What a month!! And I still do not really understand how viewers can find my blog. I do currently have an SEO rating of 96% which really cannot be TOO bad, now can it? The structure of my blog has now reached a perfect 100%, WOW!! Even on the first crawl of my seo checker, I had a 95% score of my structure.
I think it was that knowledge that gave me the courage to continue trying to work this blogsite. Without knowing much at all on the technological side, I had a very good structural frame for my blog. I was horrified to find that my content though, scored only 1%. WHAT? How can all of this beautiful writing earn just 1%?
So much more to learn about blogging it seemed. Maybe it was all beyond my capabilities? But little by little I have found the solutions to what seem like ridiculous issues and indeed it is still one of the most ridiculous issues that prevents my content score going above the 98% that it has now reached. Yes, if you can see the light, it will make all the difference!
But the tech and meta rating is the one that seems to be an ongoing learning curve which seems to be slowly, so very slowly, gaining ground to have peaked so far, at 94%. Giving my site an overall seo rating of 97%, a gain of 60%. I thought I was at last getting somewhere!
Not so! I am still invisible on Google search engines. My blog title does not exist! Now I am realizing that there is yet more to learn about internet visibility and whilst I have got a pretty solid blogsite, it and its contents, are still largely invisible to the search engines.
Site mapping and page indexing seem to be the next major issue. I am still a long way from being clear on this one, just as I have a recurring issue on my blog that I just cannot see how to resolve. Time will tell and I shall keep on trying to make myself visible to the wider world!
When I started this blog almost ten months ago, I did have a clear idea of where I wanted to go with it. It was to be my platform on which to talk about my own books. Two of which I had already written and safe in the knowledge that there would be many more books to come from me.
As I cannot speak openly about my work in my own circles, I need to be able to speak openly about them somewhere because to not do so, would be to leave them as invisible as I have become. I am a COVERT AUTHOR and WRITER who is COVERT because I live with a COVERT NARCISSIST. I write under the cover of secrecy and an adopted name!!
This now being my 100th post to be written, coming in at an average of 4,000 words per post, I have now written down on my blog, over 400,000 words. And still no comments! This continues to play on my mind of course! Can my viewers really find nothing to say at all? I am writing always on the most important subjects that affect us ALL!
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I am dedicated to speaking only the truth and there is where maybe the big issue lies. The TRUTH does not always make for pleasant reading, does it? And the TRUTH of man-kind and the world that he has set up for us all to live in, really does hold so much that is negative, as to wish to turn a blind eye, look the other way, brush it under the carpet, bury your head in the sand, etc.
Yes, we have many sayings that have a similar meaning, don´t we? The meaning of them all being that we will choose to ignore the ugly truths by preference, rather than acknowledge them and try to see how we could change those truths to something that we could all wish to know!
Last month (August), I was overjoyed to see that ALL my Pages were opened and ALL my posts minus one, were also opened. That is just what I would ideally like to see; my blog being explored. February 2023 had been my best month to date for views (2,149) but they were, for some reason unknown to myself, all concentrated on one post!
I never knew what happened there, the views were flooding in and yet not one comment at all! I FELT at that time, that at last the wind had picked up my name and was spreading it around! Maybe it was! But none of those viewers FELT any need to say anything to me, the writer of the post! That FELT very disappointing to me!
September 2023 has seen 3,244 views to my blog and each and every post and page has been opened many times. That has FELT better to me. But I also realized that because I have the two latest posts on view on the blog page, they do not need clicking on from the POST PAGES INDEX (left-hand panel), until they are replaced with newer posts!
This month has seen me reduce the number of posts on display to just the one most recent post. Even so, all of my posts written prior to September 2023, are listed on their respective Pages and their clicks are readable, I think!
The most viewed post that was clicked, was Post No.20 of the On The Outside Looking In Posts, which is listed on Page 2 of the On The Outside Posts and it was opened 15 times! That may not seem like a lot to you but to me it is welcome news! This is the link to that post should you FEEL like having a look: NARCISSISTS IN THE MAKING!
There were 3 Posts in second place with 13 clicks and 7 Posts in third place with 12 clicks each! Gradually, all my Posts are being opened and hopefully, read! But with this my 100th post to be written; why no comments? Early days maybe?
I suppose in the first instance you do need viewers to find your site but then, you need them to want to explore your site further, do you not? So, I could say that to a degree I am succeeding there as there were 3,244 visits to my site and ALL the posts and pages were opened many times.
Is that progress though, I ask myself? It must be, must it not? Or at least, I convince myself that I have to see it that way! But I know inside that I still FEEL that I am failing to engage with any one person. I am failing in interesting any one person. No one person FEELS that they have anything to say to me with regards to my writing!
I am FAILING in making contact with the outside world, which is my aim. I am FAILING in my quest to find other like minded people out there in the world. I wish to share communications with other like minded people and in that I am FAILING each and every month so far!
I just cannot stop asking myself why? Who are the viewers? I know where they are viewing from, ALL minus those who get given "OTHER", which I dislike so much! There were no less than 115 viewers from "OTHER" last month and I long to know where those viewers are in this world.
I FEEL invisible but I also FEEL that many folk may be choosing to stay invisible to me. That is of course, a personal choice and I would never be forceful. The human psychology is what it is and my mind cannot stop asking why no one has anything to comment?
Therefore, in my overall purpose, YES, I am FAILING. But in my underlying purpose, which is to prevent myself from stagnating and being consumed by my narcissist partner´s toxic shadow of death, I am succeeding! This blog to me is my life-line! That something which is growing and developing before my own eyes.
Something creative that is stimulating my brain. That is quite probably an understatement actually! What with the SEO challenges and the Indexing challenges, I am having to work my brains pretty hard to try and understand all of these technical bits and pieces that are so crucial to the visibility of the blogsite in the first instance.
It is the brain activity which is so essential to me. I need something central in my life to concentrate upon; a reason to be at this ugly moment in time! To give myself some relevance and FEEL some sense of something.
Inevitably I FEEL so many different sensations throughout a calendar month and to have seen so much regular movement on my blogsite this September, well, I have FELT a new sensation briefly. That being the FEEL that I was no longer totally INVISIBLE! No longer totally MUTE! It FELT very pleasant while it lasted!
Because yes, I had no less than 2,720 views from Singapore last month. No comments at all! I have to be patient; what else can I do? Thank you all in Singapore and all of you from those "OTHER" lands for giving me a lift in morale. I do so hope that you will become regular viewers, that would be what I would call success!
Many thanks to you all for your interest, I truly would love to hear from you ALL. Until the next post; have yourselves a great day full of learning!
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