I quote myself from chapter thirty of my second book titled "ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT":
CROSSED WIRES! An apt title for the pre-penultimate chapter in this my second book in my Trains Of Thought series. Rumbling on with my Trains Of Thought leads me to those who have not been mentioned in any great detail as yet! Those with all their wires crossed; our new collectives of males who are calling themselves transgender folk!
As a biological female, I have never FELT anything other than female and have never had any desire to be male. I could have desired the same status as a male but definitely not to be one! That is to say, instead of being the permanent sexual object; I could have been treated as a person in my full right!
In my youth, as females we absolutely did see ourselves as our male´s interlectual equals, if not superiors! On the moral stakes; we were ever their superior´s by far! Off the back of our perceived equal status, as females, we are now seeing laws change to actually officially in law, give females equal rights!
The wheels move slowly, they do, but when you get an accumulated body of intelligent free-thinking women ALL pushing together; eventually the wheels will begin to move! If a few good males lent their support to the females, then surely those wheels would move a lot faster, would they not? That is what has always been missing! End of quote.
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Why has homosexuality been consistently prohibited world-wide? Does that in itself not tell us that homosexuality has always been prevalent amongst the humanoid male and to a much lesser extent, the humanoid female too. Why has it been deemed necessary for a male who has same sex preferences, to pretend to be heterosexual!
Is the not part of the reason for the long-term misery of many married women? You are in fact married to a man who is covertly homosexual but living under the accepted disguise of a heterosexual male, as man-kind would have him do!
Our males have had a stereotype forced upon them just as the females of the world have. How many males actually want to be nasty, aggressive, violent, hateful, cruel, bitter, vengeful, dominatory creatures like man-kind?
Transgender??? I do not think so! But maybe it is more the case of not identifying with the stereotype of man-kind´s making for a male. Females have had a little more room made available for human sentiment. Males have been expected to display no human sentiment at any time. Man-kind´s males are INVINCIBLE!!!
They can cope with anything! Nothing can cause them to be vulnerable, they are tough and mean. They do not have sentiment for others, only their own kind and that only when the conditions suit them ideally. The twisted loyalty of man-kind! "You scratch my back and I will scratch your´s!"
GROOMING, always grooming others to get what they want! No, man-kind´s breed of males do not suffer from sentiments, oh, no! "You GROOM me and I will GROOM you!" Their ability to relate to their fellow males exists exclusively on this principle!
I have no doubt at all, that a transgender male is not a female. But he certainly does not see himself as the typical man-made heterosexual male and so, interprets that as him not having any male characteristics! He believes that he is more like to a female and can express himself. He can allow himself to FEEL.
He has sentiments and emotions, which he wishes to share with other like-minded males. He is homosexual but he is not female, oh, no! He is a HUMAN male! I quote myself again:
That was over twenty years ago now and the males of Holland and Germany had been able to embrace their homosexuality far sooner than those here in Spain, for example! We have even come as far, thanks to these mature homosexual cultures working with educated female leaders and finding ever more educated members of the public who will support their freedom to be and allowing same sex marriage!
Homosexuality has begun to move away from stereotypical male same sex relationships and how are they supposed to be conducted! Does a male really want his male partner to be walking around looking like a male dressed in female clothes and trying to act like a female? If they are both homosexual; why can they not both act as two homosexual men?
Guides and guidelines! It is these nations who have seen very large numbers of same sex males congregating in cities and forming the "Collective"! Because of their refusal to go away and their refusal to be the stereotypical male, they have finally won the right, by the law, to have same sex partners and marry with them should that be their choice!
I believe the transgender "Collectives" are still lacking the courage to be same sex but as themselves as opposed to under disguise! Lack of confidence in oneself is the root of this; not actually liking oneself as the male or female that we have been born. Big noses, big ears, big everything is undesirable unless it be the penis or breasts!!
Where then, does the transexual fit in? Here we have a male who wants to be a female; following his perception of being female!!!! He wants to be treated with affection and kindness and be allowed his weaknesses and defects. Still though, he is wanting to partner with males but as a female; not as a male! This is where we get into real, lasting physical meddling with the body! End of quote.
Well, I am continually surprised at the lengths that males will go to not look like the males that they are in truth! But why concentrate on trying to look convincingly female instead of trying to make yourself more attractive as the male that you really are?
Yes, females are meddling with their bodies and faces on a scale never known before. But they are trying to achieve their ideal appearance as females not as males! The female perception of how she wishes to see herself, has been changing consistently through time.
Generations like my own, are those which have led to many of our freedoms of today. The freedom to have white hairs! The freedom to wear spectacles if you need them! The freedom to have lines on your skin as you age! The freedom to be carrying a few pounds of extra weight!
We have been the generations that have wanted to breakdown the stereotypes that had been made for us by man-kind. We have been the generations of females who have solidly supported female independence and to see the female as a full person in their own right, not just a sexual stimulation tool for a male to make use of!
And the rest of the time; clearing up behind HIM!! All for your board and lodgings! What a one-sided deal marriage always was. We have been the generations of females who have supported relationships without the need for marriage certificates and permission from gods above and on the ground!
We are the generations of females who have been in control of their sexual health and their maternity. We have been the beneficiaries of contraceptive methods and we have used them to ensure that children were born when desired and under no other circumstances! We have begun to control the population growth; the generations of females and males who are now between 55 and 85!
We are the generations of females who have spread sexual education to our children and applied it to ourselves, keeping our families to smaller, more financial viable sizes! Making us able to concentrate our efforts and monies into less children. Which has seen each consecutive generation become more sexually independent of man-kind and more sexually aware!
In spite of all of our teaching, sexually transmitted diseases are being spread in an unprecedented way in Spain. The transmission of correct sexual information has broken down. Man-kind is now gaining his sick, sexual charge again. Irresponsible young people with no sexual education that does not come from their mobile phone.
All man-made by members of man-kind! We are losing sexual ground that had been gained. Sexually transmitted diseases are nothing new; no, they have always been present. I have no doubt that the majority of our religious doctrines were introduced as a measure to control sexual transmitted diseases and try to maintain a healthy population!
I quote myself again:
Syphillis is an ancient affliction, as is HIV AIDS too; I am sure!
Homosexuality has always had a close relationship with sexually transmitted diseases and so sadly, by forcing homosexual males to marry women and father children (work tools), so have sexually transmitted diseases become a female affliction too! Religion has been enforced in an attempt to save certain groups of humans from extinction by their own hands; or, PENI better said!
The bi-sexual is the greatest threat that we all have. Man-kind through and through! Black or white; it does not matter! If it moves and has got a hole in it; it will do! This is why we must allow homosexuality world-wide, so that females can be freed from having to live with homosexual males whose society dictates that they must marry, live with and impregnate a female!
Therein the reason for so many still births, miscarriages and children born with sickness and deformity! Man-kind dictated that all males had to reproduce; one of his worst errors! If females were allowed to choose who fathered their children and who they decided to spend their time with; I can assure you that HOMO ERECTUS would be long gone!
He knows that! He knows that he is in the minority; which is why his fear is permanent! He awaits only for all of us to wake up to his truth, that he is the least evolved both physically and mentally, of all the human species on Earth today! Just as he has wiped out great populations of humans, ancient and modern, he wonders just how much longer he can keep us all in ignorance! End of quote.
I continue to look at the male inferiority complex and a topic that I touched on recently, the male TRANS in female sporting competions. Also just how close we really are to accepting a third gender of human beings within our midst. Can we not see that these are males who do not want to play the part of the sterotypical, man-made, chauvinist B*****D!
The next chapter is titled Conclusions Of Another Full Circle and that is the penultimate chapter of the book. So, do come back again to finish up this review of my second book published titled: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book
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