your new life. But maybe it depends upon what life you have had to leave behind you, does it not? If you have had bombs exploding all around you and gunmen regularly shoving their weapons in your direction, then maybe this is preferable?
As the demands grow on the European nations to cope with these additional population numbers, the strain becomes so great, that the systems cannot cope and break down definitively. That is where we are moving of course. As nations, becoming completely overwhelmed by our resident (both legal and illegal) population numbers and the quantity of temporary visitors (tourists).
We have over 80 million tourists visit Spain every year!!!!! There are many small towns that are completely taken over in summer time, it happens here to a degree. I live at the quiet end of the beach and am sat back from the main drag (Paseo Mediterráneo) and all the coming and going of the multitudes.
Come winter though, how many doors are open? Less than 50%, I would say! That means an enormous drop in employment levels and does make it so very difficult for anyone living along the Spanish coastline to find permanent, stable employment. Hence our precarity in Andalucía and low wages mean low levels of living.
The gateway to Africa as my partner calls Andalucía and he is right. But as the folk of the African continent view Andalucía, it is looking from the south to north, not from the north to south as my partner does. For them, it is the gateway to Europe. They have higher hopes and expectations of Europe than the Europeans who are born on the continent!!
We have the seas filling up with the bodies of wonderful, innocent and sadly ignorant people every day somewhere in European waters. Now on land, we see so many ways in which human life is curtailed. Mother nature has had enough of MAN-KIND and she is losing her patience with her children.
Where are her children? The children of the Earth; where are they ALL? Where are the defenders of this beautiful Planet Earth, that once had all that we could ever have wanted as humans, we just needed to learn how to live within this beautiful planet and learn how to live with it; intune with it?!
MAN-KIND is a subspecie of the HOMINIDS, of that I no longer have any doubt. It is the one humanoid specie that has never developed EMPATHY, the one that has never wanted to learn how to live well. The one that has to dominate all others. He has had to dominate the Planet Earth too and HIS actions have almost destroyed it.
If mother nature has to kill us all off in order to recover her status quo, then so will she do. The fittest of the fit shall survive, that will always be true.
My love and best wishes to the suffering Moroccan people! Those that suffer, although they suffer, they have survived another terrible test of human resistance.
My most humble thanks to every reader from Singapore. I truly hope that you are finding my writing of interest. I would love to know your thoughts and opinions, I do have a comment box below the post.
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