Greetings to you my new readers from Nigeria, I am very excited to see some viewers come in from the African continent. Someone up in Russia looked my way this week too and it has been without a doubt, my best week of blogging so far!
I am still struggling to fully understand the ins and outs of SEO, although I have currently got a 97% SEO rating but there are still things that I have not got technically spot on yet with Google! I will keep trying as I FEEL that maybe I am still largely invisible to the search engines.
Not being possessed of much "COMMON SENSE", typical INFJ type as I am, I think that finally something which has been nagging away at me since day one of my blogging career, has dawned on me. That is that all of the blog viewers will see the newest two posts on their screen. Which means that they do not click on those two posts, does it not?
I have been paying attention to the posts opened which are shown on my stats page and thinking, so if my posts have been opened just twenty times out of a hundred views to the blog, what about the other eighty viewers?
Right now in this, possibly dawning state of awareness, I am thinking more that, twenty viewers who have clicked onto my blog page, will then have clicked on another of my blog posts. Meaning, I think, that the other eighty did not look at another post. Or at least, they did not look at another post at that moment in time.
As we are very near to the end of another calendar month, as of next month, I will have just the most recent post displayed on the home page and all the rest will be filed on their relevant pages, all of which can be found in the left-hand panel of the home page. Plus my seo tool tells me that I have some slow loading issues and maybe that change will speed up the loading time!! It is worth a try!
My conclusions therefore, are that a lot of people are in fact viewing (because I cannot know if they are then reading the two most recent posts), the last two posts to be published but then do not explore any further on my blog, or at least, not at that moment they don´t!
What is really pleasing me this month again, is seeing that ALL of my posts have been opened and ALL of my pages have been opened. I will do a count up at the end of the month and update the viewing numbers on all the posts. And see how my viewers choose to explore my blog next month!
As I have a significant number of viewers from "OTHER", and I am sorry to not know where you are joining me from but because I do so value time and the time that others give to me, I will give another quick run down of the pages and posts.
Starting from the top of the left-hand panel on your screen, you will find Page One of the "Tales From The Tomb" posts. This is my most recent page of posts to be set up and will be growing as the weeks progress. This Page is for my abstract ramblings and will always be centred on human issues in particular, female and male psychology.
There will be 12 posts listed per page but for the moment there is just the one page.
Moving down and you will see Page One, Two and Three of the "On The Inside Looking Out" posts. ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT being the title of my second published book, which went live in August 2023. I am reviewing thoroughly that book chapter by chapter in these posts. There are just three more chapters to be reviewed and those posts will be added as they are published.
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At the same time, you can read my reflections of my own days lived, unhappily where I am at the moment and the day to day changes around me. I share my own FEELINGS with any who may wish to share them and get said on my blog all that I am not able to say out loud. ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback is the Amazon link to the book and this is for the e-book: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book
Underneath those, you will find the Pages One, Two, Three and Four of the "On The Outside Looking In" posts. These are all related to my very first book published which was titled by the same name, ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN and was published in August 2021.
This is where I began my blog and in the first posts you can find a full introduction to me and my ideas for this blog. You can find out who I am and what I am all about! What has influenced me throughout my life! How I see life from my standing view point in the world. These are my Trains of Thought and that is the name of my series of books, which for the moment has two members!
As well as my daily psychological ups and downs, I give a full insight into this very first book of mine. What inspired me to write it in the first place and all of the FEELINGS that have been instigated by this book, since it become a reality.
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Each chapter is reviewed and it was my hope that by reviewing my own books in detail, that I might encourage someone, somewhere, to want to have a read of them! I have a tumultuous life living with a narcissist and need to have something in my life that is growing and moving forward. And I shall leave you with the Amazon links to this book here: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book
That is my blog and my writing career; my life-line at this moment in time!
TRAINS OF THOUGHT................ I have had so much free time available for thinking in the last few years, that I have come to wish to do nothing other than think. My greatest joy is to have the time to be able to follow my TRAINS OF THOUGHT as far as they will run. Having done so much of that, I have found myself overflowing!
Hence my writing career and this blog! I am overflowing with things to say always.
So, far be it from me to TELL anyone how to view my blog but I do truly think that if one could start from the beginning (all the posts are listed chronologically and numbered), then maybe they could truly COME ON BOARD with me and my TRAINS OF THOUGHT.
They are continuous; threads that keep unravelling further and further, as I think more and more on them. New enlightenment becomes mine and I try to encompass all my learnings and share them with others. Without real wisdom, we will not get far at all.
WHO AM I, your narrator? AN ADVOCATE INFJ-T REVEALED IN NUMBERS, WELL MET! That link will give you a very good idea as to who I am. It was my second post and as such, can be found on Page One of the "On The Outside Looking In" posts!
Though what I would like MOST of ALL; is to know who you ALL are! I did say that I would come back to the silence of my viewers again, I had already written a post on that very subject. UNDERSTANDING SILENCE, WHAT DOES IT MEAN? There is a link to that post which was published in February 2023 and that post is listed on Page Four of the "On The Outside Looking In" posts.
An informative post for you today therefore but I will now get on with my book review and it will be added to Page Three of the "On The Inside Looking Out" posts. This one will go into Page One of the "Tales From The Tomb" posts!
So, to resume this guide in short: The "On The Outside Looking In" Post Pages were the first phase of my blogging, they began, they ran and they completed their purpose which was to review in detail my first book. They were written and published between mid-November 2022 and mid-March 2023.
The "On The Inside Looking Out" Post Pages, belong to the second phase of my blog. Reviewing my second book. I began to write and publish these in mid-March 2023 and still have a few more posts to write and add to the last of these Pages, which is Page Three.
And the latest addition, phase three, recently begun in mid-August 2023, is the "Tales From The Tomb" posts which will be based on my ongoing Trains Of Thought.
Help yourselves, my blog is for sharing and if you find a post of interest, please do share it with your contacts. Is anyone talking to their contacts about anything that they have read on my blog posts? There is certainly a lot of food for thought here; that is my aim! How hungry are my readers for more FOOD FOR THOUGHT?
Only you, the individual reader can answer that question! But I would still love to hear from you ALL.
Until the next post, I wish you all happy learning and keep those thought processors (your brain´s) moving. Have a great afternoon.
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Hi there reader, what do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts on my trains of thought. GO AHEAD! Air those thoughts too! I have no taboos!