Some of you may have read by now my post titled: FINDING THAT POINT OF COMFORTABLY NUMB which I published on the 19th January 2023. I was in the final weeks of my former life and in full preparation for this new era, which has recently passed its six month stage! That a female has to spend so much time and effort in psychological and emotional preparation for full-time life with their long-term partner, I think speaks for itself!
A comfortable retirement full of joy, it was never going to be. It was always going to be what I could make it within the small array of possibilities that I had available to me. No, I certainly did not expect to be jumping with joy at any moment in predictable time! But I did know that I had to find a better way of coping and trying to neutralize much of the toxicity in my own home space.
Sharing it twenty-four hours a day with a narcissist, was always going to be an enormous challenge. This post I wrote on the eve of that new era of my life (09/02/23): FLOATING INTO AN UNKNOWN FUTURE; BACK TO DRY LAND? as I was trying to see how I would now navigate my thoughts at least, if not my own boat as yet!
My invisibility from him, is crucial to my well-being. But it is so difficult to be in the line of vision twenty-four hours a day and keep all your emotions and thoughts occulted from your space sharer!! Therein a very uncomfortable and frustrating existence in a COMPLETELY NUMB state of action! The brain running at high speed as always but now unable to find the space in which to express and convey all of those trains of thoughts!
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The transition from Completely numb to Comfortably numb, does take some time. The space in between is a BEING space and I have had two and a half hours of just BEING, so, I will now make use of this brief window of expressive exposure and continue with my review of my second book ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT, which is now on sale.
Here are your links to the .com Amazon site but the book is available on the majority of the Amazon sites. The paperback link: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT and the e-book link: ON THE INSIDE LOOKING OUT
On then to chapter twenty-four which is titled WHERE ARE THOSE GOOD MEN? Well, they certainly have not been in leadership positions, have they? And I am continuing my in depth look at some of the major male players on the shatranj board that was (and still is), in play! Onto Mr. UK now, who at that time of writing, came in the form of Boris Johnson; the second of the three blondes!!!
I quote myself from the beginning of this chapter:
To become "WORLD KING" was one of his earliest ambitions!! Starting on that course, he learnt fox hunting as one of his pursuits!! Owing to his father´s career, the family were moved around a lot. He spent two years in Brussels and then returned to a boarding school where began his interest in Latin and Ancient Greek.
Having received a `King´s Scholarship´ for Eton College, he began to develop the personality traits that are so visible now! That being 1977; one of the best musical years in our life-times!! He was well known for his lack of punctuality, his laziness and his complacency. Like I said, very visible character traits of his! End of quote.
He went on to study the English language and The Classics, then took a year out in which he taught Latin and English down in Australia prior to winning another scholarship which took him to Oxford University. He there studied further classics, classical philosophy and ancient literature. Pretty wise choices, I would say, for one who was aiming at being "World King".
After completing his degree he had a spell in communications with two of the British national newspaper groups but political involvement was his aim always and it was in 2001, that he was elected as the Member of Parliament (MP) for his local constituency. From there he enjoyed two terms as the Mayor of London before focusing his attentions on the top job of Prime Minister.
I quote myself again:
This man knows not the meaning of the word diplomacy! He wears lead boots but sees nothing wrong with that! He could not tell the truth even by accident!! Lying has been inbred, ingrained and studied in depth! Lies and cover-ups being the basic strategy!
The 24th July 2019 saw him take the top job of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the rest as we say, is HIS-STORY!! Just like most of our HIS-STORY, this HIS-STORY is not making very nice reading but of course, as his ultimate ambition is to be "WORLD KING", he fancies himself as a winner on whatever field of play!
Sorry, Mr. UK, there are leagues out there and you assume the right to belong always to the Premier League. But you sink lower and lower and move closer to relegation! If you do not wake up and get some active change happening quickly, you will see how you really will not be missed in the major fixtures; not at all!
Now, you can well believe that I have not wanted to dedicate two pages writing up this variant MAN-KIND, well read as he is in the "CLASSICS", that he makes "CLASSICAL" decisions which have all the "CLASSICAL" consequences. End of quote.
I move on to the new President of the USA, Joe Biden and examine his long road up to the top job. The third of the three blondes, he is the senior of those three too. He certainly has had a long and varied career in which he has suffered many ups and downs but he has systematically worked hard to maintain support and as such, always manages to bounce back.
It was he who was largely responsible for the initiation of peace talks with the IRA (Irish Republican Army) and remembering those times, teenager as I was then, I go spiralling off down my memory´s lane, back to a music gig by Marillion and talk of those days of my youth and how we were thinking at that time.
I think I was born into a generation of children, all of whose parents had known war and many of our grandparents had known more than one war. Our grandparents and parents had lived through and survived, times of conflict and war. They knew the living and dying realities of conflict and war. They did not ever want to know war again.
As such, we were born into a peaceable environment and taught to communicate better than they had been. I believe that we were born and bred as pacifists. I enjoy wallowing in the yesteryear of politics and my musical pillars of youth!
I refer to a song titled "Forgotten Sons" which was written by Marillion and played at the gig re-lived in this chapter. The lyrics spoke of the wasteful death of young men in combat. All being trained to kill and then die by their master´s orders. I quote myself again from this chapter:
The cannon fodder who will just be replaced with more of the same and all you get for that is a post-humous award and a brief mention on a news bolletin. Just numbers as soldiers and just numbers as the fallen heroes! The sadness of man-kind´s leadership by the force of war; stealing mothers son´s to be that killing force who will do the fighting for him!
The day that variant man-kind does his own dirty work for himself will be a good one; it will mean that he has run out of henchmen!! Rather like those foolish action hero/villain films where dozens, even hundreds, have to be killed before the inevitable one on one, head to head finale occurs!
What makes me laugh here though, is the fact that, in spite of all the high tech weapons that have been sampled and showcased, none of these were able to do the job, were they? The big boss is still not going down and so it has to be the hands on job, does it not? One to one! You and me, buddy! Do or die; this town ain´t big enough for the both of us!
It is pathetic, it really is! So, with bare hands and traditional physical combat, the film winds up with a sweaty victor, or as in many other cases, a victor without so much as a hair out of place, who now has the respect of every male in the neighbourhood and of course, he now takes his choice among the local females!!
SHE, inevitably!!!!!!! Swoons into his arms and they all lived happily ever after. OH; DREAM ON, DO! And there is our problem again. We never get beyond that point, do we and these films are males primary education tool; they learn from this!! Now it was one thing to have the strapping Johnny Weissmüller (Tarzan), leaping around the jungle in a leather loin cloth and quite another today´s macho male! End of quote.
In the next chapter, I find out more about the Chinese President Xi Jinping and assess these important, power leaders and classify them into my female classification scheme not the man-made one and Marillion, one of my favourite bands, lyrically accompany me, along with Bob Marley too, as I evaluate these political figures and their worth!
Welcome to new readers from the British Virgin Islands, so wonderful to have your attention, I hope you will check back with me again. Singapore, my friends! Thanking you for looking my way and exploring my blog, I would love to hear your thoughts from your sides of the world. If you would like to be notified of my new posts, why not beome a follower?
Until the next post, I wish you all a wonderful afternoon full of learning. For any who may be interested in my first book, I will leave you with their links: ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN e-book and ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN Paperback
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