After a week´s break from writing I am back at the keyboards again and there is no putting off the inevitable, which is rounding off my reviews of my second piece of published work titled, ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT.
Having had my best month yet by viewer interest last month, this month seems to be leaning in completely the opposite direction. I have achieved an all-time high SEO rating this week, now at 98%, my goodness, I am not really sure what my last tweeks did but my tech and meta rating is now at 98%, as are the structure and content ratings too.
I am definitely heading in the right direction though there are still some of the same issues lingering that I still cannot find how to resolve. I must keep faith in myself to continue believing that I will learn all that I NEED to learn in time!! However long that space of time may turn out to be! This could be about patience more than anything else!
The final chapter of my book is titled quite simply, CONCLUSIONS. I finished my first book with a chapter of the same name in which I had a look at where I could place my faith, in what I could believe in and where I could maybe find hope. THOSE CONCLUSIONS AT LAST!! is the link should you wish to have a look back at that.
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So, I thought to round off this book which I was FEELING very saddened at doing, I would check back on myself and see if I had had any reason for having faith, believing in anything and actually having any real hope.
I quote myself from the beginning of this last chapter:
Homo Erectus was and still is, prevalent in our modern males and females. This Alpha male, is the life strategy that we must break. We developed as humans as the Wodaabe people have shown me. I believe that there are far less Homo Erectus genes on the African continent than in Europe and our male-female relationships and families today, reflect that.
What to say then Alpha male, when a gang of useless tools, who are also at that same time spare parts of the human male kind, all consensually work together to track and hunt down a pretty, young female, then knock her unconscious, all take their turn at mating with her and then kill her?
Cut up her body into pieces consensually between them and dispose of a young female human being! Then carry on as usual, having of course, shared the live and direct video images of them all mating with an unconscious female, then killing and dismembering her!
I cannot fully understand this; I cannot! We are, by leaving these useless tools to continue to be useless tools, allowing them to continue to be spare parts. What chance have they got of usurping any leader; useless tools that they are? By physical confrontation of course! Homo Erectus lives on; he does! End of quote.
I continue with this lack of male independence from their own parents and then being able to exist independently from females. It really does seem to me that the average male is becoming redundant in every sense. He has no purpose in life at all. He contributes nothing positive to life at all. They join together in bands and work off their primary instincts!
We really are failing educationally and socially, to force man-kind to evolve once and for all into a human specie, that no longer presents such a danger for all human beings around the globe. There is a need for all of us to have a purpose in our lives. I FELT the same sat ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, the title of my first book and there is a link to Amazon.com for any who might be interested.
I have made emptying out my head my purpose for the moment. Clearing this demon that is my partner, out of my heart and out of my brain. Not maybe my chosen purpose in life but I see it as preparation for that new day that I hope will be mine, one day!
We all need reasons to get up every day and have a routine, stability, regularity, seeing much of our time filled each day. We all need to communicate with other fellow human beings and share all that we do and the sensations/emotions derived from all of our daily activities. We are group animals, though we can see clearly that it is our males who upset the family balance!
Moving on and I was suitably impressed by the plans of the Moroccan government to legalize their internal (rather large), production of cannabis. I quote myself from the chapter:
I believed that the upcoming changes in Morocco regarding the legalization of the cannabis production would lead to an increase in production here in Spain and a large increase in policing as a result.
Yes; spot on but it was inevitable! I also believe that legalization will occur here in Spain and in the wider European continent. We will have to go through the decriminalization process first but I do not think that we are far away from that. Other more pressing issues crop up and have to take priority! Fair enough! The loss is not mine personally but it is our government´s!
I said I had faith in Mr. Morocco (King Mohammed VI) to be as good as his word and for now, he is following up! The Royals of Spain were also on my list and I have seen them continue to behave in a more powerful way by being more low-key. Their finances have been made available to the general public to scrutinize; they are becoming more transparent! That is what is needed from them if they are to serve as a good example!
So, I continue to believe in the Moroccan and Spanish Califas and our national government (Spain) too. There are no magic wands and no quick solutions. When whole, long, lengthy chains of harmful, detrimental characteristics need breaking down totally; the links all need disposing of totally as well! End of quote.
Yes, I have been pleasantly surprised by the Royal houses of Morocco and Spain. There is a visible recognition that there must be much change within those houses and the way in which they live. Their survival in the long-term really does hang in the balance, I FEEL. Maybe more tenuously the Spanish Royal house than the Moroccan at this point in time.
Still some belief and some who have lived up to my expectations of them. Faith and belief are intrinsically linked of course and I will keep my faith with those Royal houses and continue to support their moves towards being more honest as the senior house-holders of their respective nations. I quote myself again:
Faith, well, I am still trying to build faith in myself and faith in female leadership. No, there will not be any miracle working but at least there will be some cleaning up and some thoughts turned towards the little people of the nation; the doers, who keep the thinker´s ideas and plans in motion. I have to keep faith in their intention to instrument and conduct, all the necessary changes.
COVID-19, well, I can remember right back in the spring of 2020 when I first started penning down my thoughts, a British scientist predicted that we would still be living hard with this virus and it would be towards the end of 2023 before we could call it endemic and not pandemic!
We would have it as non-existent although it continues to be pandemic. Only China continue to battle hard every day to prevent transmission and the consequent unnecessary loss of life. A job which the rest of the world in their foolish laxity, are rendering impossible.
Whilst China continue to become wiser, we choose to become even more blind and therefore, more foolish. I have faith in the Chinese nation and their leader to continue leading the way and it is because of this nation that hope will never die for me. End of quote.
And so are faith and hope intrinsically linked as well. If you can believe in someone/something, you can place your faith in them/that and by doing so, you will FEEL hopeful that something positive will be the outcome. What we all need is to see our hopes realized.
Hope for others who currently have no means of improving their own situation still lies in the hands of our volunteer organizations. I spent some time looking at the options available to work on volunteer programmes and was surprised at just how many different volunteer networks actually exist and the vast variety of volunteer work available.
I shall wind up my review of this final chapter with another quote from it, as having seen all the different possibilities of volunteering, well, I am reminded that there is a real world out there full of righteous and worthy people who have a very, real need of help.
No shortage of stimulation then if I find myself one day again with an income of my own and the power of decision as to how I use it. I will keep preparing myself for that day, though when it comes, I will have that week´s sleep first to fully recharge the batteries and hopefully, when I peel open my crusty chrysalis, I will find that my wings have grown back and I can fly again!
North or South will be the dilemma then though, won´t it? I will have to follow the birds my friends and follow the winds. When they blow from the North, it is time to move South and keep moving South until the Northern wind is no longer troublesome. When those hot, tropical rains of the south come, they signal the move Northwards.
Finding the hot, Saharan summer breeze, I will float slowly Northwards and further North until the hot Southern winds are no longer troublesome. Such are the erratic weather patterns that we are already seeing, hots and colds are coming out of turn! Well read weather patterns have been altogether altered.
I can foresee flying back and forth and to and fro as my future. Semi-nomadic until one needs to make change; if indeed one does! In my immediate future, I now have the challenge of typing up 416 pages of writing. Already I am beginning to suffer withdrawal symptoms just thinking of the close of this project that has become my life-line! End of quote.
I finish up by going back to the Chaturanga board of the Russia - Ukraine conflict and get up to date with the situation over there. Massive areas of natural land were burnt by forest fires that summer 2022 and I also saw flames out of my back window, as I tell.
I win my bet to myself, which was that I would finish writing a second book before any of those who had my first book, would get back to me regarding that book. How sad it can be living with an INFJs eyes; x-ray eyes. Sadly, I know people inside out, they are pretty transparent!
And still one year on from writing those last paragraphs of my second book; I have heard nothing!!!
I HOPE that you have enjoyed my book reviews and that maybe you would feel interested in reading the whole book fully. It is available of course, on the majority of the Amazon sites and I will leave you today with links to the .com site: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT e-book and ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT Paperback
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