Having spent the last two chapters of my book ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT with Eleanor of Aquitane, in this chapter I am focusing on the little women and men, the ordinary, average folk who typically have limited finances with which to live their lives!
Do we fare any better in our relationships? We certainly did see an era of improvement in the female conditions within a married relationship but the same institution of marriage is finding ever less takers year on year here in Spain. Add to that, the divorce numbers are increasing steadily by year too. Not surprising therefore, that the new birth numbers are dropping each year as well!
We had one of our far-right wing politicians make the following statement (2022) and I quote myself from this chapter:
I looked at changing relationships and our expectations of them in my first book ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN. We really are not doing much better than many other generations on the happiness levels at all, are we? We are making the wrong choices many times, but it seems to me that young, modern males do not want to be used sexually and then left alone again!
Equality, how about males get used to being treated in the same way that they have ever treated women? How about we get truthful and start teaching males of their sexuality and of female sexuality! Sadly though, we are going backwards here in Spain on this front. Yes, women in Spain have access to safe abortion and the day after pill; for which we must be truly grateful!
"We are having sexual relations for pleasure!" stated a politician by the name of Juan Garcia Gallardo. Thinking on this statement for a moment or two after having exploded into stunned disbelief, I thought, "Holy shoot! It has taken you two million years to come to that conclusion HOMO ERECTUS?" He was of course insinuating that we as women, are only having sexual relations for motives of pleasure seeking!
We are forgetting that sexual intercourse is for the begetting of children ONLY and that, ONLY in wedlock! Having spent the last few days with Eleanor in the twelfth century and speaking of the rise of catholicism and its moral laws, well, you can see why I am so stunned!
Can this really be true? I would so love to ask this male´s partner, be they female or male, about his sexual demands upon them! He says correctly, I believe too, that we have become sexualized. On that he is SO right! We have male sexual activity being thrust at us literally as females, from every angle. It is inescapable. The problem with this though, is that the sexual frustrations of ALL, are now barely containable!
Leading the way in Spain was of course, their King, in this case Alfonso XIII. He was very, highly sexed and made no secret of his brothel crawling and bringing prostitutes to the royal palaces! Nothing new there then! Film was still a new found science but those with money could get into film. Alfonso XIII thought it would be a good idea to film people enjoying sexual activity!
The King of Spain filmed the first pornographic films made in Spain and he himself, took part in the action; in front of the camera and not behind it!!!! This was the closest that Spain has come as yet to throwing off the cloak of catholicism, during this period in time. Sadly, it was seen as the useful control tool that it is and here we have a modern politician trying to lay biblical laws on us!!!! End of quote.
Our sexual instinct is undeniable and if we do not receive sexual stimulation/satisfaction with our partner, then we will always be dreaming of having those sensations fulfilled by another who is not our partner. So, why stay with your partner?
I speak repeatedly of the different expectations that as males and females, we have of a permanent relationship with a member of the opposite sex. Males, I believe, were not meant to be permanent sexual partners to women. We were not meant to stay in permanent relationships with a male, unless he was fully meeting ALL of our needs!
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I quote myself again:
When, I ask again, are the good men of this world going to find some courage and stand up against man-kind along with the females? It is because of your protection that this continues! But at the same time, what are WE doing to find out why we have converted our young male population into rapists and killers of females and their children?
I will tell you! Shine the light and the women will walk towards it; we will follow our own lead! Instinctively we ALL know that it is towards the light and out of your dark shadows, so, it will always be in the opposite direction to where you are! Shine a light to MAN-KIND and what happens? Panic, overload of fear; I am blind, I cannot see in the light. HELP! Back to the shadows and the safety of MAN-KIND´S blind, world of darkness.
We are not teaching males to be human beings who think with the head on their shoulders and have aspirations to live life as independent males, embrace their homosexuality if that be the case, allow ALL other males their homosexual freedom too and also, that females can and will make their own decisions in every area of life. Why can males not do the same?
Because they are not being taught independence skills, are they? At best they are being taught how to read and write hopefully and maybe learn a skill of some sort. You have to train the useless tool before you can put it to good use, don´t you? So, they are being roughly taught financial independence skills. So far, so good! If that we were able to manage full scale!
Who is teaching them how to live without their mother, who does just about everything for them; if not they get stroppy! Anything for a quiet life!! And of course, the bigger they get; the stroppier they get! You can try, try, try and keep trying as I did but when the male example that you have is just a larger version of the little one, you realize that you have got it all against you! End of quote.
A female can well look after herself independently if she has a financial income. She does not need a male partner for his financial support and she does not need a male partner for guidance. Neither does she need a male partner to give her permission to do all that she needs to do. What she needs is a male partner who will recognize her worth as an independent female.
I quote myself once more:
Our males need us to look after them and that is exactly what a female does not want to do! She does not see that as part of a relationship now. We do these things together; between us! Cut the sexism, this is your home too. You live here too, you eat here too, etc.. So, do your damned bit too; lazy waster! You are not paying me, so, do your own dirty work!
Oh, yes, isn´t ninety percent of what needs doing because of HIM! Like all women ever wanted to do was treat this male as an overgrown boy. They are pathetic to the very extreme and females can see this, hence the drop in birth rates, marriages and a steady increase in the divorce numbers. As HE is; we do not need MAN-KIND!
I believe that the only lead that women need from men, is the leading towards sexual satisfaction. Isn´t this where nearly all women are deceived? As a male only has male sexual guidance, well, of course, he has very limited sexual knowledge. I am afraid to say it but males are very PRUDISH! They will impose their very, tight sexual limits upon you.
Hence there being no reason to repeat performance! Ever trying to find a sexual partner who is your equal. This is surely the reason for homosexual relations; the strong desire to be sexual equals. End of quote.
I continue all through the chapter to explore the pyhsical and psychological differences of the human female and male and how those differences make us largely incompatible sexually. Same sex relationships now have a legal status in many parts of the world and I personally, see this as perfectly natural human behaviour.
I would go further than that though and state that it is my belief that males of the man-kind breed, are by majority homosexual, which is why as women, we struggle to find willing sexual partners, who also wish for reciprocal interactions!
Setting up the next chapter, number thirty titled, CROSSED WIRES and you may well guess where that chapter is going! Yes, ALL of our males who really are getting their wires crossed in a whole range of new gender identities. So, come back to read my review of that chapter. I have got one step ahead of myself and in fact there are three more chapters left to go!
My book can be found on most of the Amazon sites and I will give you here the .com links to the book: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book Many thanks for reading my words today. What do you think about sentimental relationships? Are you happy in your´s?
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