Having found myself with an extra bonus slot of time alone, I FEEL that I will be neglecting my duties to myself and possibly a reader who may be waiting for the next chapter of my book to be reviewed, if I do not get on with it. It is odd how distanced I have become from both my first and second books to be written and published!
Time is what it is and the passing of time sees distance created between eras of your life and these two books between them represent a three year period of my life. That space of time that I used to find myself again and begin to view my future and concentrate fully on it!
It is now seven months since my narcissist partner retired, the day that marked the end of an era and the beginning of this new TODAY that is mine! But those reflections I shall leave for the Tales From The Tomb posts.
So, chapter twenty-six of my second book titled ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT, lest you had all forgotten that by now. BREAKING CYCLES is the chapter title and as that title may suggest to you, I am having a look at cycles that have been broken and cycles that so need to be broken. I quote myself from the first page of this chapter:
Because royal personages have had so much written about their lives and doings, they stand as informational documentaries of their time, which is why I have long enjoyed studying royal his-story. It was they who marked the pace, they who set their own rules and all the rest aspired to live as they did. THEM and US!
Time has seen that royal extravagance and oppulent, frivolous living, seem obscene to the working classes and all things must be justifiable in today´s changing times. It takes a lot of turmoil and unrest to break cycles as King Henry VIII and Queen Anne Boleyn lived through on breaking ties to the Roman Catholic Church as led from Rome!
That period of Christianity was short lived and Henry VIII´s eldest daughter Mary, when crowned Queen, outlawed Christianity and reintroduced Catholicism. So, when Queen Elizabeth I (King Henry VIII´s and Queen Anne Boleyn´s daughter) picked up the buck, this was her first major problem that needed resolving. Freedom of choice!! You can be Christian or Catholic but you cannot go killing others who do not follow the same faith as you or go brow-beating any to do so! End of quote.
Once again we see that total dominance of the `holy church´ when coupled with the monarch of the day. This particular family branch saw much blood spilled during their time as monarchs but Queen Elizabeth I had been imprisoned for most of her young life. She had been sat ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, just as I had been, hence giving my first book that title.
She had been sat on the sidelines of life but instead of plotting revenge and schemes by which to conquer and dominate, she actually got to doing some quality thinking and trying to see how to bring her barbaric nation of folk into some civilized form of human being (just like I am). And to a degree, she succeeded. I quote myself again:
The Christian churches are modest buildings, both in size and decor. The vicars, reverends and fathers, are modest in dress and tone. These are welcoming and uplifting places to be. Catholic churches are grandiose in every sense. I spoke of my Norwich Cathedral earlier on and there is a fine example of the grandiose. Spectacular craftsmanship indeed!
Catholic churches and cathedrals were designed and built to make the humble little folk FEEL even smaller still! This was the kingdom of god on Earth; imagine what it would be like in heaven?! They were meant, through their precious stained glass windows and gold painted adornments, to cast dazzling, coloured lights to blind the eye!
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Spells were cast in people´s minds of the life beyond this one; that place where we all long to go! Where all will be good and righteous; heaven! But there was no free pass to heaven; oh, NO! It has been man-kind´s world for a long, long time! NO, death was not the automatic pass key, oh, NO! You had to be free of sin for entry into heaven, otherwise you went to join the devil in the pit of flames; HELL!
Bearing in mind that these lice-riddled, half-toothless, disease-ridden, undernourished and of course, wholly uneducated and therefore, illiterate folk, on leaving this heaven on Earth, would trudge back to their hovels across the fields and muddy tracks, where another bowl of gruel would be their dinner, that it was not difficult for the insitting Catholic clergymen, to sell the DREAM!!! End of quote.
The church both Christian and Catholic, need deep examination and an honest assessment of all that is connected with those two faiths which supposedly have a joint root! Maybe it would help initially to see why there are two faiths who share the same root and the same god! This is all about interpretations of an original ideal, that in itself, was completely flawed!
The divine right of our monarchs to lead over US and consider US as their subjects must be assessed as well. Who are they after all? Descendents of usurpers, invadors and conquerors, that it who they all are! Those who have been able to generationally increase their own family wealth and rank.
Those who have made strategical marriages intending to couple another family´s wealth to their own and increase their family´s size and importance. That is who these families are in truth! Therefore, they have been able to keep their status as our aristicracy, the wealthy, the titled people of this world. Those who inherit great wealth and ranking!
And their fortunes will last just as long as they can balance their accounts. But they have had the advantage of our law makers (they themselves), making great exemptions for these titled folk! Which has always provided them with loopholes within a national law, which the general public have never been EN-titled to!!
They are ALL GARDEN PARTIERS from birth. They have never known what it is to not have what they need but only THEY know what it is to have everything that they need and more besides!! These are the born GARDEN PARTIERS whose lives are a party!
So, unsurprising therefore that we, the US collective, aspire to living as they do. In our modern world of new technologies, there are those making fortunes comparable to our born with titles collective. The adopted GARDEN PARTIERS, those who rise up the echelons and find the doors of the aristocracy and monarchies opening to them!
That these adopted GARDEN PARTIERS then become political leaders, allows us to see a shift of partnering occurring. "Let us forget the gods, we are all intelligent folk! But how about WE become the gods ourselves! WE say what goes and if anyone challenges US, we can always count on an invisible god to back US!"
The monarchs and the political leaders teamed up and working together, have been invincible. Just as the monarchs teamed with the gods had been. Political leaders who team up with gods, run in plentiful supplies. That a male could lead WITH the help of righteous human beings and FOR righteous human beings, has hitherto been something of a dream!
That though, is how we begin to move, these partnerships have never delivered anything positive for the little US collective of the world who are of course, in the majority! Could we really have political leaders who really did have the right intentions and were prepared to work with ALL the experts in the world to find the ideal solutions to all of these man-made problems?
That is happening in some areas of the world but those are still the tiny minority. I quote myself again from the chapter:
No way did I want to remain ignorant about any little thing that caught my attention and I continue to be just the same. "I don´t know." Is probably the most frequently used answer to most questions. I have said before that much depends on interest levels, but not many seem to be interested in the why´s and wherefore´s of all things.
They are just prepared to accept and not really even need to know more. That would demand thought processing and well, "Haven´t I just voted that university graduate as national leader? Let HIM do the thinking, that is what HE is there for, after all! To think for ALL of US and make decisions for ALL of US." That is why these negative cycles never end, until maybe we have a female leader for a time!
The GARDEN PARTIERS be they by blood or by adoption, are a common enemy. The WAIVERERS are always a potential common enemy too, depending on the dominant male´s egotistical thermostat. The COOL HEADS and MARKET SQUARE HEROES can work together; so, where is the answer? End of quote.
We must as the general public, become more wise ourselves. If we allow so much unjust, unlawful skullduggery to go on in front of our very noses, then we can only accept the lot that comes to US. And that will surely always be the shorter end of the stick!!
We need the COOL HEADS and the MARKET SQUARE HEROES leading the way and hopefully being able to count on the support of many of those WAIVERERS. ALL of US together would surely out number the GARDEN PARTIERS of this world. They only make up one or two percent of their nation´s population after all.
Wealth has meant power though and that is the common enemy of the US collective. No, we cannot amass armies and weaponry and invade our GARDEN PARTIERS properties and take them over ourselves. But they have been able to amass their own protection forces and have a very substantial safety net around them.
All cycle breaking must be voluntary to have any lasting significance. This is about unity of purpose and part of that purpose must be to see the vast divide between the wealthy and the poor dramatically reduced.
The King of Morocco King Mohammed VI, is also profiled in this chapter taking it to its end.
The next chapter will be one that I enjoyed writing very much. BRAVE MEN, BOLD SONS, PRINCE CHARMINGS AND HISSING, SPITTING, VENOMOUS TOADS! I think that the majority of males on this planet Earth fall into one of these types. Many males overlap types of course; just look at our Prince Charmings who are in reality Hissing, Spitting, Venomous Toads!!!!!
So, check back for that if you would like to know what I have to say about the human males and their need to evolve and fast!! If you would like me to let you know when I publish my new posts, sign up to follow and I will keep you POSTED!
Thank you for giving me a little of your time and I hope that you have found something to get your thought processor activated today. Have a great day and bye for now.
I have added the links to this second book of mine to all the posts related to it but I shall leave it here for anyone who may be interested: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book
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